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Saying Sorry

Posted on 16 Feb 2015 @ 2:58am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Elas Vonti

1,445 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Spacedock
Tags: Vonti, Grange/Ayren


Their meeting was going unexpectedly smoothly, though Elas left out the bit about the terrifying network of voices that had just contacted him. He wasn't sure what was real and what was psychosis from his new-found abilities. Elas had made the mutiny possible, interrogated prisoners for Da'nal, and nobody had realized how much fun he had while it was happening. And now, Da'nal was getting around to an offer for him on board his new ship, Elas was delighted at how events in his life had turned out. He was closer to Ayren than he had been in a year, the feel of her mind against his a sick perversion he craved more with each thought of her.

"I am sorry to hear how many of your family were killed, I had hoped we were more successful in our attempts to intercede with House Morqrat. Starfleet took that into consideration I hope..."

Da`nal shook his head and interrupted. "They do not consider the inner working of the Empire as a justification for one's actions. The only reason everyone of us weren't stripped of our commissions is classified; and given your abilities you are under orders not to 'extract' memories for myself or any other member of senior staff that participated in our actions inside the Empire. These orders don't come from myself but from head of Starfleet Intelligence."

That out of the way he was able to move on to the offer he had made to every member of his former crew. "You received the message I sent out concerning my new command and its mission?"

Elas figured the only reason Ullian officials hadn't dragged him back to his home world to be made a public example of is that much of what had happened had managed to stay a secret. Such orders showed that Starfleet may have an idea, but did not know what Elas was capable of. This was very interesting, and something he never imagined would happen so easily. He would be back in Starfleet, on a ship exploring, and close to Ayren. She was well, finally awake from the coma she had sunk into with the bizarre crossover event they had shared.

Elas felt subtle hues to the emotional tones he was getting off of Da'nal. more telling than the pure empathy, he was starting to feel as though he had a lead into Da'nals inner works. He tested this by listening intently as he spoke, provoking one reaction while asking for another. "Yes, and I must say that I never expected you to offer me a position, given our history. and Ayren."

Elas had every sense primed for any information he could glean from Da'nals reaction. He felt the Imzadi connection stem from him all the way to sickbay where Ayren was presently, potentially the telepathic activity that was giving Elas information. Ayren was awake, but he was under restraining orders to keep a distance from her...medically imposed not punitive. The distinction was important to Elas, but what did Da'nal think?

"...the medical reports cleared you of any intentional malice in what happened to Ayren and Lt. Tambor. Your actions on the Achilles and on Maranga IV in the defense of my House show me that you are a man of honor. That all said, the reason I asked you her was to offer you position on the new Achilles and it's mission to explore the unknown areas of the Alpha and Gamma quadrants.

"I have already spoke to Starfleet medical and their actions against you; in that you were under duress from a group of Recon Marines. The clearing of charges against the other members of the crew included you as well. They were adamant, but after a call from Admiral Rittenhouse from Headquarters and Admiral Jennings of Starfleet Intelligence, they reinstated your licenses."

There was a beat as Elas absorbed this with utter shock and disbelief. The deck had been so thoroughly stacked against him it had seemed... he had long abandoned any hope of his career recovering. It was still in the dirt, and his people had rejected him, he was an outlaw ex-patriot. To know he still had his home in Starfleet, it changed things. He struggled to hold back the choking sensation as his emotions flooded into him full force.

"I never imagined... Thank you. What I did before... at Maranga IV has changed me though. I am not sure if Medical is a suitable place for me anymore... I will serve as I always have, and I thank you again for your forgiveness and understanding. I am glad Ayren has come back to you.

Mentioning her, and the guilt mixed with sick pleasure he felt at her mention disgusted him, his voice broke for moment before he staggered on. He also got a subtle tic of reaction from Da'nals mind, a curious happening, with dire implications. He shouldn’t have felt a thing from the psy-null species, especially one so strong willed. Ayren was his goal, but the long game he had to play was only just beginning. He took the discussion with Ayren further, trying to sense out and mao the Emotional paths of the Klingon as he spoke.

"It weighs on me so heavily, I don't feel as though I could serve knowing what I did to them even if it wasn't conscious. I only wish I understood the bizarre moments of our last interactions before I seized and she went into a coma. Her dream world was killing me but living in it was so compelling.... I am sorry, this is not appropriate."

"That has already been done as far as I am concerned, though that many not be so easy to get from Ayren or Lt. Tambor. Medical can chemically desensitize you so that there won't be a repeat of what happened, but for the time being your restrictions from them remain. I will address things with them and if they wish to ease those restrictions they may."

He paused momentarily then addressed the other issue raise. "You have a place on my ship if you want it. The new Achilles is a very large ship with many any places to serve if not in the medical field where do you see yourself?"

With careful deliberation, he spoke after a moment. "I can resume counseling, given the size of the ship and the new crew... a clean slate... we will be in the Gamma Quadrant... Okay. However I wish to be considered for Tactical missions and away teams. Our recent experiences have given me an insight into a talent I have never explored. I wish to expand my capabilities so I can take the job, thank you... sir."

"While I encourage all my crew to be cross trained in other duties there is a big difference between being a counselor and tactical duties. If that is what you wish I will arrange for weapons and physical training with both Security and the ships Marines. If and when they certify you as being ready for those duties, by all means....but until then you will continue with your counseling of the ship’s crew.

"You will need to report to our new CMO, Dr. Grange, who is also overseeing Ayren's recovery. I want to make clear that the restraining order is still in place were both Lt. Tambor and Ambassador Kelan are concerned."

Elas had hope to gloss over the topic, so it wasn't so much of a boundary as a line in the sand. Lines in the sand were gone in a breath, but Da'nal was adamant on the point. He would need to play this game well, but a part of him tried to remind him that Ayren was not something to be pursued, but obsession made denial a survival tool.

"Yes, Commodore. Please convey my deepest regards to both of their well being and my respect for their wishes. It may be prudent to have Ayren resume part time duties as Counselor in the event there are crewman unwilling to speak with me. We can coordinate through Dr. Grange if need be."

Elas almost made to mention the strange Voice that had spoken to him, but once again he felt the mental blocks begin to rise in him. He wasn't even sure it was real, or what the nature of that beast was. The borders of sanity were right on the forefront of this line of thought and he pushed it aside. Imagined or not, it was something he feared, but could not think to share.

Commodore Da`nal

Lt. Elas Vonti


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