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Recovery - Part 3

Posted on 24 Jan 2015 @ 4:27am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant JG Alana Tambor
Edited on on 24 Jan 2015 @ 4:42am

1,053 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Starfleet Medical - Paris

Alorha had heard of Minaran but had never had personal contact with one. "I have heard of your healing abilities," she said hiding her slight embarrassment with a polite smile. Not that it would work, the Minaran would know how she felt. "Empathic.. I remember now," she said glancing at Da'nal before continuing.

"Her psionine levels are sky high, they need to come down," she started. Unsure of what Alana knew or not, she explained. "That means that she is in a pure telepathic state, and without a drop in psionine production, she will remain in this "telepathic" coma. I have tried inhibitors to prevent or at least decrease psionine production, but her brain compensates every time,' Alorha explained. "today was the first time there was a slight drop. if you can help her, please so ... just let me know what you need..."

Exhausted Ayren sat down in the bubble, leaning against the "barrier". She had to think... there was a way out, but it was as if it was just beyond her reach. She was not going to give up... no way! The thought of never seeing Da'nal, or the children, or her family.. and staying trapped like this, spurred her on.

Alana nodded, grateful that Alorha had made the situation as safe as it could be, but there was no way to anticipate what would happen to her. Her empathy worked exponentially greater through contact, so much so, her very life force, the energy that flows and keeps her cells vital seek out the source of any pain and seek to remedy it. The presence of such pain even at a distance is felt by the Minaran healer. Her time with the Vians, forced to heal and inflict grievous injury...memories of laying in her cell certain that this time... this time would be the last time she had to take on such pain and bear to live. Each time she came back, it was why they liked her.

The ability to communicate with Ayren became easier as she closed in proximity. Out of consideration to the others she turned off her voder, its interpretation of a scream was unpleasant as a gross understatement. She spoke with her mind easily however, the pathway to Ayren was almost a channel, save one very strong barrier. It took effort to get a message through, but it had to be said.

~Ayren... Elas did to me as he did to you. You have created a bubble subconsciously out of a desire to prevent further assault. You have made this barrier a permanent fixture in your subconscious and that I cannot heal. I can however ease the pain, remove the injuries and fatigue of your ordeal and the coma itself. You must break through at that point, I cannot help you with this.~

She was a remarkably skilled and powerful will to remain sane after such an experience. Ayren lay before her in a coma, yet Alan felt her clawing at the other side of a thinning fence. Alana felt her fingers brush Ayrens sleeping temples, a delicate graze faintly passing over the skin.

There was an instant response on the readouts, Ayren had brain activity. Alana felt the beginnings of the true pain, not the empathy induced headache, but the agonizing sensation of her life ebbing into another, of bleeding into an endless pool until she was nothing but pain and emptiness. She took on the coma by gently rubbing the temples around to her neck, then pulling hard she let the energy do its work and transfer into Ayren, specifically the Brain, the Heart, the Nervous system... Alana felt the bits and pieces resolve inside Ayren, she was knitting, but Alana already felt the threshold she had come to know. It was coming, her point of death, Ayren had to break free for there was no more time.

Ayren could feel strength return to her body and mind. It helped her to focus and bring clarity. Merely having someone else there also aided her as well. ~Thank you,~ she responded more quietly. She knew what she had to do. Ayren used the power she felt in her body through the healer and became still and in body and mind. She closed her eyes and focussed on her physical senses. It was vague in the beginning, but then she felt the Da'nal still holding her hand and she zoned in on that making it bigger and stronger.... then she became aware of the biobed under her back, the sounds of the tricorder and monitor... her own body...

With an instinctive gasp, Ayren's eyes fluttered open...

Da`nal's hand ran through her hair as she looked up at him. "Welcome back..." The ember in his mind grew to a flame once again. Looking up to the doctor who had taken care of Ayren since their return to Earth as well as the former member of his crew. "You two want a job?"

Still weak from the ordeal, Ayren just smiled to her mate, letting the flame between them comfort her. She tilted her head slightly to press gently into his hand. "Did I loose mine?" she asked with a attempted grin

He grinned at her, "Well you know when one of my crew isn’t doing their job…Don't worry about that now."

Alorha was engrossed in setting the treatment parameters to strengthen Ayren's battered mind and body, she looked up at Da'nal. "Me? you are offering me a job on the Achilles?" she asked surprised, not quite able to keep the excitement out of voice completely.

"The job is yours if you want it, but be sure...once we leave DS9 you could be a very old woman when the Achilles returns to known space."

Alana let herself laugh finally, the trials of her ordeal finally fading from her. "I accepted a medical assistant post last night Commodore... on Achilles. Alana and Ayren and Alorha on Achilles." She was also a little disoriented and giggled a bit.

Alorha just giggled too, it was funny. And glancing at Alana she nodded. "I'll take it..." she said not even sure exactly what job the Commodore offered her.

Commodore Da`nal

Lt Alana Tambor

Lt Cmdr Alorha Grange

Ayren Kelan
Federation Ambassador


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