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Posted on 19 Mar 2015 @ 11:28pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert

1,526 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Briefing Room
Timeline: Present


Giada arrived on the new Achilles before the bulk of the crew was to arrive. As senior staff, and chief of security, she felt it important to arrive early. Both as an example, and to address any security concerns that were bound to arise with a standard crew compliment of over One-Thousand. After unpacking her stuff, she inquired as to the location of the Command staff. Pleased to discover they were in the same location, she made her way to the briefing room.

"Excuse me sirs."

"Lieutenant Lindert, good to see you aboard early. Have you taken time to do a walk-through of the Achilles?" Travis asked as he stood and walked over to her, extending his hand. This was one of the officers he would need to be on decent or good terms with, as the ship and crew were too large to keep track of everything on his own like he preferred to. He couldn't help but notice she was a bit shorter, and far less massive than he was. Which made him wonder if she engaged in sparring matches.

Da`nal stood from his chair and moved over to Lindert. "Welcome back Lieutenant. What do you think of our new home?"

Shaking the XO's hand, Giada answered both their questions at once. "She's quite the ship. I haven't had a chance to see the whole ship yet, but it's top priority on my to-do list. I remember touring the NX-Refit and thinking they were a large starship. Considering the nature of our mission, I feel a larger ship is appropriate."

"Well, in many cases, size does matter...but can be a handicap as well. Are you going to be able to handle things?

"Yes Sir. The Achilles may not be as maneuverable as her predecessor but still packs quite a punch. Twenty phaser arrays, 8 torpedo launchers, and space for 36 fighters. The shield generators have also been beefed up to handle the ship's bulk. As for internal security, with 40 decks holding an estimated crew of 4000, I'm hoping to stay on top of things by dividing the ship into 10 sections of 4 decks each. By having a team of 3 to 4 security personnel patrol each section, we should be able to quickly respond to any incidents. The internal transporter system will also help should we need to bring extra force to bear. "

On the journey from Earth, Giada had read up on the ship's specs.

Da`nal nodded approvingly. "That sounds like a good start to things though more patrol teams might be needed. I'm sure the Marines would be more than happy to assist with ships security; be it patrol, brig duty, or other needs we may have."

"I will make sure to get with Captain Sharpe about some extra support. I guess the shakedown cruise will be for more than just the engineering staff. The security patrols can certainly be readjusted if need be. Obviously if we're hosting guests, the patrols will be beefed up. On that note, I'd like to work with Ambassador Kelan on creating an honor guard for diplomatic functions."

She was still working out the details on the honor guard, but hopefully they wouldn't be needed right away.

"I'd learn the routes the hard way as well. Can't always depend on the transporter to do the job." Travis commented, remembering a few occasions transporters had failed them in the middle of a combat situation.

Da`nal nodded. "Agreed. Though hopefully both the regular and internal hardwired transporter systems don't go down at the time." He pointed to her as he continued. "I do like the idea of a diplomatic honor guard.'

Looking to his XO, "What do you think?"

"The Marine in me says it's a bad idea in some cases, nothing like pointing out who to shoot first. The Fleet side of me, says it can't hurt, but make sure we pick the most physically intimidating bodies we have on the ship just in case. Who's going to go over D&C with them?" Travis commented after a moments thought.

Now that was surprising to him. "I thought you Marines were all about tradition, honor, and ceremony. An Honor guard is a gesture of respect...not combat."

It was a bit surprising the Commodore was the one to see the ceremonial aspect of an honor guard. However, as she gave it a moment's thought, Giada revised her opinion. Whether they were friend or foe, the Klingons were big supporters of traditions, and maintained many of the old rituals despite the technological advances that occurred.

"With all due respect, we don't need the biggest and baddest crew-members to serve on the Honor Guards. If we're trying to win over those we meet, it is probably not a good idea to intimidate them. As for drill & ceremony, I was an International Relations major at West Point. I'm sure Ambassador Kelan and myself could come up with procedures. Subject to command approval of course."

Giada wasn't sure her educational background carried the same weight it used to, but it was worth a shot.

"Well you will get your chance to flex your diplomatic muscles when we get to DS9 as Ambassador Kelan has not yet been cleared for full duty as yet. Once we arrive the Klingon and Romulan Ambassadors will be joining us there and I am also anticipating trouble from the Ferengi and Cardassians so have your people on their toes. I don't want this mission to begin with any incidents.

Meeting with a Romulan Ambassador would be interesting, but hopefully they wouldn't be aware of her past.

"Aye sir, I'll make sure to have my dress uniform pressed and ready to go. Many of the old security crew-members are returning which should make the transition easier. Before we arrive, I will make sure to speak with Lt. Commander Blackmer about any security arrangements station side."

One of the constants that remained through the ages was coordinating with the Security Chief of the host facility.

"Good we will talk more about what the various delegations will or will not be allowed to access. In the mean time see that operations has the the Diplomatic facilities ready and is prepared to deal with any requests that may arise."

Glancing to his XO to see if he had anything to add.

Travis simply shrugged. "One thing I would like to do now is re-establish that squad to play bodyguard on the Commodore. Considering I KNOW you're going to try and go downside as much as you can despite what I protest." He gave Da'nal a grin for that old complaint.

The corner of Da`nal's mouth curled. "You can't expect me to stay cooped up on the ship for 70 years while you get to have all the fun. However, before you we begin a pointless debate and you both begin to start quoting regulations...I will agree to the escort team for questionable beam down sites and for red alert situations. Agreed?"

Giada wasn't about to overrule the CO unless she absolutely had to. This was one battle she wasn't going to fight at the present time.
"Works for me, although who decides if the location is safe enough not to warrant an escort?"

That was a good question and Da`nal folded his arms over his chest as he thought. A smirk of a grin formed, "As with all things on this ship, the final decision is mine. However; if I decide to beam down to a location and you both feel the situation warrants a Marine escort, over and above the usual security measures for any away-team, I will accept that....recommendation. Will that satisfy the two of you?"

"Works for me Commodore. Last thing we need is to report back that you were captured or killed without an attempt at protection. I'd rather not face that panel of inquisitors again if I can." Travis let out a chuckle for the reminder of the grilling they both had just been through.

"Yes sir, I am in agreement with that protocol. Sounds like a good compromise between the desire to get firsthand knowledge of the situation and providing for your safety."

Hopefully the presence of an armed escort wouldn't draw undue attention to the fact a Flag Officer was present.

"Well, then I think we're about settled until we reach the station and get our full crew complement. Lieutenant, I'm sure you can think up a few new drills we can torment people with, but I've nothing further. Commodore?" Travis asked.

Shaking his head. "No, but I like that suggestion. Let's schedule various drills while en route to DS9...intruder alert, evacuation, tactical, etc.. We are heading into the unknown but lets be ready for what we can."

"You'll receive no arguments from me sirs. It will help us get familiar with the ship. I'll also be setting up martial arts training for those who wish it."

She knew Starfleet taught basic self defense, but the more crew members trained in hand to hand combat the better.

Commodore Da`nal

Commander Travis Stone

Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert


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