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Old wounds...maybe...maybe not

Posted on 01 Aug 2014 @ 1:49am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,475 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Achilles / Cariel System

The Achilles had just broke orbit from their first stop and where underway to their second inspection site. A site he was not particularly looking forward to. He didn't expect any issues just that the Romulan running the place had once been a blood enemy to his House.

The helms man on duty turned form his station. "We are clear of the planet sir. Course for Cariel plotted and laid in sir."

He nodded and replied. "Execute." Looking out at the stars as the shifted from pinpoint to the tell tale streaks, characteristic of a ship at warp.

Addressing no one in particular as he rose from his seat. "Establish contact with the planetary administration. In my ready room."

He entered his ready room and waited for the communication to be established and transferred.


She let the secateurs fall to the earth and brushed the soil from her hands - such beautiful flowers required both attention and ruthless pruning - she'd trust no-one else to tend her private garden.

Isha had requested that the communication, when it came was directed to her.

So you're here, she thought as she passed through the gate letting it swing shut behind her and up the stairs to her office.

For anyone else she's have let someone else handle it, but here there was history.

"Da'nal, your career has progressed since we last met," she said as the channel opened and she saw the face of the big Klingon, one she could never resist the temptation to try and provoke.

Nodding slightly to acknowledge her comment. "That it has. Things have changed for you as well...the loss of so many regrettable. At least the majority of your families holding were spared. Giving you a place to rebuild from." Having seen her families estate on Romulus, Da`nal was referring to Cariel itself.

Isha snorted, "I've been building this place for decades, far out of the way of either of my families and beyond the interest of the Empire. That I've had unwelcome arrivals draining my resources is not welcome to me, nor is the growing interest of would be king-makers juggling rival factions that have no clear right to grasp for command of an Empire, even a fragmentary one." She had retired not only from public life but from the tyranny of being head of two Great Houses; that she had an intact and neutral power base made her useful to everyone though.

The fact that she referred to the needs of her people as 'not welcome' and that she seemed content to let other lesser Romulans vie for power that was rightfully hers surprised him. There must be some reasoning behind it, but that was not his concern. "I would have though you would have used your position and resources to guide the efforts to rebuild the senate." He raised a hand to stop the debate he saw coming given the situation and returned to the matter at hand. "However I am not here to discuss Romulan politics. The future of your people is up to you and yours; I am only here to make sure Federation relief efforts are meeting the need. And if not see that the gaps are closed. We should be arriving later in the day, is there anything immediate that either my officers or I can begin addressing before we arrive?"

Isha reclined slightly. "Da'nal, you always used to be such a conversationalist. It is customary among my people for old friends to at least exchange pleasantries before reaching for their swords," she said - the word she chose did not directly translate as 'friend' - more as 'acquaintance who is present and useful to me who may or may not be a foe'. "Our medical facilities were not built for the number of people using them. There are many sick, and injured. More so when fights break out as they frequently do. I'm sure our doctors would welcome the assistance of yours. I will have the main locations, numbers and so forth sent to your ship."

Once again a clash in cultures. Klingon "pleasantries" were ritualized for specific traditions, but when there are tasks to be done his people tended to be more direct. "It seems our people still need to learn much about each other. Well when we arrive we can do what we can to correct that."

Leaning back slightly he continued, "Normally I would suggest a feast between you people and mine, but with so many fighting for food that would not be the honorable path. I will have my crew begin working to prepare not only supplies but replicators to provide food, water, and clothing."

"I will make rooms available a room here for your base. Its one of the few secure compounds. Perhaps your security teams too will assist in policing the camps? Or at least in protecting the distribution of food."

Da`nal was not aware that things had deteriorated to this point. It was clear that Federation efforts were not adequate. "I thank you for your hospitality. I had not been made aware that things were so bad. Are the regular supply runs not arriving?" He had been informed of on possible outcome...though he didn't what to admit it.

"I would have preferred to remain entirely independent, but there comes a time when one can neither aspire to, nor achieve that luxury. There are only so many refugee ships one can turn away before the wrong people start to talk. So yes, we let some in. Yes, we agreed that your Federation friends might begin their support effort here. We had not anticipated your other friends who seem to have mistaken the supply line for a buffet."

He breathed in slowly at the attack, as it was clear she had not forgotten how to push his buttons. His anger was mixed more at the confirmation that his people were raiding refugee camps than at her dig, but she was just the one to receive his tempered venting. "Would you want me to include you in the same category as your friends that tried to control the Klingon Empire through the House of Durras? No you would not. So do not include me with those who dishonor themselves by preying on he weak. I assume you have proof of these...incursions?"

"I have one ally, Da'nal. Myself, not even my daughter qualifies in these times. If you want proof go out into the border systems and examine the weapon scars, patrol the trade routes. They have not reached us, yet, but they will follow the refugees." Isha sighed in the pause, "You could have killed me back in the day, but it was your Federation duty more than your honour that prevented that I think. Never mind, those places do not exist anymore, no more than whispers and dreams endure. So, yes, I can provide proof if you doubt my word.

Isha could have prevented him from slaying her husband's brother back then, and Da'nal's own shamed captive brother but she understood too well what had to happen - on her own estate on Romulus itself she had stood back and let honor take its bitter and bloody course.

"You have in the past proven that there is more to you than Klingon bluster, so I will trust in you previous honor, and believe you and at the same time trust you to take me at my word."

Da`nal sat in his chair staring at the monitor, his jaw tight. His frustration was not with her words or actions but the fact that he was having the truth thrust into his face. After Romulus was destroyed, he knew that the day would come that his people would try to take advantage of the situation...there was just too much hate between the Klingons and the Romulans.

"You are right of course, you helped my brother regain his honor and protect my House. For that I will always be grateful and I DO take you at your word. I will call for additional starships to help secure the border and to gather the evidence so the Federation can act."

While Isha had many qualms about allowing a gathering of patrols to draw attention to this backwater she was not fool enough to ignore that whilst Cariel had not yet come under direct attack, it was only a matter of time.

"Thank you," she said, pragmatism, rather than gratitude her tone. ""My little world is at your disposal should you wish to visit us directly," she added.

"We are already on our way. In the meantime I will make a few unofficial inquires." He nodded respectfully, "until then."


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Isha t'Khellian
Romulan Ambassador


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