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Posted on 12 May 2015 @ 12:57pm by Commander Karen Villiers & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,428 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: USS Hyperion - 24 hours from DS9

Karen ran her hands through her hair.

She'd been through every document relating to her reassignement and couldn't find a loophole. She was destined for the Gamma Quadrant unless she chose to go AWOL once the USS Hyperion reached DS9.

THAT was not going to happen. What was going to happen was that she would go on the mission through the wormhole, and whilst there, she'd compile all her evidence against Admiral Brailsford and hell was there a lot of it! She'd either transmit it back, bring it in person, or encode a file.

The deception had gone on for far too long.

She let her hands fall and leaned forward on her elbows, "Computer, are we in range yet with the USS Achilles?"

The Hyperion was a day or two ahead and from a different trajectory, but if in range she wanted to have a word with the CO - just in case there was some wriggle room that would allow her to refuse the assignment.

"The USS Achilles is within subspace communications range."

"Patch me through to the Achilles. I'd like to speak with Commodore Da'nal if he's available," Karen requested. The worst he could do was say no.

[USS Achilles]

The ship had been underway for days and was drawing nearer to their destination. Once again Da`nal was wandering the ship and he was still in awe of its size. Every ship he had ever been or served on; you could have walked every corridor inside a day. But this new ship...had taken over a week to explore and he was still putting its areas to memory.

He looked out over the ore processing areas, currently dormant and stored with canisters of deuterium, crates of dilithium, Tritanium, Magnesite, and other natural resources all waiting to be put to use during their journey. As he turned to leave and continue his wanderings he was hailed through the ships comms.

"Commodore, there is an incoming transmission for you from the USS Hyperion."

Tapping his badge he replied. "Beam me to my ready room and I will take it there."

"Aye sir. Stand by for site to site transport."

After re-materializing he took a seat at his desk, the holo-monitor already active. "Computer open the channel."

"Commodore Da'nal," Karen opened, she knew he served as the Chief of Strategic Operations on DS5 during a Romulan attack on the station - before her time - but Brailsford's impromptu assignment hadn't given her much time to do research. She thought a direct approach best. "Thank you for taking the time to speak to me. I am Commander Karen Villers, recently assigned as your Chief Diplomatic Officer. I hoped we could discuss where you think my input will be required so that I can make preparations during the rest of my voyage, and while I'm waiting for your arrival at DS9."

Da`nal was slightly puzzled at the question but decided to let the conversation develop "Not a problem Commander, my door is always open form my officers, or future officers as the case may be. I would think your duties would be clear; to provide diplomatic services not only to the various Ambassadors that will be aboard bu to the various races we encounter on our mission."

"Which races do we expect to have? To carry a delegation of multiple origins is far from standard, precautions might be wise, not least ensuring that the Ambassadorial quarters match the expectations of those who will occupy them."

"In order to avoid a Diplomatic incident the Federation Council decided to allow the major powers to be represented on this mission as a gesture of openness. The Romulans and Klingons naturally will be sending delegates and I am anticipating others to want to be included as well. Our spot at Deep Space Nine will no doubt be an eventful one."

He could sense the was something else...a hesitation hidden in her demeanor. "Is there something bothering you Commander?"

Karen nodded, "I'll be straight with you Commodore, I've just ended one deep space posting I took as a favour to someone I thought was a friend. I'm not exactly thrilled that he's decided to extend my exile from Earth by sending me through the wormhole. I want to be sure this is worth my while. If its a job that any common or garden CDO can do then I'd prefer to resign my commission than come along."

Da'nal leaned back in his chair and reached out to grasp his tankard and held it. "It seems you were misinformed Commander. Yes we will be heading through the wormhole, but only to return home. Our course will take us from Deep Space 9, through Cardassian and Ferengi territory and into the unknown. Once in the Gamma quadrant we will enter former Dominion space and enter Federation explored space, then we will take the wormhole home.

"We don't know what we will encounter when we pass through Cardassian and Ferengi space so this is no mission for a run of the mill diplomatic officer. Nor is this a mission a place for someone that doesn't want to be here. Everyone here is a volunteer that has set aside friend and family to step into history." Taking a drink of his wine he nodded towards the monitor and the Commander's image. "Is that 'worth your while' Commander?"

Karen laughed. It started in her throat and grew into something she could hardly control. Until that moment she hadn't realised just how much pent up anger there was inside her and one short conversation had released it - in his malicious haste Brailsford had screwed up after all.

"I'm sorry, Commodore," she said trying to control her mirth - there was plenty of time to pt the wheels of revenge in motion before they were out of reach, "its well worth my while. I had my misgivings, but you've put them to rest."

"Excellent! The commanding officers for our escort vessels should be arriving at DS9 prior to our arrival as well. When you arrive on the station reach out to the Romulan and Klingon delegations, if they have arrive and get a feel for then and their positions. If they have not arrived, make whatever preparations for their arrival."

Karen nodded, "I'll look them up," she said, "I should be there within a day. I should have ample time to make the acquaintance of the ambassadors. Thank you, Commodore, for putting my mind at rest."

"Very good. I do have an additional assignment for you. On my previous assignment we picking up a Reman survivor from one of the refuge camps that were attacked by Toran's fleet and he has expressed a desire to join us. We will be arriving at DS9, if not there already. See f you can....convince... the Romulan ambassador to take him into their delegation. He has proven himself in combat and well...."

"That should be an interesting challenge. I've never known a Romulan Ambassador welcome anyone to their retinue who is not of their own choosing. Who knows, this one might be reasonable," she said, though Karen sincerely doubted it.

"Romulans can't even trust there own kin so you definitely have your work cut out for you. His name is Kiscaid and should be coming in from the Hobus recovery of the resettlement colonies. Contact him as well."

"Noted," Karen said - she was going to have her work cut out with this delegation. "Is there anything further, Commodore?"

Da`nal shook his head. "No Commander. If there is anything you feel you need you are authorized to get these items. There is no telling what we might need or what type of cultures we will encounter so lets prepare as best we can."

"Understood," Karen replied.

"Good. Then I will let you get to it and make first contact with the Romulan an Klingon delegations." Before he let her go he did have some bad news. There is one other thing...'

There always was.

"...There have been some protests by the Ferengi and Cardassian governments so you may encounter some difficulties."

"Well noted," Karen replied. There always were difficulties where Cardassians were involved. "I'll provide you with a precise of my initial discussion and reactions."

Replying with a subtle grin. "I would expect nothing less Commander. Good luck and do not hesitate to contact me if there are any....difficulties. Da`nal out."

Commodore Da`nal

Commander Karen Villiers
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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