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The Last stop

Posted on 19 Jun 2015 @ 1:20am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

554 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: 1754


Da`nal stood from his chair and began to walk the bridge as he didn't care to sit idly by for too long. They were due to arrive at Deep Space Nine at any moment and he was anxious to get on with things. The station would be their last stop in known space before heading out along the Cardassian/Ferengi border and into unknown space.

As he made his way to the portals between the view screen and the front of the bridge a call came up from the helm. "Sir, we have reached the Bajoran System."

Da`nal didn't even look back as he replied, "Take us out of warp and then full impulse until we reach the stations control zone".

"Yea, sir."

It wasn't long before the station came into view with the buzz of activity around it. The wormhole opened in a glorious display as a starship entered on its way to the gamma quadrant. As soon as the ship crossed the thresh hold the wormhole closed as if it had never been.

He listened to his crew as the ship approached the former Cardassian station. The Achilles had been given priority approach but given its size the ship couldn't dock physically with the station. Instead it approach the station and took a position directly above the upper docking arms. As the Achilles move into position and Da`nal grinned as he saw the shadow cast by his ship fell over the Negh'var class battlecruiser that confirmed that the members of his house he had summoned had indeed arrived.

Returning to the center of the bridge he looked to those on duty and leaned down to open a ship wide hail. As the alert faded those on the bridge look to their commanding officer.

"Crew of the Achilles. After a hectic departure we have arrived at Deep Space Nine. Our time here will be brief and we have much to do. Final supplies need to be brought aboard and stowed, final crew transfers need to be completed and indoctrinated to their new home. In addition will be given the opportunity to enjoy some time off before we embark on our historic mission. Check with your department heads for assignments and shore leave scheduling. All of you have volunteered for this mission but if anyone is having second thoughts now is the time to make your final decision as there will be no turning around way to return you to Federation space until we get to the Gamma quadrant.

"That said, well done all thus far and I know each and everyone of you will continue to do your duty. Da`nal out."

Stepping up to the helm he put a shoulder on the young officer manning the station. "Are we in position?"

"Yes sir, the ship in parked above the station and cargo and crew are standing by to either beam aboard or arrive via shuttle."

"Permission granted..."

"Sir we are receiving status reports, crew rosters, and leave schedules from the USS Berlin and USS Freedom."

" my ready room. Have the Commander Stone and the CO & XO from both vessels report to me in one hour." He glanced about to the other crew, "...when beta shift arrives you all are on leave."

Commodore Da`nal


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