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Long Gray Line

Posted on 09 Feb 2015 @ 5:33am by Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert

1,186 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: West Point Museum. New York State, United States of America, Earth


Giada had managed to get a few of the old group together for a trip to Risa. Aside from simply enjoying the resort planet, they finally made the long awaited climb of Galartha. At the end of the week, Giada made her way to Earth to finish up her leave before heading to DS9 where the new Achilles was waiting.
Hoping for some inspiration & courage in regards to the daunting mission that awaited, Giada made her way to what had been West Point Military Academy. For centuries it had trained military leaders for the United States of America, and Allied nations. Upon the creation of the United Earth Government, it transitioned into a training location for the Military Assault Command Operations. It survived the founding of the Federation as it changed to train members of the Starfleet Marine Corps. Finally though, the expansion of Starfleet Academy caused West Point to shutter their doors. Thankfully, its historical significance was recognized and the site was soon turned into a museum.
Joining a tour group, Giada listened as the guide pointed out various facts about the facility as they walked through. A lot had changed since she walked through the halls, but the basics were still there. As the tour group passed the edge of the parade ground, Giada dropped back so she could touch the spurs on the statue of General John Sedgewick. It was a time honored tradition of Cadets during finals week, who were afraid of academic failure. Back then it was carried out at midnight, in full dress uniform & under arms. She had only made the journey once, during her first term, after which she got her act together. She wasn’t quite sure why she spun the spurs this time around, aside from the fact it seemed like an appropriate action to take.
The parade ground was also where the news of war was delivered to the cadets. Due to the attack on Station Salem One, their spring break had been cut short. The clouds of war where definitely on the horizon, but no one was sure exactly when the storm would hit.

13 March 2156
At morning chow the announcement was made to assemble on the Plain. The presence of several jumbotrons plus most of the Academy leadership, gave a good indication of the significance of what was about to occur. The cadet’s murmurings were brought to a halt when they were called to attention ahead of the superintendent’s arrival. When General Olivarez took center stage he kept his comments short and to the point.
“As you well know, United Earth and her Allies have been on edge since the Romulans attacked Station Salem One. The Coalition of Planets is meeting as we speak to vote on the prospect of war against the Romulan Star Empire. We gathered you here to watch the live feed from the council chambers and the expected response from the Coalition President. It’s quite likely we will go in this alone if need be, but we would be surprised if our allies choose not to join us. As future military leaders for Earth and her colonies, this is a very important vote.”
The General’s words were cut short by a signal from the person monitoring the news feed.
“I’m told the vote is about to happen, so let’s go live to San Francisco.”

The reporter standing outside the Council Chambers had just finished their part of the report and tagged their counterpart inside.

“Good Morning, as the representatives file in let us review the proposal that is up for vote.

The General Assembly,

Whereas the forces of the Romulan Empire have launched numerous unprovoked attacks against the outposts and starships of the Coalition of Planets,
Bearing in mind its primary responsibility under the Coalition Charter for the maintenance of interplanetary peace and security,
Having considered all possible diplomatic alternatives,
1. Declares accordingly that the that a state of war exists between the Coalition of Planets and the Romulan Empire;
2. Authorizes and directs the Security Council and the Secretary-General to employ the entire naval and military force of the Coalition and the resources of the governments to wage war against the Romulan Empire, with the goal of bringing the conflict to a successful conclusion.

“Now that the representatives are seated, the vote can officially begin. We should point out that a unanimous vote is not required. As long as a majority of members are in agreement, the proposal will be passed. The United Earth Parliament has already passed their own declaration of war, so Prime Minister Samuel’s vote will be more of a symbolic gesture. As for the rest, we’ll find out in a minute as Ambassador T’Pau calls the vote.”

The Vulcan female stood up to address the group.
“You have all read the proposal we are voting on. We will start with the most junior members first. Ambassador Leyva from Alpha Centauri, how do you vote?”

The human male rose to his feet.
“Alpha Centauri votes for the resolution.”
T’Pau kept the neutral Vulcan expression on her face, as she continued down the line. Draylax, Andoria, Tellar Prime, and Earth all voted in favor of the resolution. The only dissenter was Ambassador L’Nel from Vulcan who voted against the War resolution.

The response from the Cadets and the audience in the council chambers were almost identical. There was silence for a moment before cheers erupted from those gathered to watch the proceedings. While they knew deep down what the consequences of war could be, many saw it as a chance for humans to stand up for themselves and prove they could handle being out in deep space.

The sound of the tour guide’s voice brought Giada back to the present causing her to break out into a slow jog to catch up with the group. As the tour wound down, they were taken through an exhibit dedicated to the Romulan War. While she knew opinions about the War had changed over the centuries, she was interested in how it was remembered closer to its occurrence.
None of it went into great detail of the individual battles, but overall it seemed fairly accurate. One item that caught her attention however, was the description of the battle for the Plieoria sector. Among other things, it made mention of Starfleet Commandos who were beamed into place several months beforehand. Giada had never heard mention of commandos before, but that didn’t rule them out either. There also seemed to be some confusion as to what occurred on the world’s Starfleet was unable to capture. She knew what the plan was should a ground invasion fail, but by the time that decision was made Giada had been on a medical transport. Therefore, she had no direct personal knowledge of the situation. Tucking the information away in her brain, Giada made a mental note to investigate the matter further when things settled down on the Achilles.


OOC: Declaration of War adapted from,


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