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We are a part of this too - Part 4

Posted on 12 Aug 2014 @ 2:10am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Amia Jaxx & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd & Ensign Z'vonty Flugence
Edited on on 13 Aug 2014 @ 2:28am

1,526 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Romulan-Klingon Border
Timeline: MD 5

Krodah looked to Kiscad and nodded his head. From what he gathered from the yelling, that there was something wrong with his hearing. He stopped what he was doing and grabbed the med kit and took out the tricorder held within the hand held case and wasn't all to surprise that Kiscad had damage to his hearing and untreated he might lose his hearing for good.

"Yes we are" he returned as loud "How good are you at figuring out comms?"

"I make and repair them often-" Kordah was in a non nonsense state of mind and cut him off.

"Good" he returned and looked to Flugence and hoped he was doing alright, before turning about to get cracking on the comm system.

Kiscad called again, "That array was directly hit, but I have another. Salvage what you can and help me, we must hurry before the fire claims my home!" Kiscad pointed to a street intersection, "It's that way, it was deactivated so they didn't detect it." Kiscad tried to walk on his own but it felt like his chest was pressed in a vice. He still managed to getting to his knees and start grabbing the isolinear rods, processors and panels to enhance the signal for his makeshift rig.


Amia awoke under the debris she took in her surroundings. "Sprocket!" She called out and coughed on the settling dust. She shifted slightly, her leg was stuck under something and her head was spinning. Her hand went to her head and came back wet and bloody. "Ok Amia, think and think quick." Amia heard the bark and Sprocket wiggled out from under the debris. She knew she shouldn't of brought him here but she couldn't bear to leave him at the shipyards with her friends. She nearly cried as she checked him over and saw that he was ok. Sprocket was the last gift she received from Seamus.

It took Amia neatly 30 minutes to get her leg free; it was swollen and bruised but didn't feel broken. She stood up but went back to her knees with her head started to spin and pound. Sprocket nudged her forward; they needed to see if anyone else survived. Amia picked her way through the mess that was left behind, getting sick along the way.

Sprocket barked and she looked up and smiled weakly, there were people a short distance away. "Hello!" She called out and started to move again; as she got closer she stumbled and nearly fell before she caught herself.

'Was that an dog barking' Krodah thought upon hearing barking, which soon had his mind shifting gears to hearing the words 'hello' he looked up and over to the approaching young lady with an happy looking dog with her.

He was wondering to himself, as he tinkered with the comm array, if other Federation personnel and other Romulans and Remens got through this ordeal. He waved to her, but, noticed she had stumbled a bit and righted herself up. He called back to her and tried to lighten the mood after the attack.

"Yes hello. Sorry about the mess, madam, but, the maids up and went on strike and left us with an mess. Also, the telephone receiver is knocked out, which we're trying to fix it so we can order pizza and an cleaning crew" he shouted back cheerfully.

Flugence chuckled, wishing he was at home eating pizza. Once the woman reach us, he walked over and stuck out his hand, "I'm Z'vonty!"

"And it looks like you could use this med kit." he said, handing over the med kit. Glad to start seeing more survivors, Flugence went to check up on Kiscad.

"Hey, how you holdin' up?" Z'vonty asked, hoping he was feeling better. He took a seat in the shade and relaxed his sore, and still achingly painful muscles.

"I'll help you with the phone if you help me with this gash on my head. " Amia said to Krodah, she tried to smile as she spoke but it was more of a wince. "I'm an engineer...not a medic..."

Kiscad helped gather the bits and pieces they needed, anything usable and gathered them in a loose pouch he had fashioned. The comm array was largely destroyed, but the components he needed were intact. The transmitter would have all it needed to break the atmosphere and reach deep space.

He held out his hand to Z'vonty, who had come to check on him. "I'll need help, my home isn't far. The transmitter just needs additional components to reach out of system. My name is Kiscad I was a community leader here."

"Umm...guys...hello...I said I can help...I'm an engineer but I need some help with this gash on my head before I lose enough blood that I pass out and frankly it will take us longer to get out of this hell if I do pass out." Amia's head was pounding and she was ready to vomit. She wished this rock would stop spinning so fast, she looked down at her dog, "did I become invisible?" She asked softly.

The Bajoran/Klingon offer an smile as he finished tying up his re-mod of the damage comm array, before he left it and stepped over to Amia. Taking an grip of his sleeve, he yanked hard and ripped his left sleeve off the his uniform jacket. Once it was removed, he began altering it into an strips. Then Krodah proceed to rip the yellow sleeve of his uniform, the one hidden under black sleevve. it was clearer then the black top and he used yellow sleeve to cover the wound.

"This might sting, madam" he stated friendly "But it should do the job until we get help"

Amia winced as Kordah bandaged the wound."I have never been called that name is Amia...and thank you." She replied, thankful that the blood was no longer dripping down her face and stinging her eye. Amia could handle the sting of the head wound but not the sting in her eye.

He smiled at her as he gave her nod of his head "You're welcome, Amia. Lt. Himars of the USS Kylo Tol, came here to help, until I receive word of my transfer. But, that's beside the point. What we need is an awesome Engineer and the god that be, have graced us with you, madam."

"I was on Utopia Planetia before being stationed here so I can probably get communications up and running again...I just hope we don't get attacked again."

Krodan stepped to the side and bowed. He was helping all, with his form of humor. Of course, he looked to Kiscad "Ah wonderful news. Perhaps we could wire this comm set with Kiscad's comm system. Thank you, good sir. Perhaps there is luck after all and we can get an pizza deliver guy out this way. Z'vonty, an pie with the works or what not. I think we can get one here fast and for Amia's puppy some treats too?" he looked to Sprocket and smiled to the pup "What you think of that idea?"

Sprocket barked at him, his tail wagging. "His name is Sprocket...I shouldn't of brought him." Amia said to no one in particular.

Krodah knelt down and petted Sprocket "Oh I don't know, Amia. I think he's a great motivational speaker and when we get an call out we'll have them bring double the treats."

"He has kept a smile on my face over the last year." She gave a sad smile.

Krodah rose up and looked to Amia "if you can do that, which anyone from your last duty station, has to be one of the best. As for the madam thing, let's just say, whatever it will take to help make this current problem we've just faced smooth out and not to have it laps into something worse within the mind."

"There are worse names..."She looked around at what was left of the available equipment and sat on the ground. Amia was organizing the material, picking up and setting things down again. "Well...I've had less to work with but I think I can do something with at least half of this. Some of it too burnt or damaged to be of any use of us." She looked up at the men, her hand going to her wound unconsciously.

Kiscad had gotten more of his voice back by now, had returned to his sense more fully. "I believe my transmitter is still functional, though it is made of spare parts and weak. If you can take these Starfleet parts to my junk transmitter we can signal for rescue. It's just over on that row, the green tent with blue fringe at the flap." He pointed for them to see.

"They must not have detected it, I had turned it off... it wasn't working... nobody would come. but maybe we can be rescued before the planet kills us in time." He said this with a profound melancholy. His people were gone, nobody had come for them after all.



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