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Recovery - Part 1

Posted on 24 Jan 2015 @ 4:10am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Lieutenant JG Alana Tambor

1,366 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Starfleet Medical - Paris

[Earth - Paris]

Preparations were well underway and more than a few members of his old crew had put in for transfer to the resurrected Achilles. Now he found himself beaming down once again to see how Ayren was doing. Over the months since he lost his ship in the fight against Toran so much had happened...

[High Council Chambers – Qonos – following the Destruction of the Achilles]

…Da`nal was battered and wounded but Toran and his Cha'Dich were both dead by his hand. Wrenching his father’s batleth from Toran's body the Emperor himself stepped from the crowd. "Lord Da`nal, you fought with honor to avenge your father’s murder and you acted to protect the Empire."

Turning sharply he faced the council members and the other assembled Klingons. "He is right! Toran was seeking to bring glory to himself and his house alone. Is the Romulan Empire still recovering? YES but there is No Honor in Attacking the Weak! A true warrior need not seek glory for if you are honorable...Glory shall come to you!"

Casting his arm back to Da`nal, "Da`nal arrived here not only with Klingon warriors at his side but also with Federation Officers that risked everything to support him as well as the very 'enemy' that Toran was seek to convince us to attack…ALL UNITED IN GLORIOUS BATTLE FOR HONOR!

"If the day comes that there is war between the Klingon and Romulan Empires let it be on equal terms and with Honor...even though they sought to undermine and rule through deceit. Toran had become the very thing he had claimed to want to destroy.”
The Chancellor stepped forward as well. "Lord Da’nal, go, your House is safe and your enemy vanquished. As the House of Morqrat sought to claim the House of Varal I hear by award the House of Varal ALL holdings of the House of Morqrat.”

It wasn't long afterward that Da`nal was with his good friends, to whom he was eternally indebted. Charg and X'ea had arrived at his family home before Toran's fleet and had saved his mother and children before the bombardment had begun. Now new federation officers had arrived to escort Da`nal and his crew back to Earth to answer for the theft of the Achilles and he put a hand on Charg’s shoulder. “My friend, I must return to answer for what I have done.”

His mother interrupted. “You are the head of our House now you don’t have to go anywhere.”

He looked sternly at her. “To remain would be to hide…and would be without honor.”

Returning to his friend, “Walk with me.”

The two of them fell into step as they walked; the sky ablaze of red as the sun set over the spires on the central city. “Charg I have a task for you. We have stood by each other’s side in celebration, time of need, and in battle. You are a more brother to me than friend. I want you to stand in my place until I return...

[Earth – Following the Hearing]

Alana stared at the duty rosters for the deep space billings. Oblivious to the itch in her scalp or the bead of sweat tickling her forehead under the oppressive heat of Earths star Sol. USS Devonshire had a post for a geologist, but this was too far from her major. Astrometrics wasn't needed as much these days, the reliance on landmarks and staple technologies replacing intuition and desire to learn. She realized if she wanted to go to deep space she needed more credentials or to accept the inevitable.

Medical. It hurt her to think about it, the Vians cruel oppression had saw her the unwilling nursemaid to endless pain and excruciating sadism. They had done things to her, knowing she would heal. They had been cruel, and they used her to heal others until she had been exhausted, barely able to stand. She had healed, taken on the injuries of her fellow prisoners, guards... herself. The gentle nature of her healing grace had been co-opted by evil men, but now she was free. The thought of Medical made her feel like she was back there again, forced to heal, but she knew how to do it, had already passed many levels of qualifications.

With a definite stab, she added a category to her search, "Medical." Her list of available assignments quintupled. Unable to select even one after some time had passed she added her profile to the recruitment pile, destiny would find her again.

It had been only four hours since she had added her name for recruiting, four hours was barely time for her name to be filtered and disseminated to appropriate channels and parties but she was staring at a blinking comm indicator no less than four hours later. It was a Starfleet Medical official request for her services on a long term mission. Many crew-members had commended her for her emergency services on Achilles, and had apparently earned her a spot on the ship many of them were recently assigned to.

Alana blinked back tears in the memory of being forced to heal and to inflict cruel injuries. She knew the oath a Medical Officer took, she felt miles away from "Do no harm" being something she could say realistically. Nonetheless, it was a good assignment, deep space and exploration were what she wanted after all. With little hesitation she accepted the posting, and squared her jaw to the inevitable, she hated that she had to be forced to heal yet again, but it was at least serving her to do so. Wonder and exploration were awaiting, she would take the chance.

[Starfleet Medical – Present Day]

Alorha stared down at the peaceful yet expressionless face framed by dark curly hair, lying down on a biobed in the semi-darkened room. The soft buzz and dampened sounds of medical equipment at Starfleet medical had become soothing for Alorha and hopefully also for Ayren.

Alorha had met Ayren on DS5 and they were instant friends. She had always felt it fondly unfair for one person to be so beautiful, graceful, talented.... AND genuinely warm and loving. Ayren also knew things about Alorha she never told anyone and yet she never judged her. Impulsively she touched Ayren's temple as if to push aside some stray hair, of which Ayren usually had many.

After coming back from the Beta Quadrant, Alorha was in two minds whether to remain in Science or return to medical. Or combine it and become a medical examiner, but that those positions were rare and mostly on star bases and Alorha preferred to be on a star ship. So she tended to lean to a medical officer position somewhere. When reporting to Starfleet Medical she learned that Ayren was in a coma there, she immediately volunteered to assist. She was told that she was over qualified as apart from the permanent doctors, there was only a nursing position open. Alorha didn't care, so she became Ayren's nurse.

In fact it was exactly what she had needed, especially after.....

Alorha shook her head visibly and took another reading. There was no change as there had been since she had arrived. Only her Betazoid brain can heal whatever went wrong. This time her human DNA didn't help.

"Oh Ayren.... why can't your psionine levels not drop, girl?" she asked the still, serene face. "That is all we need, you know... " she whispered.

Da`nal once again entered the area where his beloved Ayren still lay. The damage done by Vonti, in what had been proven to be a subconscious attack, still lingered. However he knew she was aware. It had been her voice in his mind that had stopped him in his rage on the bridge.

All that was in the past and he look appreciatively at the site of Alorha once again over Ayren. “At least she has a familiar face to care for her. Any change?” Came his regular question.

“Commodore” Alorha greeted him with a crooked smile. “No change,” she responded quietly, looking back at Ayren.



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