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Order to chaos

Posted on 27 Jun 2014 @ 2:07am by Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant JG Telemachus Rahde
Edited on on 27 Jun 2014 @ 2:17am

1,416 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Security briefing room, deck 6
Timeline: MD 3

Telemachus stood at the window in the security briefing room his mind scrambling events had moved very quickly since his transfer. And this was his first chance to meet most of his department. He looked at the tattoo on his right arm thinking on how those words had and would continue to affect his life, he slapped those thoughts away and began to focus mind. Waiting for his department to arrive

Suteyo arrived on time, to the second as was his maddening custom. He stooped slightly walking into the room, making his way to a seat at the table. Before taking a seat he stood at the table at ease, "Lt j.g. Suteyo Alahanu reporting as ordered sir." He was eager to finally meet the man, his record made for interesting reading.

Telemachus turned as Suteyo entered standing with his hand behind his back he nodded to Suteyo.

Following Suteyo into the briefing room, Mitchell had just come off his normal duty shift, and still appeared as fresh as if it were the beginning. The record on their new Chief Security and Tactical Officer had him more than a little curious, and as usual Mitchell made sure his mental shields were in place. "Lieutenant." was all that he said in a polite tone as he stood by a chair, more relaxed than Suteyo appeared to be.

"Chief, Lieutenant good to meet you, before this gets formal any questions?"

Suteyo always had to restrain himself from being too direct, a Capellan trait for sure. "Aye... I have noticed the Intelligence division on board is shorthanded, I am available for service for SI ops as well." He didn't say how bored he was in his current role, Investigations officer had been an arbitrary assignment given his skills, but on board a Federation vessel it meant extremely routine duties.

" I have a use for you lieutenant be assured of that I will discuss it with you in private!"

Suteyo was pleasantly surprised, "Aye sir."

"None here, least until I get a feel for how this is going to run under your style Lieutenant." Mitchell commented plainly, curious as to what all was to be discussed.

Suteyo responded by a single shake of the head, he being stiff, but it was the first impression, it paid to do it right.

"Gentle men have a seat" Telemachus said, taking a seat himself and indicating

Taking a set once they had been indicated, Mitchell's ever-present PADD came out from the uniform blouse and was set in front of him. Written notes always made him more comfortable.

Suteyo took a seat, every bit as rigid as his standing posture. His Kligat pressed into he side of the chair and also his thigh. He took it off the holster and set it on the table gently.

"To business, as you know this ship is capable of separating itself, while I have yet to see this myself, I have decided to take precautions against various outcomes; I have several ideas but would like to hear your ideas?"

"What are the command hierarchies in multi-vector assault mode, how are communications channeled/ prioritized?" Suteyo had no idea about the coordination between three separate parts of one whole vessel. He was glad to be receiving the training.

"During MVAM, a Prometheus class is normally headed by the CO, XO, and then the Second Officer. Traditionally, the CO would be in the saucer section, the XO in the upper engineering section, and SO in the lower. There are probably some changes with the Admiral on board, but they'll be minimal. As for communications, there's no real change since all three parts are capable of acting in the same ways, so you basically go from having one ship to three smaller ones. “Mitchell added, having some personal experience with the class.

Suteyo nodded in gratitude to Mitchell, “I can assume we are heading to the Neutral Zone from chatter I have heard. So what scenarios are we likely to face in the upcoming mission? I have ideas for your consideration for locating cloaked vessels using triangulation of the three segments, also adjustments to the diffusion grid under the Ablative resurfacing patterns... specifically to specify for disruptor energy patterns, also potential adjustments to long range sensors for subspace distortions by ships under heavy cloak or running sensor null."

Mitchell turned to face Suteyo after that. "Not meaning to crash your ideas there Lieutenant, but those are not security issues. You just trampled on territory of the Engineering, Science, and Operations off the top of my head. Also, my memory may be a bit fuzzy on the particulars of the Ablative process, but I don't think we have the facilities or materials to redo the entire ship out here, that's normally done at a base or drydock, with some limited supplies on hand for minor damage."

Suteyo knew he was exceeding his duties focus, but an investigations officer had little to do but analyze for potential weaknesses on board. There were only two investigations pending, and they were going to be pending for some time. With a reserved tone, but still conversational he replied "Pardon my desire to exceed my focus beyond the duties of my post as Investigations officer. If you'd prefer I can outline my suggestions in a document? If we are dealing in Romulan territories precautions against cloaking, disruptor weapons, and software intrusion are paramount. I should expect to coordinate with other departments to be certain countermeasures are in place as Tactical concerns coincide with ship functions. Engineering and Tactical often overlap, as I have experienced often, especially in detection, firewalls, defensive systems... for instance the current energy absorption matrix in our ablative armor is Carpathian Standard, a heavy damage but all purpose design. I know other configurations we can adjust to to optimize against Disruptor impact."

Suteyo turned to Rahde and inclined his head towards him, "I might also need additional daily duties... sir." He smirked in his way to show he was joking, which is to say he thought he was smirking but only showing the same deadpan expression.

Rahde nodded, "We'll talk later, i assume we will be faced with all manner of madness that comes with this job." Telemachus smiled "I assume you two have read my file and are up to date." Telemachus brought up the files of the officers before him "I have read yours and am looking forward to working with you , and now for the gentle kicker , the admiral has decided that the marines will be partially merging the security department during most day to day activity this means we will be heavily reinforced most of the time and will be able to have more team posted"

Suteyo nodded, he liked that idea personally, those Marines saw infrequent action, regular duty would help regulate their time. He had experienced the rivalry in fleet members vs. Marines but ultimately they were all on the same side. The Marines had been the crucial edge in many engagements and Suteyo had a healthy respect for them. If they were ever boarded Suteyo would be glad for every Marine on board.

That disclosure caused Mitchell to sit right up fully. "Can you clarify the term 'partially merging', as it's a tiny bit vague Lieutenant?" He asked, knowing this could be a potential disaster with the rivalry between Marine and Fleet.

Telemachus smiled before answering" during active mission the marines will supplement or reinforce the security teams as need but will remain on stand by should the order to mobilize go out, both department will be doing extensive training to get us all on even ground including myself!"

Mallory shook his head ruefully. This CSec seemed to be a bit more hands on, which could be good or bad. "Got it. Training on both ends. This'll be fun. Anything else coming down the line Lieutenant?" He asked until he caught sight of the time on his PADD. "Lieutenants, I think we're about out of time for this meeting. It's about time for shift change, and I'm still working on the kids to make sure they're following proper log procedures. Shall we call the meeting here?"

Suteyo nodded, gathering the padd and his Kligat while rising. "Aye sir, I'll schedule a time to meet with you if you please." He bowed slightly in farewell, looking to everyone else. "See you all soon, farewell."


Chief Warrant Office Mitchell Mallory
Security Officer

Lt. j.g. Investigator Alahanu


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