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Death & Resurrection - Part 1

Posted on 04 Nov 2015 @ 2:11am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Nicholas Means & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Fanvo Adtanis & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Lieutenant Adani Mila
Edited on on 04 Nov 2015 @ 4:12am

1,157 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Achilles / USS Freedom

Following the promotion ceremony for Major Sharpe, Commander Pike, Commander Montoya, and Da`nal had had a brief meeting just to confirm status and make sure everyone was on the same page. Following that meeting Montoya left to meet his new wife on the promenade for dinner and Pike left to return to his ship. That was when all hell broke loose.

No sooner had Da`nal left the ready room than an urgent call came in from the Freedom. The screen light up with the Freedom's XO; =^=Commodore! Commander Pike is down! There was a transporter malfunction during his return! =^=

Glancing to Stone and back to the view screen; transporter incidents were almost unheard of now a days but he wasted no time. "What is the extent of his injuries?!"

=^=Unknown sir, but initial report doesn't sound good. We have taken our Transporters offline as a precaution. =^=

"Understood. Your systems were handling his return?"

=^=Yes sir. =^=

"We are on the way. Out"

As the screen closed Da`nal looked to the XO, tapping his commbadge. "Commander Grange, medical emergency on the Freedom. Meet me in transporter room 3." Closing the channel, "Travis, have Commander Advantis get over there and do a full diagnostic and inspection for the Freedom's transporter system."

=^=On my way! =^= Alorha responded, getting her kit and rushed to the transporter room.

Travis nodded to Da'nal and immediately tapped the commbadge. =^= Travis to Commander Adtanis, transporter malfunction reported on a return trip from the Achilles to the Freedom. Recommended course of action? Also, the Commodore wants you on the Freedom ASAP or faster." =^=

=/\= This is Adtanis, I'm locking down the Transporter systems across all three vessels for the time being, we will need to resort to manual transport methods until we can determine what happened. On my way to the Shuttle Bay. =/\=

=^= Acknowledged. We'll meet in the shuttle bay. Travis out. Travis to Da'nal, Engineering is locking down the transporters, reroute to the shuttle bay, I'm ordering a runabout prepped now. Travis out. =^=

All parties informed, he turned and tapped in the order for the first available runabout to be brought up to operational, and he'd pilot. Once he had confirmed it was being readied, he decided to run and catch up to the others.

Da`nal was in the turbolift when the update came in. He was about to protest but stopped as it was better to error on the side of caution, just in case. He diverted the lift to the shuttle bay and informed Grange the change in destination.

She was surprised. "Shuttle bay?" she asked herself. "Why are we not using transporters?" she mumbled. The idea of a transporter malfunction was not something at the moment she even considered.

==USS Freedom==

The medical team had scrambled to get to the transporter room but when they arrived the transport operator was in the corridor, white as a sheet, as the XO ran up as well. When they entered the room the scene was horrific and it was clear that there was nothing to be done. At least that what they thought until the deformed mass twitched and tried to move. What was supposed to be a hand reached out shakily.

"OH MY GOD...HE'S STILL ALIVE!!! Rushing to the side of what was their CO, "Computer emergency medical transport! Two to sickbay!"

"All transport systems are currently offline."

He understood the reasons but took the risk anyway. "Medical override! Energize!"

The transport began even as Mila opened her mouth to try to belay the order. As the effects took hold she turned and bolted to the nearest lift to get to sickbay.


Da`nal and his shuttle had landed and they had rushed to sickbay. Once there he let Grange take charge as he moved to the ships XO.

In no way was Alorha prepared for what met her. It took every bit of self control to keep utter revulsion from barring her to jump into action. How he was still alive was beyond comprehension. His head seemed to be where his left arm should have been, still attached to his spine, which was bent unnaturally partially covered with skin, and partially covered with flesh, none of which belonged there, liver, intestines, his heart, still pumping and a part of a lung sticking out next to it. There was an open artery, looking like a femoral artery pumping out blood on the floor. His legs were mostly without skin, showing the bones, muscles, veins, arteries and tendons clearly. They were attached to the indescribable lump of flesh and so were his arms and hands. All Alorha could do was to clamp the pumping artery with her hand, preventing blood from covering the floor and the other on his cheek. "It's going to be okay..." she said in a hopeless attempt to calm the dying man. There was nothing she could do.

No bloody battlefield or even the most horrific wound could compare to the sight bore them and it was a sight that none of them would ever forget. The warrior in him wanted to take a blade and end his life quickly...honorably. However before he could even move or speak, a steady tone sounded from the bio monitors even as they all saw the exposed heart stop beating.

He stepped forward and closed the man's eyes as he spoke, "batlh Daqawlu'tah (You will be remembered with honor)."

Motioning for other the senior officers moved off to the side and the Freedom's medical staff saw to their former CO's body. "Doctor, once things are concluded here, make whatever final arrangements you feel are appropriate then we will need to revive the Freedom's alternate CO from stasis. Travis," using his XO's first name for the first time, "Have all three ships hold position here and have the wing commander launch a CAP just outside our sensor range. Lt. Mila, I need you to inform the Freedom's crew of what has happened and join me and Dr. Grange in the shuttle bay; unless you want me to make the announcement?"

"Sir, Thank you, but I would like to inform the crew." Mila stepped into the doctor's office and tapped her Comm badge. =^=All Hands. This is Lt. Mila. I regret to inform you that Commander Pike has been fallen in the line of duty. At 11:45 hours a transporter malfunction of unknown type resulted in the captain's death. Memorial services will be arranged, and as you are aware, counseling services are available on the Achilles. Arrangements are being made for a new Commanding officer. Until that that time, I will be in command of the Freedom, and the Commodore, of course, remains in command of the group. This is the time when a crew must be each other's best support network. Please tend to one another, and do not hesitate to ask for support as it is needed. Mila out. =^=



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