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Crash Course

Posted on 18 Jan 2015 @ 6:40pm by

744 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Earth: Bundesautobahn 8, Germany

Cammy felt herself being pushed back into her seat Steve’s DeLorean DMC-12 shot down the road. She remembered how Steve fell in love with the car the first time he watched the Back to the Future movies, and he made a point to get a reproduction model. Every chance he got, Steve would take the car out for a nice gallop down the old German highways. Cammy didn’t have much interest in cars, but wasn’t about to turn down a joyride with an old friend. They rode in silence for a few moments, Cammy taking in the scenery. Finally, she turned towards him. “So, how’s the Forlorn Hope?”

“Doing pretty well,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the road. “Got some new guys. They’re shaping up well.”

“They weren’t scared off by the name?”

He shook his head. “They didn’t know about it until after. Their orders told them they were assigned to the 609th Marine Expeditionary Unit.”

“I always thought it was depressing, the name ‘Forlorn Hope.’” Cammy looked out her window again. “Didn’t Maj. Jorgensen give some kid of backstory for it? Something about a lost heap or something?”

“It refers to the first wave of troops sent to attack a fortified position. Back when humans used combustion guns called ‘muzzleloaders.’” He changed lanes to miss debris on the road. “They weren’t expected to survive the assault. Just establish a foothold that could be reinforced so a second wave could push further.”

“That’s right. He said something about being the first ones out…” she cleared her throat, before entering imitating the officer’s voice “…ta mayke th’ba’lfild sayfe f’fightin’ on.”

Steve grinned at the recital. “Yep. That’s him alright.”

“I’m surprised they’ve put new Marines in a “first to fight” unit. I’d think they’d want them to get some experience first.”

“They didn’t exactly break you in slowly,” he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “You spent plenty of time on your own.”

“Well, I WAS an intelligence attaché. Infiltration’s usually easier with fewer people.”

“My point is, you were up for it. So are these guys.”

“If you say so.” She conceded with a shrug. “Anyway, did you hear about that new mission?”

“The exploration one? Yeah. You going?”

“Lisa wants to. She wants to be a part of history. To boldly go, that sort of thing.”


“Oh, you know: blonde…history nerd…had back problems?”

“That Lisa.” He nodded in recognition. “So she’s trying to drag you along?”

“More or less.”

“I think you should do it.”

“Really?” Cammy turned to face him, her eyebrow cocked.

“Yeah. Sounds like it’d be fun. You’d be one of the first to see things no human has ever seen before.”


“And think of the treasure you could find.”

“I don’t know that the natives will shower us with gifts.” ~It IS tempting though. I wouldn’t mind adding some mysterious alien artifacts to my collection.~

“It’s your choice.” Steve’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “I’d go, if I didn’t have new recruits to babysit.”

“You love it. You know you do.”

He scoffed. “Seriously though Cammy, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.” He gave her a look of sincerity. “Until we start exploring other galaxies, there won’t be too many new trails to blaze after this. I know you live for adventure. This is the biggest adventure of our generation.” He gave her a pat on the shoulder. “Besides, someone’s got to carry on the Forlorn Hope’s mission into the Gamma Quadrant.”

“I wasn’t technically part of the Forlorn Hope.”

“You risked your life on its behalf. That was close enough for a mission patch.”


“Go on, Cammy. Make the Gamma Quadrant safe,” he turned towards her with a smile. “Only not for fighting. Make it safe for exploring.”

She met his smile with one of her own. “Alright, I will.”

Steve turned back towards the road as he felt his front right tire hit something. A loud bang started Cammy’s ears ringing, and the DeLorean jerked towards the right. The last thing Cammy remembered after the car bounded off the road was the sound of breaking glass, and the sting of a thousand tiny needles on her face.


Ens. Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist


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