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New Arrivals - Part 1

Posted on 06 Aug 2014 @ 1:22am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Karen Myles & Lieutenant JG Giada Lindert & Lieutenant JG Tobias Todd

1,167 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: MD 4

[Ready Room]

The Achilles had arrived in orbit and the hand full of personnel due to rotate off Cariel from the Federations relief efforts had been beamed aboard and their reliefs transferred to the surface. Two officers had been brought to his attention, one by his XO the other by his yeoman, and one by Dr. Wallace. Two addressed a need in the senior staff, one his historical curiosity.

All three officers had been summoned to his ready room and he had questions for them about the conditions on the planet’s surface. No doubt there may be some resistance to their sudden reassignment.


Giada had barley dropped her stuff off in her new quarters when she received the summons to the CO's ready room. After a quick check to ensure her uniform was in good condition, she made the journey to deck 1. As she crossed the distance between the turbolift and the ready room, Giada took in the layout of the bridge. It was a fairly open concept, even when compared to other modern designs. As she neared the ready room, she noticed another Lt arriving at the same time. Deciding to introduce herself, she held out her hand.
"Lt Giada Lindert, I just transferred on-board to the security department."

[Crew Quarters earlier]

She had basically had time to put her bags down before the summons arrived, of course this wasn't the first time she had done this song and dance, it wasn't even the second. Leaning down she pulled out a blue lab coat, and slowly pulled it on over her uniform. It wasn't strictly uniform in of itself but nor was it prohibited, she had found that wearing it made things easier it conveyed she was a medical officer far better than the standard teal uniform which anyone in the science departments wore.

Pulling her comm badge off of her uniform jacket and pinning it to the lab coat Karen sighed softly and took a last look around her quarters before heading out.

The few things Tobias had brought with him on his new assignment were dropped on the table in his room. He would have enough time to sort them out later. The summoning to the Captain's ready room had arrived even before he had time to close the door to his quarters, apparently there was no time wasted on the Achilles.

~Computer, internal layout of the USS Achilles, highlight the quickest route to the Captain's ready room.~ The answer was almost intelligible wave of data and the recipe for Klingon Blood Soup. Tobias shook his head slightly and dumped the data. Obviously his interface needed a slight adjustment to connect properly with the ships computer.

With that in mind, he left his quarters and would just have to find his way via the turbo lifts. "Computer, has sub routine Todd-Alpha-001 been cleared by security and engineering?" He seriously hoped so, the program had been send to the Achilles with the acceptance of his assignment.

"Sub routine Todd-Alpha-001 has been cleared by engineering and security."
"Excellent, initiate sub routine Todd-Alpha-001." He had hardly finished his sentence as he felt the communication between computer and interface becoming clearer and somewhat louder. The nifty little program , of his own design of course, was basically an attachment to the universal translator that helped him establishing a proper connection to the ships computer. Technically, he could run this sub routine without clearance according to Starfleet regulations, but he had learned early in his career that his condition was subject to much suspicion from certain people. Better to deal with it right away so he didn't have to waste time on it later.

By the time he reached the nearest turbo lift, the connection was completed.

"Main Bridge"

When the doors opened, he took a moment to observe the bridge from this neutral position.The layout seemed as efficient as expected but only time would tell how it would hold up. He stepped up to ready room at the same time as another Lieutenant that must have used a different turbo lift and had, irritatingly, escaped his attention so far. She hesitated for the briefest moment, deciding between proceeding to a meeting with the Captain and meeting another Lieutenant who was just as new here as she was.

"Lieutenant Giada Lindert, I just transferred on-board to the security department." She said while holding out her hand.

"Lieutenant Tobias Todd, science department." Almost as an afterthought he added "Nice to meet you." He didn't mean anything by it, but his thoughts were mainly focused on his new assignment and his new Captain. New beginnings were always .. interesting.

Giada shook the scientist's hand but he seemed a bit distracted, likely by the fact they were about to meet their new CO.
"Nice to meet you too, shall we go meet the Admiral?"

Entering the ready room, Giada centered herself 2 paces off the Admiral's desk. "Lt Giada Lindert reporting as ordered sir."

Tobias entered after Lieutenant Lindert and positioned himself to her right. "Lieutenant Todd reporting."

[Ready Room]

Da`nal sat, his arms resting on the arms of his non-fleet issue Klingon style chair as the officers entered his office and stood before him. His new security officer looked as is she might break herself from the rigidity of her position of attention to which the corner of his mouth curled slightly. Turning his gaze to his new science officer, he cocked his head slightly actually surprised that he looked as 'normal' as he did.

Waving to the seats in front of them, "Have a seat."

Taking one of the offered seats, Giada allowed herself to relax a little. It would be interesting serving under a Klingon CO or even directly under an Admiral. It was yet another surprise the 24th century had in store for her.

As the officers sat he began. "I'm sure after completing your time in the Romulan relief camps, you both were probably looking forward to some leave and personal time. Perhaps time with family?"

"I had thought about travelling to Risa and trying my hand at climbing Galartha. A bunch of us planned on going upon graduation but the outbreak of War changed a lot of our plans."

Giada was referring to West Point and the Romulan War but if the others wanted to assume Starfleet Academy and the Dominion War she wasn't going to correct them unless directly challenged.

The doors opened and Karen stepped through, memories of the first time she reported in to a commanding officer drifted through her mind, no doubt if she had been minutes late to that meeting like she was for this one she would have died of nervousness. She came to a standstill with her hands behind her back. "My apologies for the tardiness. " She said softly with a slight bow of her head. "Commander Karen Myles, reporting as ordered sir."

Da`nal returned her nod and motioned to the couch to his right.



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