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Riding Towards the Call

Posted on 08 Jan 2015 @ 1:19am by Ensign Karrak

377 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: SB 124

Karrak was waiting for the transfer to the Achilles to come through, as he hoped it would be. In the meantime, he took a long horseback ride in the holodeck of the Starbase, wearing his cowboy hat and sixguns. And he was deep in thought.

Much had happened since he had left his homeworld and found himself. He missed his homeworld immensely, and Z'larki, the one he loved and left to find himself. He wondered if she still remembered him, and the hopes the Gorn had heaped on him until he spooked and left. Would he ever be welcome there again? He hoped so, as he was told he was the key to opening relations between the Federation and the Gorn.

One thing that happened that prodded him to his spiritual awakening, and accepting his destined role as the Tra'nark zo-Lazath was an encounter with Admiral Chakotay at the Academy. He introduced Karrak to his animal guide, and it was a tra'nark, the large bird of destiny with the long red tail. That guide had helped him through many things and helped awaken him to things around him.

The tra'nark appeared to him without warning several times, imparting new knowledge to him.

He wondered as he rode off into the meadow in the shadow of the mountains. He hadn't had the honor of serving under the Admiral, now Commodore, but he hoped the honor would soon be his.

A shadow fell on him and he looked up to see what was blocking the sun, and it was his tra'nark guide. "Welcome, friend." he said.

"You seem to be troubled, Karrak." said the tra'nark.

"I am. It seemed I was on my way, then I was sent back."

"You were not ready. But you must overcome your fear, and this new assignment on the Achilles will be your cure. For you must be either mad or brave by the time this tour is finished. Keep your hope, it will shine the way before you." The bird then vanished.

Karrak paused. Could this be the time? his commbadge beeped, and the voice said "Ensign Karrak, report to the commander's office for new orders."

"Aye, ssir." he said. His guide spoke true once again, and had never led him astray.


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