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Posted on 30 May 2015 @ 9:05pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Captain Ezekiel Benjamin & Lieutenant Heather Fischer-Montoya

1,031 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: USS Berlin / DS9

[Bridge - USS Berlin]

The Berlin dropped from warp just outside the control zone of the station and even that far out everyone on the bridge could see the heavy traffic in the area. Rico looked out at the buzz of activity; "Better let them know we are heading in. No need to dock just request a parking orbit within transporter range."

During their journey Rico had made sure to get familiar with the crew especially the bridge crew. He didn't feel the need to stand on ceremony or need to have every instruction repeated/acknowledgement if he was right there while the job was to be done. True to form the operation officer on duty simply followed the XO's order. "USS Berlin to Deep Space Nine. We are approaching your control area and request a parking orbit within transporter range."

The voice on the the other end was obviously relieved at the low priority request. =^= Acknowledged Berlin and thank you for making my life a little easier. Wish everyone arriving was as easy to place. Continue on your present course and assume an orbital inclination of 30 degrees at a distance of 28,500 kilometers. =^=

Rico was leaning forward with and elbow on his knee. "Helm, you heard her. Reduce speed to half impulse as we approach and assume standard station orbit at 30 degrees, 28,500 kilometers distant."

"Reducing speed sir. We should be in our parking orbit within 15 minutes."

"Excellent." Tapping the all call on the command chair. "Attention crew of the Berlin. As we are now arriving at Deep Space Nine it is my pleasure to inform you that Commodore Da`nal has issued shore leave within the system, so long as the mission preparations were complete. Since we are ready to go, and even ahead in some areas, I'm letting you know that our shore leave begins now on a rotational basis. Standard shift rotation will remain at minimum levels so check with your department heads to see where you are in the cycle. Everyone enjoy yourselves, stay out of trouble, and make the most of your time off. Montoya out."

The speech made he handed things off while they parked and went to the ready room to let the CO know they had arrived.

Zek through the fresh outfit over his shoulder as he exited the tailor's shop on Deep Space Nine. He had a pare of dress-pants altered as part of the few chores that he could busy himself with until the Berlin arrived. Just as he was arriving at the turbolift, his combadge chimed. Smacking it gently, he replied.

"Benjamin here."

"Captain, I just wanted to touch base. Figured you'd want to know that we had arrived, that the department heads have all set up their leave rotation schedules, and those not on duty or scheduled to be on duty during the rotation have started their leave. That said I was thinking we should actually meet before we actually leave.

"I'll meet you in the Ready Room, Commander." Zek replied quickly, turning quickly and heading to the nearest transporter room.

Once aboard the Berlin, he took in as much of the ship as he could while still on his way to his destination. When he emerged onto the bridge, the OOD stood to announce his entry, but he raised his hand to stop him, not wanting to draw attention to himself. After a few steps, he entered the ready-room without "knocking".

"Hello, Commander." he said simply, a genuine and warm smile crossing his face.

Rico was up and waiting for him as soon as the transporter operator let him know the Captain was on board. He extended a hand and returned the greeting. "Good to finally meet you face to face sir. So did you get a chance to check out Bajor yet?"

"My daughter and wife went right down, but I was distracted up here." Zek said, returning the man's handshake firmly. "I've admittedly been a little to excited for the Berlin's arrival to worry about anything else. How about you? Have you ever been?"

"Oh no, I've never been able to make it personally but my fiance has. She was very excited to have the chance to go again before we leave. I there anything you wanted to go over concerning the ship?"

"I've gone over the specs top to bottom and have studied the crew rosters. I'd like to take some time to meet with each of my senior staff, if the yeoman can have that arranged." he said clearly, moving to take his seat behind the desk for the first time in his career. "Besides that, enjoy your vacation. See Bajor for me."

Rico had expected to have had to fore go at least part of his leave to help get things settled. "Thank you sir. I know Heather will get things in place for you in short order, she was my admin on the Atlantic."

"Yes, I'm sure she's capable." Zek responded, more than a little distracted by the view as he looked around his new office. Finally, he caught hold of himself and turned back to his First Officer. "Dismissed, by the way."

A wide grin formed on his face as he smirked, glancing around the ready room. "Yes Sir. Well I will let you two get to know each other and let Heather know as well." He stopped at the door looking back, "I'll have a Long Island for you at Quarks."

[XO's Quarters]

A little later Rico walked in and saw Heather packing for their leave. "Sorry but you've been summoned by the boss."

She spun her hands on her hips, "What?"

"Duty calls. The Captain wants you to set up a meeting with all departments heads. He didn't specify whether it was to be one on one or all together...though I got the impression it was the first."

"And just what are you going to be doing while I'm setting up his meetings?"

For the second time he grinned...almost laughing. "Well...I'll be on vacation; Captain's orders."

Captain Ezekiel Benjamin
CO - USS Berlin

Commander Ricardo "Rico" Montoya
XO - USS Berlin

Ltjg Heather Fischer


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