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Recovery - Part 2

Posted on 24 Jan 2015 @ 4:21am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant JG Alana Tambor
Edited on on 24 Jan 2015 @ 4:22am

1,359 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Starfleet Medical - Paris

Ayren was standing in what could be described as a bubble in which her senses were reversed. She was vaguely aware of her physical surroundings, her body on the biobed, the room and people around her. But everything physical was a subtle murmur in the background of her mind. Her psionic senses were clear as daylight though. She could see Alorha’s presence; hear her thoughts, but hardly what she said. She knew Da`nal was coming long before he did, his presence was clear even from a distance. She could “see” their bond, like a golden woven rope tying her mind to his regardless of where he was. With her head tilted slightly to the side she stared in wonder at it.

Her slender fingers reached towards it, so did her mind to pull him towards her, but in vain. ~This is all wrong!!~ she thought with rising desperation, pulling her hand back sharply. No matter what she had tried or what she did, she could not escape the bubble, she was trapped. In the beginning the bubble was like haven for her, she explored the wonders of her experience, not conceiving that there was a world or reality beyond it. Her initial memory loss facilitated her being mesmerized by the clarity of a psionic world. She didn't miss her physical senses at first, but now she knew there had to be something beyond what she experienced. It was comparable to a non-telepathic person attempting to use telepathy, or trying to imagine what it would feel like. As her memories returned, her desperation to get out, deepened.

“Da’nal!” she shouted. Though the sound reverberated in the bubble, the still figure on the bed did not move. “Da’nal I am here!” Instinctively she listened for a response.

[Back in the real word]

Da`nal shook his head and a puzzled look grew on his face. The same outcry that had stopped him on the bridge echoed in his mind. He thought t himself, ~She is reaching out!~ "Doc, Something just happened. I...heard her. Was there ANY change in her reading?"

~I am!!!~ She thought desperately. Ayren was vaguely aware of his words, but she failed to focus on them being delighted in the heightened emotional reaction she felt. She smiled happily, until she realized that the emotion changed from joy and surprise to concern, and frustration. The intensity was nearly overwhelming and frightening. In an attempt to block out the emotions and though from both Da’nal and Alorha she focused on the murmur, the physical sounds and images, something she had not done before.

The tricorder in Alorha’s hand beeped signifying a drop in psionine. “Something is happening!” she said and looked sharply at the still unmoving body. “Whatever you were doing… keep going!” she said to Dan’al.

Ayren closed her eyes and stood pressing her hands against the inside of the 'bubble'. She heard Alorha speaking, even a faint chirp of the tricorder, but it faded again. "No!!! NO!!" she cried out. Anxiously she forced herself not to give up, so close...... but yet so far.

Klingon's were psy-null, it was Ayren's abilities that had allowed them to communicate. Grasping her hand, hoping the physical connection would help, he focused on the ember in him that had always been her presence. He would have thought a Vulcan or other telepath would have been consulted. At that thought he broke his focus and looked about for anyone that could help.....


Alana felt the scream that was totally silent, she felt it in her bones, the pressure on her hair, the breath in her chest... it was staggeringly strong. She was at Starfleet Medical, in the heart of the most advanced surgical suites and research labs in the quadrant, yet someone was crying out in such pain it stopped her breath. There was more... a connection, vibrant and strong, but something crimping it, only allowing the smallest bit of signal through. This was instinctual knowledge, nothing she could quantify but she knew it was true. It took a moment, but Alana felt it again, this time there was urgency on the other side of the connection, two brains were communicating as though life itself was on the line.

Alana ran to the Security desk in the lobby, her credentials were in her hand fortunately as she slapped the card on the console and demanded, "I need to see a list of telepathic patients in this building currently in Critical Care!" Her urgency and the clear approval of her ID let the guard process her commands without question, Starfleet efficiency at work. Or the Iron rasp of her Voder at full volume sounding like a Borg with a head cold.

"Deltan...Kato Maux- room two thirt-"


She began searching, sorting through names and species, Alana was able to rule them out almost immediately though she didn’t know what she was looking for. She sincerely hoped to recognize it when she saw it.

>>> Betazoid... Ayren Kelan- Suite 1500 ICU-7-b-...

Alana took a moment to confirm in her memories, but it only took a split second. Ayren was her fellow victim to the Ullian Counselor's subconscious assaults. She knew it was her, the feelings, the instincts; all aligned and gave Alana instant clarity.

Alana took off at a run to the turbolift station, it wasn't far, only three levels up and four over, she was there in twelve seconds. Suite 1500 was the Coma Ward and her suspicions about Ayren were all but confirmed as she approached it. The feelings of despair emanating from the room were palpable; Ayren was in agony, her feelings battering Alan's psychic awareness. The barest edge of fire and steel brushed her mind, Klingon...

The doors opened for 7-b and Alana entered the busy room.

Da`nal had sensed Ayren's cry but when the door opened he glanced back and upon recognizing Alana he stood. "Lieutenant! Just the person we need!"

There was a physical connection somehow, but Ayren was unable to locate it. A ironic thought crossed Ayren's mind. She was as unable to connect with the physical world as a non-telepath would be to contact the telepathic realm. But then a strong presence jerked her back to the reality.

~Please!! Can you hear me!?~ she cried out, trying not to let go of the faint physical link she attempted to maintain.

Alorha nodded a greeting to the other woman noting that the Commodore was obviously relieved to see her which lead her to conclude that she might be of assistance, or at least Da'nal's seemed to believe so. Glancing between Alana and Da'nal she introduced herself quickly, not wanting to intervene, but Ayren was in her care. "I am Doctor Grange, are you a telepath?"

Ayren spoke directly to her, for a Minaran who could emulate through empathy the temptation to scream almost over-powered her.

~Yes Ayren, I am here. I am with you. I hear you!~

~Great!~ Ayren responded in hope, but there was interference and the link was gone. ~Please......~ she cried out in panic. ~Don't go away..... no, please...~ her telepathic voice dropped down to a mere whisper as she realized that it didn't fully reached the other person.

Alana didn't know what else to say. To anyone. Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest at the overwhelming sensations she was feeling. She didn’t have the same telepathic cortex and broadcasting abilities but her empathy was out of control. She felt Ayren, maybe because of their connection through Elas... the thought of Elas momentarily distracted her, his vile eyes...

Another pang of fear and panic shot through Alana, Ayren was in a state of panic akin to being buried alive, trapped behind a bubble of her own making. She barely heard Dr. Grange over Ayren, but snapped to reality when she spoke.

"Dr. Grange...I.....I am....I am..... I am medically trained. But not a Doctor. I'm Minaran, I don’t think I'm telepathic in the same sense you mean it. But I think I can help."



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