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New Home...New Beginings

Posted on 12 Apr 2015 @ 1:37am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

903 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: USS Berlin

[USS Berlin]

The shuttle docked in the shuttle bay of their new home and Heather was gathering their thing as he closed out the docking procedure and powered down.

The week it had taken them to get he had gone by in blur and he smiled as he recalled the events that had gotten them here.

-- Earlier --

[USS Atlantic]

Rico sat in his usual place in the officer’s lounge staring out at the stars. The spectacular view was lost to him as he contemplated the choice he had to make. Ever since Starfleet had announce the exploration mission and Commodore Da`nal had issued the call for volunteers he had been on the fence. Hesitation was not in his nature and the fact that he was hesitating only made him more uneasy.

If he volunteered for the mission he would never see his parents or his sister again. However, if he passed on it he would be missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

Suddenly his thought were interrupted as his assistant appeared from nowhere with drinks for the two of them. “Penny for your thoughts…”

Rico smiled as he took the steaming cup of tea. “Do you have one?”

Tossing him the 20th century coin with a wide warm smile. “You should know by now I’m always ready for whatever you can throw at me.

“Still thinking about the Achilles mission?”

Nodding slowly as he examined the old coin. “I think it’s the hesitation that bothers me more than the options.”

Scooting he seat a little closer. “Well I can understand that. I’ve never known you to hesitate. That must be a little unnerving?”

“It is…”

“But just think of all the thing you would see and encounter. Things that no one else would have seen or will see for what could be years even decades afterward. There will still be communications back to the Federation?”

“Yes. The plan is to deploy communication relays as they proceed but if that become disrupted Starfleet command plans to use the same method of communications that they used with Voyager.”

“Great. So no matter what everyone will still be able to keep in touch with people back home”

Lowering his tea. “Are you trying to talk me into going? Cause your doing a pretty good job.”

“I don’t care what you do….you’re just not going anywhere without me.” She added biting her lip.

There was an uneasy silence for a moment as the two stared at each other. The two had met and served together for nearly a year and over that time she had become his closest confidant. It was that they had been inseparable, but they had worked closely together and had spent hours taking and even taking time to each other’s likes and dislikes. They both knew the others hobbies and even shared several common interests.

As Rico looked at her the hesitation he had felt melted away and know he knew where it had come from. The part of him that had been filled with hesitation now filled with confidence and he looked at her even more intently.

Heather blushed and dropped her head. “Stop looking at me like that.”

Lifting her chin with his finger and leaning in he kissed her gently on the lips. “Let’s get out of here…we have transfer requests to file.”

Taking him by the collar of his uniform and pulled him closer. “Paper work can wait.”

[USS Berlin – present]

Stepping from the shuttle they were met by another offer. “Welcome aboard sir.”

“Thank you. What is the ships status?”

“Everyone is ready to go sir and the Captain will be joining us at Deep Space Nine.”

Rico nodded. “Great. Well Ensign. If you will assist Miss. Fischer, I will be on the bridge.”

“Aye sir.”

Rico looked back. “I’ll be back as soon as we are under way.”

Heather shook her head. “Oh no you won’t. Until the Captain comes aboard, you are in command. I can handle this.”

Rico grinned as he turned and left the shuttle bay.


Rico stepped out of the lift and onto the bridge. There was several looks from several stations towards the unfamiliar officer. He took them in stride as he moved to a position forward on the helm and ops stations.

“I am Commander Ricardo Montoya, your XO. We are all here on this ship because we volunteered for this mission. However we have to get to Deep Space Nine and pick up our Captain and join with the USS Achilles and the USS Freedom before we can take our first steps into history.

“Helm, set a course for Deep Space Nine, warp 7.”

“Aye Sir.”

Rico continued his address. “We have a long journey ahead of us. Right now we are mere shipmates…soon we will be family.” Looking to the officer manning ops, “Have all the department heads report to the bridge.”

The sharp nod was good enough and he moved to the alcove at the back of the bridge and took a seat as he awaited the others. Serving on the Berlin was going to be a lot different than on the Atlantic but a smaller crew meant tighter bonds…at least he hoped. While he waited he opened a channel to the Commodore to apprise him of their status.


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