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11 Dec 2015 @ 3:44am

Lieutenant Adani Mila

Name Adani Mila

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 31
Languages Federation Standard, Countless Alpha and Delta quadrant languages

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 145
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Adani is a trim and muscular person, her face is soft, but shows little emotion, a rather consistent subtle smile. Her right leg and left arm are prosthetics made from an alien alloy. Her eyes are cybernetic implants which have built in display capability. She wears her hair in dreadlocks as was the custom among the Mylarot.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Adani is dedicated and loyal but has some awkward personality traits that come from being socialized in very diverse settings. Borg, Mylarot, and Human. She is efficient and to the point, but is working on developing her emotional intelligence.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Added physical strength provided by her prosthetic limbs.
+Ability to interface directly with the ships computer.
+Knowledge base unique to a liberated Borg.

-Emotional and social awkwardness at times
Ambitions To find her place in the universe. She has been valued among all crews she has been a part of for her unique experiences and skill sets, but she still feels alone in most communities.
Hobbies & Interests Adani is spending considerable time learning about her human roots. She enjoys trying new sensory experiences such as food, drink, and sightseeing.

Personal History Adani was assimilated by the Borg at a very young age. She grew up on a human colony that had been assimilated in total by the Borg. Her vessel was destroyed with the shockwave from a supernova intersected a transwarp conduit. A Mylarot vessel rescued and rehabilitated the surviving drones. As a race the Mylarot had far to many run-ins with the Borg and had developed many ways to recover individuals from the collective. Her Borg implants were replaced with Mylarot cybernetics when possible. Using Borg star charts and Adani's DNA they were able to determine her race and origin. The Mylarot set out a 4 year mission to return her and make first contact with the Federation. During that time Adani played several roles on the Mylarot vessel eventually working her way to security department head.

The Mylarot first contact was successful, and Adani did opt to stay with the Federation. She attended Starfleet Academy and was commissioned as a Lieutenant JG in deference to her previous experience.
Service Record Borg Drone liberated around age 16
Rehabilitated age 16-19
Crew member of Mylarot science vessel. Age 19-23
Star Fleet Academy Age 23-27
Commissioned Lt. JG. Served as junior security officer aboard USS Sarek (Akira Class)
Assistant Chief of Security, USS Dunedin (New Orleans Class). Age 27-28
Promoted to Lieutenant, Chief of Security, Second Officer. Age 29-31
Volunteered for the Achilles Mission and appointed First Officer, USS Freedom. Age 31 - Present