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When it rains it pours

Posted on 28 May 2015 @ 11:00pm by Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Commander Johnathan Pike & Commander Karen Villiers & Ensign Karrak

1,972 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: Deep Space 9

Jessica stepped out on to the station’s promenade. She had always heard about Deep Space Nine but she had never seen it for herself, until now. Pushed along by the flowing mass of people she made he way as best she could to the edge so she get her bearings. Finding a quiet, out of the way, corner she pulled up her padd to reference the station map.

While she was reviewing the information a shadow fell across the her and she looked up to see two rather large men. "You're new here aren't you? Can we help you find your destination?"

Alarms were already going off in her head and knew she could be in serious trouble. She tried to be polite as she waved the padd, "That’s ok, I found where I need to go."

As she tried to move away they blocked her path. "Not so fast...would you like to get a drink?"

"I don't drink with people I don't know. Please let me pass..."

Blocking her again, "Well then let's get to know each other."

It seemed they didn't notice a hulking Gorn behind them, as he reached down and picked both of them up, each in one hand. "Yess, let'ss get to know each other. Godzilla iss home!" he said.

Jonathan Pike walked the promenade of deep space nine. It was his first time here. He wasn’t sure where he was going until a interesting site caught his eyes. A woman was surrounded by two men who were now being picked up by a large gorn. Most of the time he would let security handle this but this time he figured he would just say hi.

He walked over "what's going on here" he asked as looked at the group. It was a interesting situation, he kept his eyes open looking for security just in case things went wrong.

Without looking back, Karrak said "Ensign Karrak, Security Officer for the USS Achilles, but these two may address me as Godzilla." That is the nickname many at the Academy gave him while he was there. He didn't get the meaning until he had seen many holo-videos of what looked like a giant Gorn without any clothes rampaging through cities.

Jessica let out a sigh of relief at Karrak's arrival. She had never actually had the chance to interact with him on their previous assignment but definitely knew of him. Taking advantage of their hesitation and distraction she brought a knee up hard into the groin of one of her admirers...dropping him to the floor.

As he dropped to the floor she pushed passed the other and wrapped an arm Karrak's. "We are all just getting acquainted Commander. Good to finally get a chance to meet you Karrak."

"It iss my honor." said Karrak. "You looked fine in disspatching these sazzlaths." He gave a toothy grin. "Remind me not to get on your bad sside."

She was still a little shook up over the whole thing, but took a deep breath and smiled. "I think it would take more than a knee to bring you down."

Looking to the Commander that had appeared. "I know it may not be strictly in line with protocol but I'd like to show my appreciation and buy my two rescuers a drink."

"I am honored." said Karrak. "I'll have a beer."

"Cool, lets go." Hooking her other arm around the Commanders, she led the way straight to the bar.


Karen sat at the bar, a cold syntheholic beer in the crook of her hand. She'd positioned herself so she had a good view of the door. Idly she dipped her fingers into a bowl of spiced nuts, raised it to her lips and chewed slowly. Her eyes dipped to the padd that lay nearby - it was running a diplomatic protocol that alerted her to the arrival of certain individuals - the names Jonathan Pike, Karrak and Jessica Logan had just presented themselves. Her gaze returned to the doorway. Putting two and two together, she matched in her mind the group of Starfleet Officers who had just entered to the names.

The Chief Diplomatic Officer slipped off the barstool and to her feet. She took her padd, made her way through the crowd and approached the group.

"If you'd allow me to introduce myself," she opened with a friendly smile, "I'm Karen Villiers, I'll be serving as the Chief Diplomatic Officer on the USS Achilles when she arrives."

Karrak was seated with his beer. "Commander." said Karrak. "I look forward to sserving with you."

"Likewise," Karen replied. After the atmosphere and tensions on DS5 it was good to meet upbeat officers."

Jessica nodded to the Commander. "Pleasure to meet you ma'am." Catching a passing server. "I'll have a Miami Iced Tea and bring these to fine gentlemen whatever they wish and bring me the bill."

Returning her attentions to their new acquaintance. "So Commander...Villers. Where were you prior to finding yourself about to step into the unknown with the rest of us?"

Karen wrapped her hand around her glass, "Five years as XO on Deep Space Five," she replied choosing not to focus on the negatives of that assignment. This was a new start so best to cast a positive spin. "It'll be nice to be on the move again," she added, "What about yourself?"

"Well I've served with Commodore since he got his first command. It's odd...cause I was at DS5 myself, was my first assignment. Then when some Romulan's were going to attack, I found myself on a barely completed starship being commanded by a Klingon from the station. I think he was the stations Chief of Stat Ops."

"Small world," Karen sipped her beer, "What about you?" she said to the others.

