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We are a part of this too - Part 2

Posted on 12 Aug 2014 @ 2:08am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Amia Jaxx & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Ensign Z'vonty Flugence
Edited on on 13 Aug 2014 @ 2:32am

1,019 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Romulan-Klingon Border
Timeline: MD 5

[Tycho Camp]

Kiscad was out on a rare calm night, able to see the stars despite the clouds all around. He felt that it was an excellent metaphor for his life, an oasis of calm while chaos reigned all around him. There was thunder in the distance, there had been for a several hours, but a certain vein of the rumbling sounded different. He listened to it but in the wind and lightning there was no way to be certain. His thoughts drifted back to the desperate struggles of his people. They were helpless and starving, his people dying to exposure. The other camps were internment facilities, forced labor for basic survival supplies as pay.

The Federation visited infrequently, this camp was at the far end of the zone, an inconvenient leg out of the way. It had been a month since the last ship; they had dropped off two dozen more refugees, and emergency rations. They had begged for a replicator but nobody trusted the Remans it seemed, nobody would give them the ability to fight again. The price for their brutal insurrection against the ruling Romulan castes was to be kept-

The rumble returned, interrupting him. He angled his ear towards it and listened. He mentally separated the wind and thunder, intent on hearing only what stood out. He heard a difference; the pattern was different, almost mechanical. Two more thumps told him the terrible truth. The staccato thumps had gotten closer, and when he looked up to the cloud canopy, he saw the flashes of green and red. It was weapons fire... they were being attacked!

[IKV Hk'bach]

"...Communications array has been destroyed!"

Commander Ktorl grinned at the report. "Swing around for another pass! Fire at will!"

[Tycho Camp]

The bird of prey arched high and wide as it moved into position for another pass over the camp. As it bared down on the refugee camp its inhabitants scrambled for cover.

Kordah had a sinking feeling upon hearing the tall tale sounds of a low approach of a ship. "Damn" he said aloud as he finished up patching a refugee with in a small tent. he gave the person an nod as he stepped out of the tent and looked up to see the spread wings of an Klingon bird of prey arch high and wide, then turned slightly to make an another pass over the camp.

"Damn. Damn." The half Klingon/Bajoran said aloud while waving the display of the ship with his right hand blocking out local stars shine from his eye "This isn't going to start off well"

Kiscad staggered into the camp after his half mile run in the slogging mud. Multiple passes had already brought flames to the HQ, Comm tower; Medical was partially hit, probably doomed for the next pass in thirty seconds or so. He stared in horror at the camps power generator disappear in a haze, the lights shut down, the atmospheric shield collapsed. He couldn't see the ship but he did see the torpedo it launched at the main settlement. A quarter million people died in an instant and the telepathic backlash brought Kiscad to his knees.

The silhouette of the bird of prey circling impressed into his mind’s eye he knew there was hope at least some of them would survive. A single raider couldn't annihilate them to the man.... Kiscad ran to the Medical tent, yelling for people to evacuate, waving his arms frantically to tell them they were next. He arrived at their entrance and shouted inside begging them to leave. The tell tale rumbling preceded the approach, weapons fire imminent! He saw a few of the Starfleet relief workers grabbing supplies and patients when he gave one final yell to get out- the pulses landed less than a hundred yards from him, he was flung in the resulting blast protected by wet canvas and muddy landings.

Zvonty Flugence was patrolling in one of the various mining camps when, all of a suddenly the mine began to collapse. He began to run for the exit, but in vain. By the time he got close to the exit, tons of heavy boulders came down, obscuring his path. "Crap!" he sputtered, grasping for breathes. He searched around for a nearby safety zone, built to withstand a collapse. There was dust and particles of rock in the air, he felt it scratch his throat as he breathed heavily.

A strange green light spewed from the ground, flashing into his eye every now and then as he looked around. Curious he walked over and uncovered the object. "Yes, a way out!" he said to himself as he realized he'd found a dismantled a safety zone sign. He walked for several minutes before finding the safe zone; meanwhile the mine wasted no time collapsing in on itself. Once he entered the safe zone, he dusted himself off a bit and opened a small hatch. It was a long tube to the surface, with a single ladder.

"I didn't waste my life patrolling these holes to die!" he climbed up like his life depended on it - and it did. As he got closer to the top, he heard what he could only explain as muffled screams and explosions. Once he'd reach the top, he realized they were under attack! He saw a Klingon Bird-of-Prey firing on the surface, at houses and other buildings. He saw friends, family, and countless people die - only a few feet from him. He knew there was a nearby mountain range that seemed to not be attracting any attention from the invaders. He ran forward, trying to make it to the mountains, when a Klingon disruptor cannon fired at him. Luckily, they missed, but Flugence was knocked off his feet and onto his back, in excruciating pain and a horribly loud ringing in his ears.

He slowly got himself up, after falling over again a few times from the dizziness. He stumbled in the direction of the mountains, undetected, he sat down and waited for the dizziness and ringing to wear off.



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