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Meeting the Intel Gang

Posted on 30 May 2014 @ 12:49am by Civilian Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Matt'ew al-Altaa & Ensign Natia Nechayev

993 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: USS Achilles, Deck 2, Intelligence Office
Timeline: MD 3

After Matt'ew had finished his initial briefing with the Admiral and XO, he made his way directly to the Intelligence Center. He had been given an order by the Admiral to get up to speed on the reports of Klingon forces entering Romulan space and began attacking Romulan outposts. Upon reaching the sealed doors to the center, he keyed in his access code on the small control panel, unlocking the door and allowing him entry. Upon walking through the open doors, Matt'ew looked around and took in the activity that was currently taking place.

Reva and Natia had just finished getting sickbay and quarters assigned as they entered the Intel spaces. "...and here is where we do our thing." Seeing a strange face in a classified area she immediately challenged his presence there. "Excuse me...Lieutenant. This is a classified area and I have never seen you before..."

Matt'ew turned when he hear the feminine voice from behind him. He turned and saw an attractive Orion woman addressing him. "That is because I have just arrived to assume command of this department, Lieutenant Madhava." He turned to face the two women and crossed his strong arms over his barrel chest. "Ensign Necheyev." He nodded his head once to the woman in the hoverchair.

With a hand on her hip and a smirk on her face she nodded. Her smirk changing to a smile as she offered her new boss her hand and the fact he already knew who they were didn't go without notice. "My apologies sir."

"Im sure, Lt Al-Altaa." Natia said turning to her escort Reva. "This is the guy whos supposed to be here to tell us how to do our jobs and micro manage us to death while we attempt not to kill him for telling us how to do our jobs that we spent years at the Academy to learn." Natia said with a her usual straight emotionless face.

Matt'ew accepted the handshake with a friendly grin. "No apology needed. You did the right thing by questioning the presence of a stranger in the Intel spaces." He then looked over at Natia. "I will only micromanage if you show me you are unable to perform your duties to my satisfaction, Ensign." He started to turn and look over the office and stared, seemingly absentmindedly, "And you will find that I am hard to kill." He finished speaking with a grin as he clicked the beak of his eating mouth loudly.

Cammy slipped through the doors to the Intel offices, her skin decorated with a few bruises and cuts. Having just finished combat exercises in the holodeck, she still wore her field equipment. She made her way to a desk and dropped a PADD containing the results of her trial on one of the few bare spots available. After turning around, she took notice of the others that congregated in the department. "Oh, new people." She approached them, eager to meet what appeared to be her new colleagues.

She took a look at Matt'ew's collar. "I'm guessing you're the new senior officer around here." Smiling, she wiped some sweat off her hand before extending it to him.

Matt'ew tipped his head in recognition as he accepted another handshake. "Ensign Valentine. You guess correctly." He then gave her a quick visual once over. "I trust this is not how you normally dress for duty?" While there was a tone of displeasure in his voice, there was a glint in his eyes that betrayed him in concealing his humor.

Natia merely rolled her eyes as she went to work on her computer which was part of her chair. Ignoring the Lt who challenged her. 'Gas could knock him out, but then there would be a trail to me. Non lethal methods?, oh yes to prove him wrong that he is as fallible as everyone else'. she thought to herself.

"No," Cammy said looking herself over. "I only wear this for special occasions." She cocked an eyebrow. "You know my name already? Next thing you'll tell me you know the results of the drills I just did."

Cammy looked over towards Natia. "What was that about?"

"What?" Natia said not looking up as she shrugged innocently as she continued to work.

Cammy paused a moment. "Nevermind. I take it you're the one talking me through all the suicide missions I'll be assigned to?" Moving closer to Natia.

"Oh please, Its Matt their that will order you to the suicide missions, think of me as your guardian angel when shit hits the fan 'because' of him." Natia said grinning as it gave the impression of 'was she joking or not?'.

"Right..." Cammy replied hesitantly, "her guardian angel's" earlier remarks still fresh in her mind. ~I'm always glad to have help. Just hope she doesn't help me to death.~

Reva leaned back against the bulkhead letting the new boss get acquainted with the minions. She was really liking Natia, she was feisty and she had her chair loaded for bear. A thought occurred and Reva made a mental note to check with some R&D friends of hers to see what was on the boards for bio-enhancements...maybe there was a way to get the kid her legs back.

Matt'ew paid no attention to Natia's little outburst. He turned back to Reva. "Now then, Exec. If you could please bring me up to speed on the projects that the department is working on."

Reva grinned and gracefully lifted herself off the bulkhead. After indicating their direction towards the inner office were all the real work was done she took him by the arm, "I think you are really going to like this...we have all the latest toys."

OOC Matt'ew: just need Natia to sign off here and then I'll post it.:-)

Lt. Matt'ew al-Altaa
Chief Intel Officer

Lt. Reva Madhava
NPC Intel Officer

Ensign Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist
USS Achilles


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