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We are a part of this too - Part 3

Posted on 12 Aug 2014 @ 2:09am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Amia Jaxx & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Ensign Z'vonty Flugence
Edited on on 13 Aug 2014 @ 2:30am

1,570 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Romulan-Klingon Border
Timeline: MD 5

[IKV Hk'bach]

"The camps stores have been beamed aboard Commander!"

"Excellent!" Thumbing the switch on his command chair. "Lieutenant! Lead your teams on the surface and leave none alive! And be quick about it, Lord Toran is expecting us!"

==Yes Commander!==


[Tycho Camp]

Wave after wave of warriors materialized on the outskirts of the camp in various locations and began their ground assault

Kordah hated being right, when came to matters of the Empire. Then again, he started his life's adventure trying to prove that he was an equal warrior to a full blooded Klingon. He passed of course, but, was transferred to the Exchange program decades ago. Still, he just hated being right when it came to seeing an approaching fight from the Klingons. Yet, moments before the fighting, the Half Klingon/Bajoran, stepped into the tent he was once in and began talking to the Romulan inside. A moment later, he stepped out, as the Romulans who were in the tent up and left to hide. However, the former Klingon officer, and mere ensign at that time, readied himself for an fight, by slowly exhaling his breath and flexing his fingers. And then came the assault.

He started to hear an unfamiliar language, assuming it was Klingon warriors who beamed down to finish pillaging; he headed back towards the center of the camp. Bobbing and weaving throughout a number of different alleys and shortcuts, he managed to find his house. It seemed to have been already scavenged, but he doubted that they found his secret compartment under a panel in his kitchen. He opened the panel, occasionally looking for passing Klingons, and pulled out his trusty phaser that he'd kept in case the world turned to hell. This seemed to fit the situation perfectly.

Z'vonty headed for the center of the camp once again, but as he left my home a Klingon tackled me to the ground, sore and stiff he laid there, for a moment, unable to move. He managed to turn his head facing the Klingon, who reached for his bat'leth. Terrified, adrenalin began to coarse through his veins, and he vigorously wiggled from underneath the heavy Klingon. Remembering my phaser, I grabbed it, and aimed at the Klingon, who now had his bat'leth poised to strike. Flugence fired, hitting the Klingon directly between the eyes, however the Klingon managed to stab his bat'leth clean through Zvonty's left shoulder. He cried out in pain, but pulled it out and headed for the clinic. Which was conveniently, nearby his house.

In the clinic, he patched himself up, still in great pain. He saw another group of Klingons heading for the door; however they split off into two groups, heading off into opposite directions. With them gone, Flugence headed for the storage in the back, locked the door and slept. Hoping he'd awake to find this was all just a horrible nightmare.

Kiscad awoke to the sounds of screams; he was forced to listen in helpless abject terror as his people were massacred. His body was broken, but somehow he was alive. His body was covered in the remains of the makeshift tents that surrounded the camps but he managed one arm to pull the sheet down from his face enough to witness the reality of his worst nightmares. Troops in lines marching and firing, exterminating the handful that remained. an hour of bombardment and four torpedoes had reduced nearly a half million people to desperate rabble.

Without the basic infrastructure this planet was not habitable, and it was all destroyed, help too far away. Kiscad knew he would die in the long weeks to come as someone came to deliver medicine and support, much like everyone else would. Whether it be injuries, exposure or starvation. He closed his eyes, the horrors of his past wars colliding with his dismal present. This was how the Reman people would end...

[IKV Hk'bach]

Turning to his XO, "Recall the troops. "They've had enough fun and we need to rendezvous with Lord Toran's fleet." As soon as the last of the warriors had been beamed aboard the Hk'bach fired one last volley at the camp as the old warship swooped over the smoldering ruins, now devoid of life...or so they thought, before leaving.

[Tycho camp]

The warrior hurt. He knew he hurt, because, his whole body rang with pain. He pushed himself up off the ground as his mind tried to recall the fight itself, which for the most part was a blur and one last explosion, which, the shockwave managed to knock him out briefly. He tilted his head up to watch an green blur fly away heading to who knows where, which his mind, which was doing its best to mends to focus out the pain while at the same time understand what was going on around Krodah. Just simply gave an answer as he turned to begin helping those of the camp.

'Well, they think either we're all dead and up and transported their men back and departed or we won and in an cowardly act just drop an bomb to kill us and left' he thought as he knelt down to pick up an med kit and opened it 'either way, they left and we're still here' and found an bottle that had pain reliever pills in it and took two and made an mental note to call a doctor in the morning.

Unable to sleep, the restless and tired Flugence got up and left the clinic. Noticing there were no more Klingons roaming the camp, however it seemed there were no other survivors. In denial, he walked around, in search of survivors. It had been what seemed like an hour, and his legs tired. Aimlessly wandering the remains of the camp, he spotted someone. He could not tell what species he was from his side perspective, however, he did not care. He walked up to the person, "Are you okay?"

"That all depends on what you’re looking for in the Okay department" Kordah replied to Flugence's question as he closed med kit as and looked over his shoulder to the human "We're breathing, moving, alive, and kicked some Klingon ass. Plus doing all the normal function of life. So, with that said, I'm okay. I can't say that the Romulans, Remens, or anyone else about the place is that."

The Klingon/Bajoran rose up and turned to face Flugence. As he turned, he took in the surroundings. The Klingons had done a number to refugee camp. Where tents were once standing were left burning, the smell of death was in the air, but, he wondered if the comm array was damaged by the Klingon vessel.

"That's an good question" he replied as he handed the med kit over to young human "I'll go and find out if the comm array is operational and you go and see if there is anyone else is left alive"

Using the med kit Kordah had given him, he changed the cloth wrapped around his arm to stop the bleeding, and swiftly stitched it back together. He then got up and continued his search for life in this now desolate camp.

About an hour passed and he found what seemed to use to be a couple tents. He looked around the area, and under the tents one-by-one, until finally he saw someone, a Reman. The man was unconscious, so Flugence grabbed the man and pulled him into the shade provided by a nearby partially intact building. Z'vonty had little knowledge in the field of medicine, but did what he could.

It was Kiscad, the explosion had nearly killed him from the sheer impact but he was relatively uninjured. He had the vague notions of people dragging him but in his state he found no energy to look harder. If it was death, then so be it.

Kordah was heading in that direction. He wasn't an comm specialist, but, he knew a few treats that could work to get an transmission out to any nearby Federation ship, while masking the signal from the enemy. Unless, they changed their tactics in looking for a signal.

It took nearly an hour for the medicines to take hold and Kiscad emerged from behind the haze he had been oppressed with to the same nightmarish world he had left. Tenderly he flexed everything, shifting slightly so as to test but no provoke further injury. He found he could stand, but the pain in his whole body was evident from the smallest exertions. He couldn’t hear much, his ears were still hurt from the concussion, but his eyes were working fine, Reman night-vision being an enviable feature he saw two others near the ruined comm tower.

He was close by and Kiscad could tell one of them was Human but the other definitely had the forehead of a Klingon. He took a chance in assuming they were Starfleet and limped towards them. He also felt it safe to assume they were trying to fix the comm array. It had been utterly destroyed by a direct strike, but he had the other equipment he had cobbled together. It had been deactivated for several days now, so it may have been overlooked by their attackers.

He staggered their way, "Are you... Starfleet?" He yelled out, hoping for some kind of relief amidst this chaos.



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