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Death & Resurrection - Part 2

Posted on 04 Nov 2015 @ 2:13am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Nicholas Means & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Lieutenant Adani Mila
Edited on on 02 Dec 2015 @ 2:42am

1,084 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Achilles / USS Freedom

Travis was still recovering from the shock of this one. An engineering background screamed that this was supposed to be impossible, while his instinct kept repeating this was a way of death no one deserved. "Understood, we'll hold position and get the CAP out immediately. I'd recommend a fleet-wide broadcast though after you speak to the Freedom's crew, this is the kind of thing that spreads at slipstream speeds." Before Da'nal could respond, Travis pulled out the PaDD and started typing in the orders to go out.

Da`nal nodded at his XO's suggestion. "Agreed"

Alorha simply nodded silently and turned her attention back to the remains of the Commander Pike. She wanted to spare the medical crew as much as possible so she had a cover replicated to place over him. Ironically the only way to move the body was through a site to site transport, which she initiated to move him to sickbay where she could conduct an autopsy and somehow place his remains in a capsule that would not expose to all the crew how horrific the result of the accident was.

Mila rejoined Da'nal and the others. "Sir, I am at your disposal until you are able to wake the new command officer."

With the announcement to the Freedom's crew made all that remained was to return to the Achilles to, inform the rest of the group, as well as, revive and brief the 'backup' CO. "If you could see, or have someone see to Commander Pikes personal effects the Doctor and I will return to the Achilles while the engineers investigate the cause of the incident." He didn't interrupt the Doctor, she knew he would be waiting for her in the shuttle bay.

The trip to the shuttle bay seemed longer than the trip from. No one stopped him but he had to return the looks of morning and sorrow with his own looks of reassurance and confidence. Once in the bay he entered the shuttle and took a seat and sent out a general hail to all three ships. "To all ships & personnel, this is Commodore Da`nal. It is my sad duty to inform you that a member of the crew, Commander Jonathan Pike, Commanding office of the USS Freedom has been lost in a tragic accident. Commander Pike never once hesitated to do his duty and his dedication to his ship and crew is an example for all."

Sometime later...

[USS Achilles - Stasis Bay]

Nick could feel things feel the world around him coming into focus even though his eye was still closed. Either the mission was over and they were on their way home or something had gone wrong, but from the lack of other noise he assumed the latter. Opening his eye he looked around to see both Commodore Da`nal and Doctor Grange, looking exactly the as he remembered them. Leaning out and looking down the row of cryo-units, "Well this can't be good. You two don't look any older, I'm the only one being revived, and...with all due respect look like you just had been gut punched."

Nick was right, she did feel exactly like she had been punched. She attempted a brave smile, but it lasted a mere moment, her face settling to be as composed as she possibly could. Leaning slightly forward she checked his vitals. "Good to see you Commander," she said quietly. "I am afraid the circumstances of your being wakened are more morbid than any of us would have preferred..." The actual news was the Commodore's to share. She nodded in his direction to let him know that Nick's vitals were all good. Alorha had not had a chance to assimilate what had happened and what she had seen, and her body was starting to respond to the trauma. She quickly caught the slight tremor in her hands, focusing her attention on Nick and Da'nal. This could not be easy for him, and wouldn't be for Nick either.

Nick looked at her boss knowingly, their eyes locked, as they had both glimpsed the doctors trembling. Thinking to himself, ~What ever had happened must have been really bad to put the shakes into the task groups CMO.~ He stepped out of the chamber testing his legs, "Commodore; why don't we talk a walk, allow me to stretch my legs while you bring up to speed. Afterward, I can stop by sickbay to see the good doctor to get the official green light."

Da`nal nodded. "An excellent idea Commander. I will meet you in the corridor."

Nick understood and nodded. He passed between them with a glance to the doc, whatever had happened the Commodore felt he need to have some time alone with her.

The doors closed and Da`nal put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. They were all expected to do their duty, even in the harshest of circumstances but his experience had taught him that loss during battle was easier to deal with when in the heat of battle. Without the distractions of the moment the crew, especially those involved, tended to focus on the incident. "Alorah, I want you to take the rest of the day off. Spend some time on the holodeck, the promenade, whatever. Then I want you schedule some time to see Ayren. She may officially be the Ambassador but she has been a counselor."

She had never been advised to take a day off; she had only done so to others. Never had she thought she would see or experience something that would unsettle her this much. His hand brought more comfort than he could have realized. "I have too many things to do to take time off," she started protesting, but when she looked up to meet Dan'al's gaze, she realized that he would order her anyway. She nodded then, actually grateful. "Thank you... and I am sorry..." she said quietly.

"No need your sense of duty is commendable and the manner of Pike's death will not be easily anyone." He added the latter to let her know that he too was taken back when he saw what had become of Pike. With that he and Commander Means left so he could brief Means on the mission to date.


Commodore Da`nal

Commander Travis Stone

Lt. Commander Fanvo Adtanis-

Lt Commander Alorha Grange

Commander Nicholas Means
CO - USS Freedom

Lt. Adani Mila
XO - USS Freedom


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