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06 Aug 2015 @ 2:00am

Commander Johnathan Pike

Name Johnathan Pike

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 37
Languages Human, Klingon, cardassian, romulan

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 200
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description He has a medium build. The sides and back of his head are shaved and the top of his head has medium length hair. He has a piercing gaze.


Spouse none
Father unknown
Mother Commondore Jade Pike 57

Personality & Traits

General Overview He is a stern by the book kind of officer. He doesn't believe in bending the rules or breaking them. This comes from years in the Jag service. He's cares about everyone he works with. He is a creative thinkers and like those who are the same.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Creative thinker
+ By the book
- by the book
- stern
Ambitions To be the Head Jag Officer
Hobbies & Interests He loves reading and studying laws and procedures. He also like martial arts.

Personal History He was born to Jade Pike, he never meet his father he never was around when he was born or growing up. His mom was a starfleet captain and raised him in a by the books style parenting he was trained to be a officer. His mom wanted him to join starfleet. He was never in trouble as a kid due to his mom.

He joined starfleet and was a secutity major but always wanted to join jag. He was the perfect cadet except for one fight in his senior year. Two junior cadets were causing a seen and grabbed a female cadet who screamed he stepped in and defended her but it cost him graduating with the rank of full ensign.

He graduated as ensign jg assigned to starbase 11 as a security officer. He worked hand in hand with starfleet jag and after a few years he put in for a transfer to starfleet jag. It matched his life and how he was raised. The transfer was accepted and he was trained as a jag officer and reassigned to starbase 11 as a jag officer this time.

He loved jag but when he was transfered no the USS Jamestown hewas also the assistant chief of security. It was weird forhim to work to jobs he did what he could the ship was attacked and and they were boarded and the bridge crew was killed. The attackers left taking with them the the chief Intel officer, they left the ship still functioning and he stepped up to run the ship and follow the ship with there officer. They were assisted by the USS Hyde in getting him back.

After that the Chief Intel officer was promoted to Co and promoted Johnathan to xo saying making him a departmy head would be a bad choice he's a by the book officer doesn't bend the rule but tends to think out side the box without violating the rules and that's what he needed in a xo. He stayed there for a few years before transferring for his own command. Was assigned as the co of Starbase Freedom.

He liked the station but thought it was a little boring it didn't satisfi his need for adventure. He got the offer to trade his command for a defiant class ship the USS Ragnor and he did and he loved the choice. But to his dismay all good things must come to a end as he was transfered to the USS Freedom as the Co
Service Record 4 Years Starfleet academy Cadet
3 Starbase 11 Ensign (jg)
2 years Starfleet Jag training Ensgin- Lieutenant (jg)
5 Years USS Jamestown Lieutenant (jg)- Lieutenant
4 Years Starbase 116 aka Freedom Lieutenant Commander
1 Yea USS Ragnor Lieutenant Commander
Current USS Freedom Commander