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Posted on 26 Jun 2015 @ 1:51am by Ensign Karrak

237 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: Karrak's Quarters, DS9

Karrak was pacing in his quarters as he waited for the Achilles to arrive and dock. He wanted so much to be on the ship. And his mind was on his homeworld that he had abandoned in his madness, the madness of youth, the madness of fear, the madness of denial. Expectations had been heaped on him as the Tra'nark zo-Lazath. He didn't want to be a messiah, but they had looked to him as such. He wanted to be like any other Gorn.

And of course, being the grandson of Commander S'alath, who had fought Captain Kirk so long ago, didn't help matters any. He needed counsel, but he needed the assurance of Z'larki, his beloved, and wondered if she even remembered him. His only comfort came from his guide, the Tra'nark who appeared to him now and then.

Just then, the room disappeared and he found himself in the rain forest next to his home on Gorn. The Tra'nark was perched above him. "A minza for your thoughts, Karrak."

"I am afraid, my friend." said Karrak.

"That is normal. You are about to embark on a great endeavor, and maybe to find your dream." said the tra'nark. "The trick is not to hide from your fears, but to admit them and face them. Do so, and all will be all right. Just wait and see."

The scene faded and he was back in his room.


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