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Posted on 19 Mar 2015 @ 11:13pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

1,047 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Sickbay / Promenade

Garath entered sickbay with the hoop and spear from the Qa'vak practice in hand as he walked up to Aryen's bio bed. Both he and his sister had been anxious to see her when they heard she was finally awake and Ariella had even wanted to sleep in sickbay. As he neared she was laying on her side and he moved around to the other side of the bed quietly...just incase she was sleeping.

"I am awake," Ayren said warmly as she turned to face the Garath. "Oh my goodness," she said as she propped herself up. "You have grown" she said with fond surprise, "I always forget how quickly you young people develop, come here you Ha'DI bah (animal) give me a hug!" she said grinning, so happy to see the young warrior she regarded as her own child.

Garath leaned the hoop and spear against the bulkhead near the biobed. He had no memory of his birth mother and Ayren was the only mother he and his twin sister knew so when they heard she was injured they both were worried. Now they were all united again he and his sister took every opportunity to visit her during her recovery. "Will you be able to come home soon? You should see our new quarters. My room is even bigger than the room I had on Maranga IV"

"If I could choose, I would home yesterday," Ayren said with a determined smile. "I can't wait to see the new quarters, it did get crammed when all of us were there," Ayren remembered. The image of all the weaponry of the kids, Da'nal's equipment and her own things, and all their activities, made it cramped even if it was big.

Following his conversation with Lt. Denterius, Da`nal arrived in sickbay to see his son standing next to his mate. Seeing her sitting up and speaking was a welcomed site after seeing her laying there motionless and silent. He remained silent watching the two interact and the smile on her face.

Having sensed Dan'al's approached, Ayren looked up grinning widely. "What took you so long, you are slower that a Tiridian snail!" Ayren greeted him in Klingon

"This is a big ship ship...took some time to get here from the Promenade."

"Excuses.... excuses...." Ayren responded. She wanted to get out of there and normalize her life again.

Hearing her feistiness was a welcome and encouraging sign and he glanced to the doctor on duty. "Dr. Williams, has Doctor Grange made any indication as to when she can leave sick by?"

Williams approached the former Admiral and he had her records in hand to compare her progress to baseline numbers. "Well she's getting her strength back, but she is still weak. She was out for a long time as you know. However I think its ok for her to go with the understanding that she will probably tire more easily, until she gets her strength back."

"I am here, you know..." Ayren mumbled. "And I can leave right now, I am FINE" she said, the frustration of being cooped up there, showing in her voice. "Pretty please...." she tried, this time with a little calculated desperation.

Williams looked to Ayren and waved to the Commodore. "He has to know what your status is so he can make sure you follow your instructions. Which are that you are released from sickbay, but not returned to duty. I am also prescribing you a physical therapy program to help you get back up to par." He paused momentarily. "I am also ordering a full psychological review since you've not spoke to anyone since you were attacked."

His words made her feel sick to her stomach as her mind flashed to Elas who used to be the counselor. Not wanting to show any resistance to the Doctor's orders, she just pushed the anxiety away. "Who would conduct the review....?" she asked carefully.

Williams didn't need to be a telepath to be able to read her reaction. But there wasn't anything to worry about, a ship this size with as many people aboard the was naturally more than one counselor...the question was whether they had reported aboard yet. "Any of the counseling staff would do, I'll set something up for you."

"Thank you" she said quietly.

Da`nal nodded in approval. "Thank you Doctor." He extended ha hand to Ayren, "Ready to go home my lady?"

Gratefully she took the proffered hand and pulled herself up straight. "Gladly my lord,' she said flashing him a bright smile.

Da`nal took her hand and led her from the sickbay as they walked the corridors he took her arm in arm. "So do you really want to go from one cage to another or do you wanna check this place out a bit?"

"I have had enough of cages and BEDS!" Ayren chuckled. "I would like the personalized tour, Commodore..." she said as she hooked her arm through his. "I will need support..." she teased. How she missed him, his smell, his warmth, his strong presence in her mind.

He stopped them in the corridor, glancing from Garath and Ayren, he tapped his badge. 'Computer site to site transport, 3 to transport to the center of the Promenade."

They materialized near where he and Garath had been been earlier that evening and the environment was now late evening and the stars were shining brightly into the promenade. The aft end of the promenade was a a blaze or light from the various shops and other facilities that were now up and running.

"So what do you think?"

"Oh wow.... " Ayren said in wonderment. She had been out of circulation so long that the promenade felt new and fresh. She allowed herself to feel the mixture of people around her. "Oh my darling, you knew exactly what I needed.... shopping!" she giggled, taking his hand and lean into him, belying the fact that shopping was the most important thing. He understood that she needed people around her, the mental wash of their presences', the sights and sounds, to counteract the long time in isolation. And being with him.

Commodore Da`nal

Ayren Kelan
Federation Ambassador

Garath of the House of Varal


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