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Himars/Xanth JP

Posted on 19 Feb 2016 @ 4:26am by Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant Xanth

1,088 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Deck 3 Aft, Promenade
Timeline: ?

Things were not turning out quite as Xanth would have liked on the canvas before him. Though the subject matter was intriguing, an oscillating energy field suspended in a magnetic confinement matrix that forced the scintillating blue and yellow lights into a shifting sphere, turning that into a two-dimensional imaged as more challenging that he might have expected. The outline he had made now seemed insufficient, uninspired once he had begun to apply the semi gloss paint, and he knew if he kept it up this way by the time he finished it was going to look like something a first year art student might have done. Or worse, an art student's submission before beginning any training.

Xanth glanced about the room, one of the shops that had been converted into a small gallery that was offering this event today. It was a chance at a recreational activity one didn't often see onboard a ship but was afforded to them given the size of the Achilles. It might be a little like cheating, but Xanth peered at the other canvases of the dozen others in the gallery who were putting brush to paper themselves. Searching for inspiration, he finally looked at the work of the man next to him, Lieutenant Kordah Himars. Xanth had met him briefly at a staff meeting a week ago, but had not had an opportunity to speak with him beyond that much.

"Sooo," he said quietly, trying not to disturb anyone else in the hush. "How's it coming along?"

The warrior's brush, was an mere two inch brush with a various color. It moved about the canvas, with ease. He wasn't really, looking at anything, but, he was merely thinking of time of year on Bajor. He wasn't really using one of his home world. He painted the back ground first, which was an light shade of Persian blue. he used various sizes of brushes and an knife. he added an mountain here, trees, and all sorts of shades and colors as he painted.

"It's coming along just fine, Xanth" he stated without looking at the young ma, but at his painting "What about yourself?"

"Hmph," came the unenthusiastic reply. Then his eyes narrowed slightly as he saw that the other man was not painting the subject matter in the front of the room. Maybe he was going to incorporate it into this background he was making? Already it looked far better than Xanth's own canvas. "I think I am suffering from a distinct lack of inspiration. What's going on there?" He pointed at Himar's canvas with his paintbrush.

"Out side the box thinking, is what going on" returned Krodah as he gestured to the subject before him "All you have to do is look passed the waves and look into yourself. I see what I painted, for I see it in the subject matter"

"Huh...I hadn't thought of that." Xanth cocked his head to the side and looked over the other man's painting once again. Then he turned to look at the energy field, then back to the painting. Nope, he couldn't see where it was coming from. Giving up on his own painting for the time being - conversation was always more interesting to him anyways - he stepped closer and twirled the paintbrush in his hand as he probed for more information.

"Where is this scene supposed to be? There's something...specific about what you've done. It's a place you've been to before, right?"

"It's a combo of many places I've been" Himars gestured to the energy field with his brush breifly and began tapping the brush into paint "What you see is a field of energy, but, what you paint is a link to observation of particles. If you measure or observe a particle you can see it. If you don't measure or Observe it, then said particle can be any where in the cosmos. Now the trick to is, be the particle, where do you see yourself as a particle. Paint what you feel, not what you see."

The pilot's grin was wide, "I never realized that physics and metaphysics could meet so well in painting." For a silent time he just watched the other man's painting unfold on the canvas, continuing to ignore his own. Xanth had given up on it for the time being; sometimes his lackadaisical attitude could get on the nerves, but he figured he had plenty of time to finish working on it later. "So you're feeling...nostalgic perhaps?" Xanth inquired, referring to how Himars was bringing to life places he'd been to before. It wasn't some in depth sort of guess El Aurians were known for, but just him making conversation, trying to lure the man out a little.

"I might" returned Himars

The short answer made Xanth's smile falter a little bit, as he'd been hoping to get a bit more than that, "We've a long way to go yet. So many things to see, people to meet. I would have thought you'd be able to go a few more weeks before feeling homesick." The pilot said it gently, obviously not meaning offence. "Why, I'd be willing to bet some of it will be wondrous enough to make you forget all about..." He gestured vaguely at Himars' painting, "...Wherever that might be. At least for a little while."

"I haven't been home for a long while now, my friend. So being sick for it, just isn't me" returned as he added an few strokes to his painting "however, meeting new people, seeing new places and things, works for me. besides, i call the ship home and the crew my family. Sort of like a brother at aims kind of thing. You'll get use to being around plenty of people and understand them, and when you return home and retire from service, you can dwell on the family you made here.

"Call them up and to see how they are or if you happen to lose a few family members, can write them into a novel or play so they can live on forever. This place I am painting is what I thought of Earth when I was there last. I think it was called Alaska or Canada. I don't recall what the land name was, human names for things are confusing. Like their world. Earth. Which is dirt and I find it funny at times. Horrible name for a planet. But, that's the Klingon side of me talking."


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