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Every nook and cranny - Part 2

Posted on 01 Apr 2015 @ 1:32am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Kordah Himars
Edited on on 01 Apr 2015 @ 1:33am

1,340 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New

[Ready Room]

=^=Staff Sergeant, I'm about five minutes from finishing up down here. Everything's still good to go. Do you want me to beam up there directly with the last pieces, or go through the formal reporting process?=^= Eirias asked, trying to figure out what he had to do next. The desire to get this thing installed and working was definitely on the top of mind.

Jason huffed laughingly as he replied. "Get your ass up here. This is your baby and if you think we're going to do this all for you your out of your mind."

=^="Understood Staff Sergeant. I'll be up there in five. Out."=^=" Time to wait until the last bits were transported up, and then the familiar sensation of being transported overtook him. A few moments later, he re-materialized in the Commodore's ready Room, and saw the pieces he was ready to rebuild into a working machine.

Spotting everyone in the room, he quickly moved at ease to address both Frey and Lance. "Master Chief, Staff Sergeant. Where am I putting it together at?" He really didn't see one location that stood out for it to fit over the others as of yet.

A moment later, the Bajoran warrior entered Commodore's ready room and looked at the old Klingon device and shook his head and sighed. He covered his face with his right hand and sighed as he returned to observing the installing of the old agony booth. The warrior, trained with this a long time ago, but, they fell out of favor decades ago. However, he did wondered if this old thing had all the working parts, for if one part was missing, the thing was known to cause pain beyond any warrior can withstand or even death.

"I do hope all the parts came with it. Hell, I don't even know if the power needs are going to be able to be adaptable with the ship own wiring. Also, who is going be first to test booth"

Frey chimed in, "Everything was there when we dismantled least as far as I know." He continued with a glance to the Master Chief. "Did Logan come up with and converter for supplying power last time?"

Lance nodded. "She had, but those designs where lost when the Achilles was destroyed and she won't be reporting aboard until we get to DS9."

"I have the designs for the converter on my PADD Master Chief, asked the Ensign Logan for them to see what she did and how. Since I tested it last time Lieutenant, I'll test it again this time. Also the most expendable of the group if something goes wrong." Eirias commented in a slightly muffled tone as his mouth was holding a micro-welder, and he had a spanner in his hand that he was using to adjust the fasteners on the power supply. Barring the last attempt, this was really the first time he was using his artificer skill set since switching to Infantry, but it felt just as right as holding and firing his rifle.

The warrior's eyes shifted from the box to the parts and back to the work. He moved his right hand behind his head and whistled. Hearing that all the parts were there was one thing, reviewing it on a data pad was another. How they got the data for it, Krodah, didn't want to know. He had an inkling, sure, but, honestly, he didn't want to know.

"Well, that's good enough for me, Mister Eirias" Himars returned, recalling an old Klingon joke his father about red/yellow shirts of Starfleet as he rolled up his sleeves and rubbed his hands together "So, where do you guys need help at?"

That caused his head to pop out from behind the booth casing, welder still in place. "All due respect Lieutenant, I'm a PFC." He looked around for a moment before pulling the welder out. "The Commander specified a spot over there to put this in, but we need to move the bulkhead back almost three meters to make it fit. Is that possible without damaging the ship's internal structure?" Eirias pointed at the approved spot, and waited on a decision.

"I understand that, but, however, PFC Eirias, I rather show respect to you and the other, by referring to them and the others either by Mister or Miss, unless they are married" Himars stated as he asked for an tricorder.

Taking the one he had been working with, Eirias handed it to Himars and then went back to his work of piecing the thing together.

Opening the small hand held device, he went to work scanning the wall and then the device, before closing the tricorder. "Do we have an ruler and chalk?"

"A ruler and chalk? No, I don't think those would be in the inventory, sir. Give me a moment and I'll bring you some." Eirias responded in a confused tone. Why someone would use chalk was beyond him, but then again, so were most officer's train of thought. Stepping over to the replicator in the wall, he placed the request for the items and then handed them over once he walked back.

"Meh. If we're going to do this correctly and at least the Klingon way. Details is everything. Yes, the bulkhead well remain steadfast and hold against any strain that comes upon it. Using the ruler and chalk, might seems old fashion, but, data padds and other might fail and shut down, which loses the information. Getting the right location first off is key, to hide the cables and other wires from sight as well" stated Himars he stepped up to the way and tapped on it "Ah good, the tricorder was right, there's no support beam in the location we need, with a pinch to spare on either side"

"What would you need to get started, sir? The unit itself is ready for installation, then we do the final parts." Eirias asked as he looked over the re-completed booth with a measure of satisfaction, and managed to look a few years younger than he already was in the process. This project had gone on long enough that he really wanted it in place, and another go at the booth for humiliating him last time. Somehow, he didn't think he'd need a workout today with all the activity he was doing.


After his conversation with Ens. Tlara Da`nal continued his tour of the ship and managed to make it to the cetacean labs and after meeting a few of the aquatic crew members he decided to save the rest of his tour for later and took the nearest lift to the bridge.

[Ready Room]

Gesturing to certain points, adding this and that, Kordah, looked at the device once more, once everything was in place. 'Well, we're ready now"

Jason nodded. The booth slid nicely into the alcove they recreated and as the holographic projectors activated there was absolutely no evidence that anything had changed.

During the finalized of the 'construction' Lance had stepped out to take care some other supply issues before the left orbit. During that time he checked on the location of there boss and his eyebrows shots up and he bolted back to the ready room. "EVERYONE BEAM OUTTA HERE...HE'S IN A LIFT TO THE BRIDGE RIGHT NOW!!!"

"Computer, two to beam to Deck 32, Section 22A." Eirias called out and made sure he was standing closer to Frey than the others, and sighed as the process sent them back to the Marine area of the Achilles, in one of the now empty cargo bays."

As everyone beamed out Lance glanced around to make sure everything was cleaned up and the booth was concealed he went to the Commodores desk to arrange things...or at least rearrange things and looked up as the

Commodore Da`nal

Commander Travis Stone

MCPO Lance Nelson
Yeoman (NPC)

SSgt Jason Frey
Recon Marine (NPC)

PFC Jason Eirias
Marine Rifleman (NPC)


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