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Every nook and cranny - Part 1

Posted on 01 Apr 2015 @ 1:30am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Kordah Himars

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: USS Achilles

Da`nal had been in the pod for hours. Had been moving about the exterior of his new ship looking over every hatch, every phaser strip, every torpedo launcher, every thruster and manifold. Getting to know his ship personally had been something he had done with every ship he had had the honor to command.

He had landed his pod the port landing pad and was powering down as the elevator lowered him into the lower bay and storage area. He was not surprised to see the deck chief approaching him while he climbed out. "Enjoy you little excursion sir?"

As the Chief motion for his crew to move and refuel the pod Da`nal replied. "Yes I did Chief...", he trailed off stopping himself from sharing his motivations. Instead he made his way to the bottom of his ship to begin the long journey of getting to know his new command.

--Mean while--

Lance stopped outside the XO's office, he and his fellow conspirators were ready and their opportunity had they just need to get it aboard. Pressing the chime to the door he waited.

"Come in!" The deeper voice of Travis rang out. Paperwork was already killing him, and he was determined not to get a yeoman. This could be the beginning of a distraction, desperately needed. After seeing who was at the door as it opened, his hopes increased. "Master Chief, step into the demesnes of paperwork and have a seat. I hope you have something to distract me?"

"Oh I think I have a distraction for you." Lance went into the details and history of the original attempt to give the CO a gift of some old Klingon technology, where they were before everything got destroyed, their discovery of a replacement and the opportunity now at hand. "...and with the Commodore off getting to know the ship, as he always does, we have the perfect chance to get it installed. So with your permission we can beam it up and get to work."

"Wait...You're installing an agonizer booth, having that junior Marine being the lead tech on it, and it's ready to go? Fine by me, go ahead and beam it up. How did a PFC figure out that tech anyway, especially an Infantry Marine and one that's been a PFC longer than half the crew's been on this ship?" Travis' curiosity was now piqued.

Lance ginned. "The original piece of equipment was found while he was looking through a lunar surplus it was his find and his idea we kept it his project. He got others to help refab and restore the booth when off duty. As to his promotion or lack thereof..." He shrugged. "There has been a bit of turnaround in the command structure of the Marines. Either they just overlooked it or maybe there is something else going on.

"Well, I'm hardly going to stick my head into the Marine promotion system directly; Sharpe would probably protest and then try to shoot me. Keep an eye on that for me if you could Master Chief. I know the Marines tend to trust you a bit more, something I have to work out later. How long do you all expect this installation to take?"

[Lower Decks]

Da`nal knew that with a ship this size the task before him would take some time, grinning confidently at the challenge he pressed on.

The mining and processing areas where stocked with extra deuterium, dilithium, and other resources or other supplies. These resources would be use to not only keep the Achilles going but its escort and support vessels as well.

Leaving the area he continued on, after passing through the industrial fabrication areas, he mad his way up to the secondary engineering area and began to walk the length of the horizontal pair of warp cores. After a time he reached out, placing his hand on the core's housing feeling the pulsing of on of the ships four hearts. As he turned to continued his journey a young engineer had stopped to give the Commodore his privacy but smiled as he approached. "Keep them running smooth ensign."

Tlara was slightly nervous having a flag officer addressing her directly, "I will sir."

A moment later she called after him. "Sir?"

"Yes Ensign...??"

"Tlara sir. I was wondering..."

Da`nal grinned, "You are wondering why I'm down here?"

"Yes sir. No one would really be in this area, even when underway. These sections are just for monitoring and core maintenance."

Leaning against the bulkhead, crossing his arms. "Tlara....What is a starship?"

Her heart began to pound at the question, and she began to stammer.

Putting his hands up. "At ease Ensign." Motioning her to come closer he reached up and removed his rank. Then he reached out and removed hers. " rank here. Now..." he repeated calmly, "...what is a starship?"

[Ready Room]

While Eirias had beamed down to make sure everything was good to go and got it ready to beam it up. The rest of the 'group' stood in the ready room looking for a place to put the booth.

Jason pointed to the large Klingon sculpture that occupied a far corner of the large ready room. "What about there? We can remove the sculpture, install it and conceal it with a holo-projection of the sculpture."

"I wouldn't remove the sculpture Staff Sergeant. Just get someone from Ops and Engineering in here to make any modification to the wall to add the space we need. There's enough room without affecting the layout." Travis commented.

Lance nodded. "Let let's get cracking. This may be a big ship but ya never know what might happen to bring the boss man back this way."

After he had replied Lance had tapped his commbadge and hailed Lt. Kordah who had just arrived earlier that day. At the same time he watched as the Maine contacted their conspirator on the ground and began beaming up the components.

Kordah for the better part of the day for the last few days, as just been making sure his new assignment was up to all sort of standards. Operations over saw several factor throughout the ship. However, the Bajoran Klingon, just kept himself busy and reflecting, when he had an chance to do so, the statement from his former house and Empire has for him. Of course, Himars, was making sure, that the ship was good as gold, for the long voyage. He heard his combadge beep, "Himars here, go ahead"

"Lieutenant, could you report to the Commodore's Ready Room? There is an ongoing project that needs an adaption to the Slot F section, they're installing an old agonizer booth. Travis spoke levelly, trying to hold back a laugh. Da'nal was definitely going to have some mixed feelings about this one.

"One second, sire" Himars stated as he was handed an device and looked it over "Slot F. yes, it'll work, if it doesn't beat it in

"Beat it in? Really? Never knew an Operations officer to allow damage to the structure of the ship. Please tell me you have other options." Ok, now he was really holding in a grin and attempting to keep a serious tone.

"yes, for the moment sire," Krodah added as an lip formed an smile "That idea is plan C. So how can Ops help?"

"If you could, report down there when you have a few moment and see how it's going and what you can do to assist. I do want this functional." Travis said firmly.

"Understood sir. Himars out" and proceed to return to work



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