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New Management - Part 1

Posted on 03 Jul 2015 @ 7:52pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

1,272 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye

With the Achilles was getting it's final supplies and crew Da`nal and Ayren had family matters to deal with, they materialized on the IKV Ralnath, formerly the Hed’Not and now renamed for his father and the flag ship of the House of Varal.

The warrior the to greet him was a familiar face and one of those that stood with him in fight against Toran. “My Lord.”

Stepping off the padd he clasped the olds warriors shoulder. “Ktrall, my old friend…is everything in order?”

“It is and everyone is here that needs to be. I must say, your choosing of Chargh’IH as your steward has caused quite a stir even more so after the Brek’tal ceremony and the announcement of House of Varal’s annexation of the House of Morqrat.”

“Really…how so?”

“Well his family ties for one. With his ties to two great Houses, his Bat’leth championship, his service record both in the Empire and the Federation…He has great respect, but….

Da`nal trusted Charg like no other but the hesitation in his old mentors voice gave him pause. “But what?”

“He did not execute the members of Toran’s family; instead he offered Toran’s daughter the rite of R’uustai.”

Now that was surprise…and a bold move. Following the rite of Brek’tal, Toran’s daughter was technically Da`nal's daughter, but she had acted against the House of Varal and could have been executed along with the others but that was a matter that needed to be addressed with Charg.

Looking up to Aryen still on the padd. “Ktrall, allow me to present my mate Ayren Kelan, and you already know my children Garath, and Ariella.”

“My Lady, it is good to see you well.”

Ayren smiled inclining her head ever so slightly in acknowledgement of his greeting. "qaqIHneS (it is good to meet you)" she answered in perfect Klingon.

"Batlh vIghaj (The honor is mine)!"

Showing the pair to the Lord's quarters and as the door opened Charg and X'ae were gazing out the windows as the Achilles hung over the Negh`var class battlecruiser...dwarfing the Klingon ship. Seeing Da`nal & Ayren's reflection appear in the window he turned but X'ae was already moving.

The cousins had been looking forward to seeing each other again and the hugged each other happily. The moment they were within telepathic range of each other, they had been catching up with news, thoughts, emotions, experiences, so by the time they were in physical nearness, only the long hug and happy kisses was needed to conclude their greeting.

X'ae was dressed in the traditional Klingon wear of a woman of her status, with the result is that Ayren hugged hard leather and metal shields. "I can break my ribs on your clothing," Ayren teased.

Ayren was different. She was the picture of serene elegance, with a mixture of femininity and style. And she could wear rags and it would make no different. "And I am forever jealous!" X'ae said meaning it. She pulled her lips in mock frustration. .

Over X'ae's shoulder, Ayren smiled at Charg. "Hello Charg," she said warmly as she and X'aedell relaxed their hug. "You are looking good, in spite of your marriage to X'ae... she will mature one day...." Ayren said giggling.

Charg was physically stronger and quicker to draw his blade since his time in Earth's past. Even with the changes within him, he knew to keep things to himself and he carefully used his Vulcan heritage and training to shield those memories for others even if the Empire didn't have a temporal prime directive.

He nodded to his wife's cousin with a grin, "She has her moments...though Lady K'Vash (Da`nal's mother) has had more influence than I lately."

X'aedell glared at Ayren and Charg and then faced Da'nal. "Commodore Dan'al" she greeted him. "It is an honour to see you again," X'ae said. Looking at Ayren she quipped back. "Commodore or not, my husband's taste in women is still better than yours..." she said laughing.

Da`nal looked to the pair and scoffed. "She may have been out of the loop for a while but she has lost none of her bite I assure you."

"maJ [good], it would be positively painful if a some low dishonourable attack left her toothless..." X'ae responded, and though the words were simply meant as banter, she felt the anger at this Elas Vonti rose in her like sickening bile. The momentary look she gave Da'nal told him that she would kill him if she had the chance...

As the head of the House Da`nal took the main chair and gestured for all to sit.

Charg stood to Da`nal's right before sitting. "When we heard of the journey you are going on I drank a toast to you. As he sat, "You have yet to leave known space but the House of Varal has gained great prestige as well as enemies in the Empire. I also assume my stewardship will last a little longer."

"That it will. It's House matter's I wanted to discuss. How goes the annexation?"

Charg took the tankard of bloodwine from the tray Ktrall had brought and began listing off the events that had taken place under his orders. "The rebuilding of your family’s home continues as does the shipyard. I also approved the expansion of the grounds and the estate as a whole. Those House's that had been loyal to Morqrat were given the chance to swear allegiance to you or be destroyed."

"And how was that ultimatum received?"

Charg looked to X'ea and back to Da`nal. "There were a few of the lesser Houses that tried to resist and ally themselves with rival Houses, but after the first of their ships were destroyed they accepted the offer."

"And what of those from Morgrat itself?"

"After you killed Toran and completed the rite of Brek’tal they fell into line as a matter of honor...though I am keeping a watchful eye on them all. To aid in securing their loyalty I offered Toran's daughter, Vashara, R’uustai; making her my sister."

Ayren frowned slightly, and glanced between Da'nal and Charg. She had been 'out of the loop' but what did this mean?! Her attention was drawn to X'ae, who's temper was like a flare to her senses.

X'aedell pursed her lips as she glared at Charg. Before she could respond, D'anal spoke

"So I was told. I am curious though. Vashara was already technically my daughter following the rite of Brek'tal so were you trying to secure her loyalty to me....or to you?" He knew that that would be insulting to his friend, X'ae, and probably shock Ayren as well but there was a reason for it.

"Yes.... explain this," X'ae demanded.

Any other Klingon would no doubt have been offended but Charg was part Vulcan and even spent time training in the mental disciplines. With that he had a more....logical approach. Instead of being offended, he had actually expected the question from his friend. X'ae; ever the spitfire was still irritated with him for formalizing the relationship with a former girlfriend.

Looking to them both in turn he looked intently at Da`nal. "Both."

Da`nal leaned forward; his elbow on one knee, his hand on the other. He was about to comment on divided loyalty and how now there was a relational knot being created between all of them, but something told him that Charg knew what he was doing. "Go on..."



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