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JPL | LtJg Denterius & Capt Sharpe | "Standing strong"

Posted on 24 Jan 2015 @ 7:19pm by Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Major Richard Sharpe

831 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New

Goodbyes had been hard for her, even more so with the knowledge that it would be at least 70 years that she was going to be away from her family... at least for the most part. A hand stroked the soft little kitten that was nestled in cloth pet carried that hing on her shoulder. Both, gifts from her family before leaving. Shifting her bag over her shoulder carefully as she boarded the new ship with a glance around.

As her gaze rested upon the back of a Marine she took in a slow deep breath to try and quill the ripple of emotions that flowed though her. Go figure, he'd come back too, he did after all follow the Commanding officer once seems only fitting he do it again. Of course one might ask why she herself had decided to come back, she had to admit she was still asking herself that one. "Good to see your back." Came the warm voice of the Bajoran mix.

Richard turned at the sound of a familiar voice, and he smiled briefly at the sight of Kassi, then frowned. "Lieutenant Denterius." He responded, coldly. She had sided with the XO during the aborted mutiny aboard the Achilles, and he'd not forgotten how she'd treated him over his choice to side with the then Admiral Da'nar.

"Well, I see time away didn't do much to change your attitude about things." Kassi said with a slight scowl and shake of her head. "You know.... if your going to be on this ship you better get over it we will have to deal with each other for the next 70 years. Unless of course you decide to run off and do something stupid again." Though her voice was still soft, her tone held that underlining challenge to it.

"You betrayed me, how am I meant to just 'get over' that?" He snarled at his former lover.

"I betrayed you??? You are the one that ran off to do something stupid. You had no reason to. It was his fight not yours. You went against protocol and everything else. You realize what could have happened to you had the courts ruled differently??" Kassi snapped back, clearly they were both still hurting over what had happened.

"I remained loyal to my commanding officer!" Richard snapped, weeks of tension releasing. "If you'd had any sense of honour, you would've remembered your service oath - and not the petty squabbling of an inferior man who lusted for power."

"I did remember it!" Kassi glared at Richard. "So because the man saw that our commanding officer was about ready to do something stupid and risk the lives of many all because he wanted to get revenge, that man lusted for power? You're telling me that if I was in command of the ship and saw my family get killed, and became an emotion female who cared nothing but getting back at those people for what they did. And you were my first officer you would be willing to risk everyone's lives over it instead of having me deemed unfit?" Kassi shock her head. "Let me tell you, I could care less about power. But if you and I were in that situation and I was your first officer... about the first time I saw you doing something stupid out of revenge I would have done the same damn thing and removed your ass!"

"You have some nerve, Lieutenant!" Richard growled, stepping closer to her so that the gap between them had shrunk. He was taller than she was and he was looking straight down at her.

Kassi didn't move back from him as she might have before, she knew him... at least somewhat. They had a bit of a history together and she wasn't ready to let him think he could intimidate her. Not now, now when she felt she was right. An arrogant lift of her chin as she looked up at him with a hard determined look. "I do when I know I'm right. Your just to damn stubborn to admit you might have made a mistake and judged people without actually looking at the full picture, Captain!"

The tension was visible, and the silence lasted a few moments - which felt like forever. Suddenly, Richard grabbed her face and kissed her deeply. Letting all his tension and anger flow out of him and into the kiss.

She was caught off guard by the kiss as hands lifted up to his chest as if to push him away, a part of her said she should step back and slap him for it. Another part of her... that seemed to be winning... was giving into that kiss, letting him feel all her own emotions, her own anger and frustrations. Fingers curling to grip his shirt as she murmured into that kiss finally. "You're an ass"

"You know it..." He muttered, and took her hand, leading her off into an empty room.

= END! =


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