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Bosses Squared

Posted on 22 Apr 2015 @ 3:07pm by Captain Ezekiel Benjamin & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya

874 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: Current

Rico had held his ice breaker with the members of the senior staff that were aboard. Everyone else was supposed to join up at DS9...with their Captain. Normally and Commanding officer got to select his exec, but as this missions was volunteer only he wondered how much input he had had in his selection, if any.

Taking a seat in the command chair he called down to Ops.

"Open a channel to the Achilles. Time to check in with the big boss. "

"Aye sir."

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal was about to leave the bridge when he was called back. "Commodore, we are being hailed from the USS Berlin."

Spinning around he returned back to the center of the bridge. "Finally! On screen."

The screen filled with a familiar face. "Commander Montoya, it's been a long time."

=^= That it has sir. =^=

Showing a bit of his irritation. "I would have expected you to have reported much sooner Commander."

[USS Berlin]

Rico could tell the Commodore was pissed but all he could do was be upfront with him. "My apologies sir. I just took command earlier today. Obviously someone failed to inform you of the ships status. We are currently en route to DS9 and should be there in 36 hours."

=^= Very well. I will not hold you accountable for another's error. I assume since you are the one calling that Captain Benjamin will be joining at the station? =^=

"That's correct sir."

=^= In that case I want you and your crew to begin construction of the communication relay buoys we will be deploying during our journey. I will transmit the specs shortly. Once you arrive at the station. The Berlin's crew is approved for a rotational shore leave until we prepare to depart.=^=

"Roger that sir. I know that will be greatly appreciated."

=^= What is your current speed? =^=

"Warp 7 sir."

=^= Increase to warp 8; I want to make sure everyone has a chance to get settled and enjoy some time off before we depart. =^=

"Helm, you heard the man, increase to warp 8."

"Increasing to warp 8, aye."

=^= Good. Well as I have nothing further I will let you get to work. Commander Da`nal out. =^=

Rico stood from the command chair. 'Well that was short and sweet. Do we have the specs for the relay buoys?"

"Just gottem."

"Good send them to engineering and have them get started and then find Captain Benjamin so we can let him know what up."

"Roger that."


Zeke Benjamin stood before the replicator in the guest quarters he and his family had been offered during their stay on Deep Space 9. The Cardassian design was new for him,as he had never really had an opportunity to encounter the culture. He found it drab and, in some ways, slightly depressing. They two women along with him seemed to feel the same way. His wife and daughter had agreed that it was very important to them to be with him on the long journey ahead and had even become excited at the idea of joining him in space.

"Ezekiel!" Came a voice from across the room.

"Yes?" asked, turning to face his wife with a raised eyebrow.

"There's a communication for you. It looks like its from the Berlin."

Zeke had crossed the sparsely furnished room before she had even finished her sentence and sat down behind the small desk. "Thanks, love."

His fingers stuck the answer button quickly and saw the face of a man he had recently been reading up on along with the background of a bridge he had also been studying.

"Ah..Commander!" he exclaimed, a charming and bright smile crossing his face.

The warm welcoming smile was somewhat unexpected but was reassuring and he return the smile with one of his own. =^= Captain Benjamin. Good to finally meet you, even if it is only over subspace, hope you and your family are enjoying yourselves. I thought you might want to know that we are on our way and that I have let the Commodore know the overall ship status. =^=

"Oh, we're doing just fine here, Commander. I'm glad to hear that you are on top of things so far." His tone was warm and supportive, as it often was. "What is your ETA presently?"

=^= Well it was approximately 36 hours, but the big boss had us jump to warp 8 we'll be there with 20. =^=

Zeke nodded understanding. "Very good. Have you anything else to report?"

=^= Two things. We're to begin work on the communications relay satellites to be deployed as we proceed...and the Commodore approved rotational shore leave until his arrival. I would recommend the beaches on Bajor's southern Islands. =^=

"Sounds great." Zeke responded. "See that construction of those satellites begins immediately. Other than that, I look forward to meeting with my senior staff when the Berlin arrives. Safe travels, Commander. Benjamin out.

[USS Berlin]

As the view screen shifted back to the star field and clapped the ops office on the shoulder. "You have the bridge. I'll be in engineering." As the lift sped of he grinned. It would be good to get his hands dirty again.

Commodore Da`nal
Mission CO

Captain Ezekiel Benjamin
CO - USS Berlin

Commander Ricardo "Rico' Montoya
XO - USS Berlin


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