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On my way

Posted on 01 Feb 2015 @ 2:29am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Ensign Karrak

533 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: SB 124, DS9, USS Achilles

[SB 124]

Karrak had finally gotten his new orders and there was a ship on its way to DS9 leaving in one hour, so he had to rush to get packed and ready to leave.

Soon, he was on board the USS Hawking which was his transport to the next step on the journey. It would be another step in his other journey to his destiny as well.

The trip was uneventful, but he was often in the lounge, looking out at the stars, including one star he was focused on, the star that his homeworld orbited around. Many thought Gorn were tough and unfeeling, and they were half right. They were tough, they had to be in this universe that was not for the timid. But there were feelings, though they were mostly hidden.

He looked to the star, wondering if he would ever be welcome there again after he left the way he did, dodging his destiny and his responsibility as Tra'nark zo-Lazath. He wondered about Z'larki, if she even remembered him, or would have anything to do with him. He left without saying goodbye to her.

Most left him alone there to his thoughts.

But after a long journey, the ship docked at DS9 and he was left off until the final leg of his journey to the new Achilles.

[Deep Space 9]

He headed to his temporary quarters, and looked up Commodore Da'nal and opened up a channel.

"Enssign Karrak to Commodore Da'nal. I am at DS9 and will be at the sship when the next transsport comes." he said.

[Ready Room - USS Achilles]

Da`nal was reviewing the latest status report on the ships preparations when the call came in and a second holo-display activated. "Greetings Ensign. Glad to hear you will be joining us, but there is no need to wait on a transport to our location. We will be departing soon and will be heading to DS9."

Understood, sir." said Karrak. "And I will be waiting, and finally have the honor of serving with you. Karrak out."

He didn't look it, but he was excited more than he had ever been. His destiny that he had long denied was before him. His Tra'nark guide had led him well to this point.

Da`nal stared at the now blank monitor as he shook his head at the fact the he had just been hung up on. He "Oh to be an Ensign again....". Returning to the status report, he was pleased with the progress and was getting anxious to depart. There where things that would have to wait until they arrived on Deep Space Nine and what he sent out word to accelerate the departure preparations. As he rose to talk to the XO about lighting a fire under everyone he also wondered what a Gorn would do while on leave.

[Deep Space 9]

Karrak suddenly realized what he had done, and hoped he had not done a dishonor to his Klingon superior. He would have a lot of explaining to do when Da'nal came, confronting him for his blunder. His excitement had gotten the better of him.

Commodore Da`nal

Ensign Karrak
Security Officer



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