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Posted on 22 Apr 2015 @ 4:11pm by Lieutenant Kordah Himars

298 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: Quarters

Log entry: Lt. Kordah Himars

I have seen my fair share of things that this universe, has to offer. Either in the way of people of fighting or handling things in peace. it doesn't overly surprise me, that main powers of this galaxy we all call home, are once more at each other throat, over, pitiful little things. I honestly wonder, if all these nations that span the known galaxy we call home, would band together, to fend off an invasion from an power far more advance culture.

It was proven several times in the past, on many worlds. However, the nations were at the least equals in some footing. No, what, I getting at, is an culture, like those of Mars in the H.G. Wells novel of War of the Worlds, sending an vanguard to this galaxy to do what Mr. Wells wrote about. Which, if you look into the many novels based around that book and all the movies the humans did with the aftermath of the invasion, they finally became an culture that, I would no doubt, wonder if it would bring fear to the Klingons, if those humans were meet.

However, this is the case with the current present. It's the same type of banter that continued after war and so forth. And you know, I'm getting rather sick of it...

From there, Himars went on to give his report on all operations through out the ship, status of the equipment and his department. He added in all the counseling and awards for the enlisted and officer, under his command as chief of Operations. Once he was done, he switch off the computer and sat back and once more read the novel of War of the Worlds.

Lt. Krodah Himars


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