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Bad News is bad news...Klingon or not

Posted on 04 Aug 2014 @ 9:26pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Elas Vonti

1,348 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Sick bay

Dr Wallace closed the channel with the Commander Myles and checked on his patients. Both Lt. Cmdr Kelan & Ltjg Tambor remained comatose and Lt. Vonti's mental activity was under close observation. It had been nearly 12 hours...if not more since Ayren had been brought to sickbay and the Admiral had yet to break down the door to check on his mate. The only answer was that he didn't know yet.

Tapping his commbadge, "Wallace to Admiral Da`nal."

It had seemed like days that he had been trapped in his ready room when the hail came in. He didn't spot as he replied. "Yes Doctor what is it?"

"I need to speak with you sir. It's about Aryen."

Da`nal's head snapped up and he knew something was wrong. Her presence in his mind had diminished but he had only thought it was his focus and worry that was over shadowing thing. "He reached out as she had taught him but there was no reply. What was usually warm and pleasant seemed cold and fearful. he didn't hesitate and stood in a rush, "Computer beam me to sickbay!"

The channel closed automatically as the transporter disassembled the Admiral and Wallace moved carefully to Aryen's bedside as the Admiral rematerialized.

The second the transporter effects released him he bolted to her side. "What happened!...and why wasn't I informed immediately?!"

Swallowing hard, “What happened is complicated but as to why you weren’t informed, I cannot say for certain but I take full responsibility. I was so absorbed in trying to stabilize research and revive them that I must have neglected to have someone inform you sir."

Taking a deep breath, Da`nal calmed his rage. "Go on."

"As you know Lt. Vonti is Ullian..."

Da`nal spun and immediately found the bio-bed holding him...

Knowing he was taking his life in his hands he grabbed the Admiral from behind. "ADMIRAL!...."

Da`nal skillfully remove the doctor and could have easily snapped the doctors arm.

With his arm hyper extended he waved off the security guards posted next to Lt. Vonti even as the pressure increased, " was...unintentional..."

He released the doctor and stared at Aryen for a long moment before turning his gaze back to the doctor now returning to his feet. "My apologies Doctor...that was uncalled for. You my of course press.."

"No sir..." The doctor interrupted. "You reaction was only natural. Let me explain the situation. Both Lt. Commander Ayren and Lt. Tambor were assaulted by Lt. Vonti, similarly to the type of mental violation that plagued their world aged ago and occurred on the USS Enterprise on stardate 45430.9. However unlike all other previous recorded incidents this invasion seems to have taken place during a dream or fantasy that Lt. Vonti was having. According to the Enterprise's logs the victims regained consciousness with 24 to 36 hours after the assault. I can only hope the same hold true here."

Da`nal listened intently to every detail. "And why is Vonti here and not in the brig?"

"Lt. Vonti came here on his own and was barely able to stand by the time he stumbled through the doors. He was distraught and extremely remorseful...he even tried taking his own life. He is here so that we can continue monitoring is brain activity. Besides had he wanted to he could have attacked anyone, even from within the brig."

Da`nal's eyes never left Vonti as the doctor explained things and it was clear his glare was having an effect on the Counselor.

Elas cried out from the bed, the pain in his head was crushing but he had to set the record straight. He didn’t care about his career, or his service, he only wanted this man to know he didn’t do this on purpose. He had to make sure Da'nal understood and spoke up despite the pain and effort of speech, like each word was dredged with great sacrifice.

"Admiral! I didn’t... I didn’t want - I stopped the moment I realized!" He took a deep breath, his vitals spiking under the great stress he was feeling. The tragedy was inherent in the tone of his voice; a deep soul felt mourning for his actions that made him howl at the injustice of unwittingly violating a most sacred barrier, of the innocence lost.

Seeing the panic in his officer and their validation of them on the bio-monitors deflated his anger to a more manageable level. Turning back to the doctor, "What is you treatment plan?"

Now Wallace swallowed hard again. "To be honest sir, I'm a little over my head and..."

"Did you consult the ships EMH for assistance?"

Shaking his head. "No sir, but I did find an experienced officer that could help. I have contacted her and will be consulting with her on this case directly when we reach Cariel. I also thought she would make a good CMO."

Thoughts were racing through his mind. He was glad he admitted his short comings and sought out assistance. He was impressed that a need for the entire crew was addressed. He was concerned for his mates well being as well as for the other victim...who he had yet to even meet. Moving to the side of Ayren's bed he placed his hand on hers.

The connection they normally shared, thanks to her mental abilities, would have flared to life at the physical contact but now there was nothing but a faint glimmer of a presence. It was like a a flame fighting to stay light against a wind. For all his skill and strength he was helpless. There was nothing he could do and that realization angered him even more.

"Keep in constant contact with..."

"Dr Myles."

"Keep in contact with Dr. Myles, keep me informed of any change, and send her file to my ready room and I will review your suggestion. As for him," tilting his head towards Voni, "...release him."

Elas was still on the bed, but he felt he had to make it to his feet, despite the pain. He needed Da'nal to know... he couldn’t articulate what it was he needed Da'nal to know, but he struggled to his feet. It felt right, the pain justified.

The world swirled around him a little but he found his center, concentrating on his disciplines to reign in the mental impulses he kept receiving. He looked to them both and spoke in a ragged whisper, "Doctor... I will help you as best I can, there are others on Ullia who can help. I will contact them.... My only hope is there is an explanation for this otherwise I will be leaving Starfleet... Admiral I won't forgive myself for this ever. I expect you both will feel the same. I won't rest until we know."

While part of him wanted kill him where he stood other part of him, filled with the memories of the oaths he had taken and of two strong women that had been able face that side of him and love him despite it. One hand was still clenched so tight that his knuckles had popped long ago and his nails were now cutting into his own hand, with the other he waved off the offer. "Do what you will...but you will do it from your station or your quarters."

Spinning to the doctor, "...and you do WHATEVER you need to keep this from happening to anyone else. Do I make myself clear?!"

Wallace nodded. "Yes sir."

With that Da`nal looked longingly to Aryen laying in the biobed then strode sharply from the room.

Elas was a lost soul standing all alone in the ward. He looked to Dr. Wallace with desperation, " I will work tirelessly to get answers. Everything I am depends on it." Elas turned and walked out of sickbay, feeling his life spiral out of control with each passing second.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Doctor Wallace
MO - NPC Played by Da`nal

Elas Vonti


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