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Painful gift...second attempt

Posted on 08 Jan 2015 @ 2:05am by Civilian Reva Madhava & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey

1,243 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Starfleet HQ - Spacedock
Timeline: Immediately following "Consequences"

Lance and Jason had left Reva to wonder what exactly was going on and as the made there way through the crowd the found Jessica and PFC Eirias. Grabbing both of them they all moved off to the side of the hearing room...away from the rest of the crowd.

"Eirias, remember the booth you found? The one you were working on and that we never go the chance to give to the Admiral...Commodore?"

Everyone had been saying their goodbyes, so it was a minor shock to see the Master Chief and Staff Sergeant both come up. Reflexively, he shifted at ease while the other two were talking, then it hit him why they also dragged the Engineering Ensign over. "Yes, I remember. It was about ready to go, just needed it's permanent home Master Chief, Staff Sergeant." Then his face took on a slightly thoughtful and confused look. "Why do you ask?"

Looking at the group as an grin spread over his face. "I was thinking that that old D7 we had to come home in just might have one, the componenets for one, or at the very least the plans in the computer."

Eirias carefully schooled his face clear before he delivered his comment. "It does. Detention level one, bulkhead 2-14 section four. I looked when we were aboard as part of the inventory and mapping process. It's functional, but we'd have to rebuild the converter interface we used for the one on the Achilles."

Looking back over his shoulder seeing Reva making her way to them as she had finished faster than he had expected. "Ok, so we need to get aboard, remove it, and store it somewhere until we know whats going to happen or where the Commodore is going to go. Lieutenant, do think you could hang out around Personnel and see whats going on?"

She grinned. "If they're working on something I'll find it."

"GREAT! The rest of us will go uninstall this thing and get it off the ship."

Reva was confused again...not having been in on the first attempt. "Get what off what ship."

Looking to Eirias and Logan Nelson smiled. "You guys go and I'll catch up after I fill her in."

Jessica was excited they could do something for their former CO and she wagged her finger at Eirias as the walked off. "Don't you even think about climbing into that thing..."

Eirias hid the smile on his face, but probably not fast enough for Jessica to miss it. She'd find out he had already been in to make sure it worked, how else would he have known. There would be another session through it after they rebuilt the converter as well. "I promise. No going into it...least until we're ready to test it once installed." He continued the walk back to the transporter room with her.

"Dang jarheads..." She muttered under her breath.

[Sometime later]

Lance took a few steps back and tossed the decoupler back in the kit. "OK no that we got it unhooked where to store it...?"

"Master Chief, any idea if he's going to be deskbound or shipbound again soon? If he's getting assigned to a desk, then the best place would be at the same base in the storage facilities. If he's shipbound, then we'd probably need to stash it somewhere on Earth until we can arrange transport for it to the new home. Which reminds me, I have to go check for updates to my orders after we're done." Eirias shrugged, and his eyes took on that distant look that meant he was doing some heavy thinking.

"How knows where any of us are going to be after this mess. I will have to do some digging to see if I can find out where he might be headed. In the mean time we need to get this thing to the surface." Glancing from one to another; "Anyone go any ideas...cause there is no way this thing is going to fit in my apartment."

"My family has some land, I could check with them about stashing it in there? And provide you the coordinates for later retrieval incase they send me somewhere." Eirias commented, looking over the booth and grinning that they would still set this one up.

"Well check quickly; we can't stay here forever."

Stepping over to the side, he walked to a wall comm and placed a call. After five minutes and definite slump to his posture, he walked back over to the group. "We're clear, I have beamdown coordinates. It'll be in a cool, dry area and safe from exposure to the elements, and clear to pick up whenever." Eirias announced.

"Great!" Tapping his commbadge, "Spacedock, five people and one piece of equipment to beam to the surface. Standby for coordinates." Looking to the PFC he cocked an eyebrow as he waited.

Eirias read off the coordinates he knew quite well and winced as they dematerialized from the bay and reappaeared inside the familar confines of his family's storage building. "We're here Master Chief, Staff Sergeant, Lieutenant."

Jason looked around at the area and nodded, it was nice semi-rustic mountain location. Taking a deep breath of the fresh mountain air filled with the scent of pine. Letting it out, "Well lets get this thing stowed."

It didn't take long to get everything put up, and once they had they were all relaxing...enjoying whatever drink they had chosen. Reva was sitting on the porch rail, her black hair spilling over her shoulders. Lance was sitting on a porch chair next to Jessica. Jason stepped through the door with a fresh beer, "So what do think is going to happen now?"

"Word from around the fleet is that the Commodore is being tapped by another group. What for, no one seems to know yet, or even what ship. Usually means someone up high is keeping the information close." Eirias commented as he sipped at his juice. Sometimes being in a family of fleet and Marines gave you certain access to rumors and second-hand information that came down from overheard conversations.

Reva shrugged, she had heard a similar rumor during the course of the hearing but hadn't paid it much attention. "Well from what happened last time with Admiral Zedo I'm sure she is doing her manipulative best to see that he either flies a desk or a task force of work pods."

Lance nodded his head and Jessica chimed in. "That is one hateful bitch, what does she have against him anyway?"

Eirias shrugged and sipped at the juice again, determined to let the others talk and then sift through the conversation later. He still needed to see about getting some training in, and finding out IF he was ever going to promote up and not be a PFC eternally.

The conversation ebbed and flowed for a time but it was Frey that stood first to say his good byes nodding to the terminal PFC as he stood. "Well Eirias and i had better head out before they send out a search party on us. What with the hearing over the two of us have to report for assignment to...where ever."

Reva dropped off the Rail and gave both of them a hug.

After the good byes had been said Jason waved a final farewell as the transport took hold, not knowing what he future had in store.


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