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Posted on 30 Dec 2014 @ 6:20am by Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert

495 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: USS Juno
Timeline: 1 week after Hearing


Giada had been offered her old job back on the Romulan refugee camps, but she had politely turned down the offer. While she had mostly stayed out of trouble during her posting, she felt like she was walking on egg shells the entire time. An incident was bound to happen at some point, and with her background came a higher chance of the Brass throwing the book at her. She had considered private security, as she was certainly qualified, but wasn’t quite ready to give up on a Starfleet Career.

She was still reviewing her options when a Commodore Shepard offered her a job on Abluna in the Nohiri system. While not a Federation world, the local government had recently opened up Diplomatic Relations. Given her initial training in International Relations, it was felt the posting was a good fit for Giada. While she had little experience in actual diplomacy, it seemed like a decent offer so she accepted. Less than a day later she found herself on a ship headed for the Uadroth sector. The mixed group of Starfleet and Federation personnel headed for the Embassy were gathered in the lounge for a final briefing before beaming down to the planet.

“Good Afternoon, I’m Commander Hollens from Starfleet Intelligence. Most of this information is in the file you should have each received, but I know not everyone reads our reports. We’ve known about the Thaeiri for some time now, and vice versa. They’ve had warp drive for about a century but have mostly kept to themselves. They also have colonized the nearby Zerberas system, but those worlds maintain close ties with the central government on Abluna. Their Government is best described as a Constitutional monarchy, although their Royal Family has a bit more power than say that of the United Kingdom on Earth. Unlike the Federation genetic engineering is not illegal, although it is regulated by the Government. Abluna’s mass is greater than that of Earth, so gravity is approximately 12% stronger than what you’re used to. That averages out to about an extra 20 pounds of weight. Not a huge amount, but will take some getting used to. Their early history is steeped in mythology, but it is believed they evolved from a native reptilian species. The average Thaeirian stands at just over 5 foot so many of you will be taller, although we don’t expect that to be an issue…”
The briefing continued as the Commander discussed do’s and don’ts of local culture, as well as certain areas that were off-limits to the Starfleet & Federation personnel. The Q&A session that followed was interrupted by the Captain’s announcement that they were entering the Nohiri system and were expected to be in transporter range in 10 minutes. Leaving the lounge with the others, Giada grabbed her bags and headed to the transporter room to await the start of the next chapter in her Starfleet career.



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