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Moving up the Ladder

Posted on 23 Jan 2015 @ 6:00am by Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu

801 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New


Suteyo knew the new ship would have plenty of opportunities for hi, but he needed to get in quick. With the rumors and intel he had collected so far it seemed the Admiral... Commodore rather was gathering his old crew. Giada was among those who had replied, and Suteyo leapt at the chance. He opened his padd's communique and thankfully Fleet codes made finding her easy. He hammered out a quick message, his retinal display over-tasked in his exuberance to get the message out quickly.

>Lt j.g. Suteyo Alahanu
>> To: Lt Giada Lindert

"Hello, Congratulations on your new post. We served briefly on board the Achilles before the unfortunate events that occurred as the investigations officer. I only had two cases while under your tenure, but it is my hope that you might remember my service. I would request a chance to speak with you at your next opportunity, in regards to my position under your command. Thank you for your consideration I hope to hear from you soon."

[Federation Embassy: Abluna]

She still had a few days until the transport arrived, so in the meantime she was still expected to carry out her duties. Upon returning to her quarters, she noticed a message from Lt Alahanu. With the perspective of having a few hundred security personnel under her, Giada was glad to have as many of the old group returning as possible. The message was a few hours old, but despite that, she opened a communication channel to the investigations officer after scanning his personnel file.

Suteyo had only finished his meal and begun the cleanup that he got the hail for an open channel. It was Giada, and he was delighted for the chance to speak directly.

"Lieutenant Lindert, thank you for your time in contacting me, I'll make it brief. Given my abilities and apparent duty history I'd like to request a review with you upon mission launch for the purposes of becoming your assistant Security Chief, I could maintain my presence as Investigation Officer as well.'

Having originally filled that position when arriving on the Achilles, Giada's sudden promotion to Security Chief had left the assistant's position open. She had just started considering people to fill the position when everything hit the fan.

"Not a problem Mr Alahanu. I'm pleased to hear you've accepted the Commodore's offer and are returning. Your record is certainly impressive. I worked with a few spooks while with the MACO, so I understand the desire for secrecy concerning past missions. I've had no complaints about your work on the Achilles and I don't see any reprimands from my predecessor either. To be honest, I haven't done much with the roster yet but I'm certainly willing to place you on the short list for the Assistant Security Chief. Considering the size of the new Achilles, I'd rather the investigations officer be a separate position. Although that doesn't mean you can't offer assistance."

Giada paused.
"Any questions so far?"

Suteyo was glad to hear his service was satisfactory, he had worked hard to pull himself from the brink of self-immolating retirement and to be in this moment was a sign of his progress. Her precautions were wise given the size of the new ship, he certainly had no arguments for her.

"None, I too feel the investigations department will be tasked with the populations involved, a wise precaution. I'll also assure you that the days of being a "spook" are far behind me. I can also make available to you my security logs from my tenure on the Helios. We had a five year mission in the Gamma Quadrant, the logs should be a suitable primer for many of the events likely to occur. We ended it early because of the Dominion war, however much of what we know is from the Helios during the year and half we were there. If you would like to peruse them I'll arrange for the file transfer."

The logs were several years out of date, but could still be useful. They were certainly more than what the early explorers had to go on.
"That could be useful, thanks. For now just send over the highlights, we can review the logs more in depth once we get aboard the Achilles."

Suteyo earmarked only the high level missions, information about existing criminal enterprises, operations, local colloquialisms of crime in summary per network. The rest could wait, but he was glad to have usable knowledge, even if it was out of date.

"The highlights are on the way, I look forward to meeting with you in person, Consider me at your disposal until then."

"Thank you Lieutenant. I'll see you on the Achilles"


Lt Suteyo Alahanu
Investigations Officer


Lt Giada Lindert
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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