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Back in Business

Posted on 24 Jan 2015 @ 11:21pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Civilian Capim Jothy

1,686 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Spacedock
Timeline: Prior to Recover posts

Capim had long since shed his tears for the lost machinery in the Achilles. The familial sentimentality a particular burden for him to bear emotionally. He had taken a special liking to the lounge he had created, but it was tattered and in pieces, the wreckage twisted beyond hope of salvage. The one solace had been the detailed scans the crew had done on his equipment, there was hope to restore the machinery, he just needed a sophisticated Industrial Replicator. The memory chips had been recovered, his recipes might live!

"Yes, Starfleet authorized your order, the charge isn't the issue... its the configuration. I've never seen these designs before, they frankly don't make sense. I'll do what I can but I cant promise an identical system."

With a sigh Capim shrugged, "If the Corps of Engineers does their best, I will be satisfied with the result I am sure. Thanks for your hard work."

His business might be gifted back to him, and that gave him a lift. Their was a kiosk near the Central Promenade he could set up shop for a while until he figured where he was going. It was a damned shame how things had ended, Capim had just about gotten Bregit lung exactly the way Da'nal liked it, had mastered digital desserts, learned Capellan drinking songs... He missed the adventure. He found his idle walk had lead him to the empty booth, he knew Starfleet would likely comp him the rental, he had lost everything on the Achilles, but he knew he would do it again.

Da`nal had materialized aboard the spacedock and had track Capim to the Quartermasters section. "Still trying to get your losses reimbursed?"

Capim knew the gruff voice, it had complimented his work on many occasions, even offered sage advice a time or two for the proper flavorings in a dish. He turned with a grin on his face broadly spreading, glad to see his friend out of harms way... for the time being at least.

"Commodore! Good to see you out and about, how have you been... How is dear Ayren?

Da`nal's expression fell at the reminder of his mates condition, "Still comatose at Starfleet medical I'm afraid. I thank you for your concern, but I came here with an offer for you. One that would allow you to not only recover your loses but get first crack at the available floor space on a special mission. If you are interested that is."

The man had spent a career in business negotiations trying not to show how much he desired something. It all failed him in a rush of emotion as he bore a wide grin, "Well the losses are a drop in the bucket compared to the gains of actually being out there again. I am curious about what you've got going on, what kind of ship?"

Seeing that the bait was take he decided it was time to set the hook. "I have been given a new command and a new long term mission. I won't bore you with the details, but that could provide the right man untold possibilities."

Capim knew a dangling worm when he saw one, Da'nal was being vague and trying to entice his interest, likely to keep the asking price for his services low. "Untold possibilities, a new command, long term mission, Commodore you are baiting the trap over much. I'm guessing i wont know the ship since you didn't mention its name, please... bore me with the details, this floor space is it large?

"Oh yes...the floor space. Needless to say you wouldn't have to worry about or be limited to the ships lounges. If you wanted you could open a restaurant, store front, a night club, or even a combination. Interested?

Capim was being played like a lute, this was apparent, but at this point in his life 5% trimmed off his potential overhead was insignificant to living his life and his family being with him. Arran didn't play well with others on New Halana, his family was scattered since the war...

"Commodore you know damn well I'd fistfight a Gorn to get back out in the deep black, and truth be told it sounds like you need something more than a lounge manager. I do have an entertainment company, how about we open them all?"

Da`nal smiled at the image of Capim and Karrak going at it. "I think I can arrange that fight if you are really interested", he said with a chuckle. We can leave the lounges to the ships civilian staff. The ship I have been given is an Ascension class with its own promenade. If your company wants to come on a 70 year exploration that's fine. I looked over the area and there are several areas an entertainment company could open a night club type of establishment.

Capim had already considered the length of time, he could make that contract sing and get dozens to sign it. He could bring his family, the whole company to this ship from the sounds of things. It was what he wanted more than anything, and whats more... it would be new.

"Well not all of them will sign on, so I'll need to sell off bits and pieces, gild the lily a bit but I can see this will be an adventure. I can't imagine anywhere else I would want to be. So let's change the course of this conversation... I'm in. No contracts, but conditions. 1... my family comes with me. 2. I'm allowed to sit in on diplomatic meetings and participate with new species. 3. I have contacts all over the galaxy, admittedly fewer in the Delta quadrant than i'd like, I would like to have my accounts transferred to this ship, so that I can franchise my company at will as we spread and make new contact. I'll man and run the promenade as your... Merchants Society Chairman."

Capim held a wide grin, "It would also be prudent to set up spaces for future allies to allow their commerce booths on our floor, I can oversee that outreach as well... if that is agreeable?"

Stroking his trimmed beard with his thumb and forefinger, he admired his assertiveness but he was going to let him have everything. "No problem...everyone gets to bring their immediate family; Maybe...should there be any commercial negotiations or trade talks and as long as ALL the ships commercial interests and not just yours are taken into account; Your 'funds' are you business but I'm sure we can secure them for you; No...any leadership or formation of a merchants society will be determined by vote of all the other merchants; and there are three levels so that won't be a problem...If we have any vendors that wish to join us."

It was a slam dunk for Capim, to have even any access to first contacts was all he wanted, and he had not only just created a merchants society, but a leadership position for himself to cosset for in a single sweep. His family was free labor, and the chance to be important played him like a fiddle. This deal was struck, Capim had just to try to get every last bit out of it he could.

"Well said, an election is of course a prudent course for this merchants society... And naturally if the discussion were for a diplomatic nature I would represent the ships interests. Though I intend to make this place my home, so oftentimes the ships interests will be my interests, and a conflict borne of love is no conflict at all. I have but one more... request Commodore? And then we can strike this bargain for both our sakes."

"Go on..."

"I would like to involve myself with research and development, especially in the areas of holographic technology, matter replication, and subspace imprinting. If I could be allowed... after suitable training of course... to enjoy Starfleet's equipment under supervision and authority, I feel there are innovations awaiting all of us up in here." He tapped his own skull for effect.

He was curious as to the reason(s) behind such a request, but as there were facilities for education of all levels there was really no reason to deny anyone the opportunity to improve themselves. "Educational opportunities will be available for all. Once qualified, and if the research is still on going I'm sure those involved in such research can allow you to assist or at least watch and learn...but I will leave that to them. Just so you know, before everything got destroyed there was research being done. If they return, once I announce the mission, and they wish to try to recreate that research...who knows."

Capim decided for once to let his cards show, "Thank you Commodore, I'll admit, this is a journey of a lifetime, and I have no illusions about seeing this quadrant again... I plan on making a name for myself out there, and I know there are some contributions I can make to Federation science overall. My technology was lost, but the scans and blue prints still exist at the Corps of Engineering. I plan on changing Federation Science before my candle goes out. Thank you for the opportunity, I have a lifetime of businesses and material to liquidate and pack, are there any special requests you have before we meet as new men on our missions?"

"None that I have. I will make the arrangements to bring you and you 'employees' aboard. Just contact Commander Stone as to numbers and any need you may have...number of quarters etc."

Capim used a magicians false hand, as such he could fetch items from hidden pockets, it was his special trick, and he loved to delight. Seemingly out of thin air a bottle of Oaken Brandy, Old Earth '2100 appeared in his right hand. He offered it to Da`nal after ripping the cork out with his teeth,

"Bargain Struck, we are back in business."

Commodore Da`nal

Capim Jothy
Club owner


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