Jonathan looked at the group. He knew he wouldn't see them every day but he would see them around. "I'm commander Jonathan Pike of the USS Freedom a support vessel for the voyage. Before transferring to the USS Freedom I was the Commanding officer of the USS Ragnor. I haven't served with the Commodore before but I am looking forward to it." He said then took a sip of his beer.

"As for me, Commander," said Karrak, "This is my firsst foray in Starfleet, being the firsst Gorn. I was to sserve with the Commodore when things fell apart there, and I hope to sstart anew with the Achilles. And I hope maybe one day my people will hear and not be sso issolated anymore. I have found as my grandfather did, that you humanss are full of ssurprises, and not as weak as we firsst thought."

"There's an old Earth saying about not judging books by their covers," Karen said."

Jess nodded as she took another sip from her drink; it was strong enough...but a bit too sweet for her taste but not bad. As the Commander spoke with Karrak she turned to her other rescuer. "So Commander Pike what made you wanna leave everything behind and join this little endeavor?"

Pike smiled then spoke. "I wanted to see something new. I’m an explore not just a soldier. I want to see the unknown" he said thinking back to all his time in starfleet and the horrors that haunted him. Starfleet was not evil but sometimes when war was raging both sides would do things they wouldn't normally do.

Pike took a sip of his beer. The room felt hot but he knew it was just him. He couldn't believe they would be going into the unknown.

She saw that there was something else, something else that was either bothering him or behind his reasons. Well hopefully he would get the chance to relax and unwind. Her concern turning to enthusiasm. "Well not doubt we'll all get our fill of new things. Who knows what's wait for us out there? It's all sooo...exciting."

Karrak got up and went to the window, the one facing the star of his home world. He would often look towards it.

Seeing Karrak leave the small group she picked up her glass and followed. "I would be very appreciative to my rescuer if I let him drink alone. Just looking at the view or looking for one in particular?"

"It must be my magnetic personality," Karen said.

Karrak was still looking. "It iss the sstar of my home world." he said at last. "I ran away from it long ago when I wass young, and now I miss them, esspecially one."

"Someone Special back home? Any chance of you getting her to come with you? 70 years is a long time to be by yourself."

"Her name is Z'larki, and we were closse long ago. I have never forgotten her. I don't know if sshe remembers me or not, and don’t' know if I will even be welcome on my home world. I have accepted my k'nar and I want to tell her that I am not running anymore." said Karrak.

Jess hated the idea of her new friend feeling alone...even being alone. "Well, you could try and contact her. If nothing else you'd know one way or the other."

"It's difficult." said Karrak. "My people are an isolated people, disstrustful of any outsside. There have been efforts, mosst notably when Captain Picard contacted uss in the days of Leader Keeyah, and there iss hope. But it iss, as you ssay, a longsshot. I may be a key to opening the door there."

Jonathan looked the commander. "So commander why did you decided to go on this voyage?" He asked hoping not to pry everyone had their own reasons.

Before she could reply several Cardassians entered the bar, obviously looking for someone. The eyes of one fell on Commander Villers and grabbing the other made their way to her location. "Are you Commander Villers?"

Karen rose to her feet," I am," she replied in their language.

"And you are the Diplomatic Officer for the Federation's mission through the unexplored reaches of the Alpha and Gamma Quadrants?"

"Correct. To whom do I have the honor of speaking?" she asked, noting the Cardassians rank as she spoke.

The small group’s conversation and even some of the surrounding tables hand gone quiet but he kept his gaze on the woman. "I am Gul Trivan," a grin developed as he continued; "I am here to inform you that your mission’s approval to cross our space has been revoked."

Karen remained impassive, "I confess I expected a little more finesse from Central Command, Gul Trivan," she said, still speaking in Cardassian, "how much more humiliating it would have been for us to depart Deep Space Nine and find ourselves turned back at the border. Perhaps the leadership of the Cardassian Union is losing its touch."

Not rising to the bate he replied, even if it wasn't entirely true. "Finesse and humiliation, as you put it, were some of the old ways of doing things. And we all know how well the old ways worked for the my people. On contrary Commander, it is out of our respect for the Federation and this historic mission that I was sent to inform you personally. It's a shame your leadership didn't afford us the same respect. If you wish to discuss the possibility of restoring your mission’s rite of passage...we will be on the station."

Jessica, like many, had stopped their own conversations to watch the exchange. She had remained silent and thought to herself, ~Villier’s and Da`nal had their work cut out for themselves on this one.~

Commander Johnathan Pike
CO - USS Freedom

Commander Karen Villiers
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Ensign Karrak
Security Officer

Ensign Jessica Logan
Operations Officer


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