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New intel blood

Posted on 30 May 2014 @ 12:48am by Civilian Reva Madhava & Ensign Natia Nechayev

1,938 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Timeline: MD 3

Natia was sitting in her grav chair, staring out the window on the promenade, watching the ships go by. Remembering her last post with almost perfect clarity. Remembering friend past and the friends she has yet to make as her time on the Talleyrand was short but sweet. While waiting for new orders she received a message from a higher up informing her of her new position on the USS Achilles but also a new rank to follow. 'I guess no banners and no drinking' she thought to herself as she saw a new ship dropped out of warp, noticing the Insignia on the side, it matched with what was on file for the USS Achilles. 'New ship has arrived' she sulked slightly as she was hoping for at least one congratulations, although she was fine and used to things like this, she waved her hand over the chairs command controls which brought up a holographic HUD of sorts. She piloted her way to the docking bay. But first she stopped by the nearest bar to grab a drink before hovering herself towards her new ship. She knew her brothers and sisters would be over joyed but part of Natia would think it was just show.

But she brought up the station schematics several days prior and headed over towards the docking bay, meanwhile, she received a text communication from her favorite gardener at the Academy 'Boomie' as he liked to be called. It read.

"Congratulations, young one. Glad you finally graduated and get to make yourself proud, I know your parents are dead but I know if they were alive today they would be proud of you, just like I am along with a few of your teachers you met here. Keep up the good work and remember, 'Know a persons secrets and the world is open to you', so sayeth the gardeners union." This last part made Natia laugh to herself as she knew their was no such union and he was the only person to make her laugh even a little. "Good luck and send me a message when you have the time." Signed, Boomie.

Natia got done reading the message at the same time she got to the transporter room. She told the transporter chief on duty where she was needing to go and Natia hovered onto the Pad. Within seconds she along with her meager possessions were beamed to the USS Achilles. She brought up the schematics for the ship and exited the transporter room.

[USS Achilles - Deck 4]

Reva was on her way to transporter room 3 to meet the newest member to the intel department. As the lift doors opened she nearly collided with the young officer. "Wooo...excuse me! You must be Natia."

"Yes, dont worry you havent broken anything that I havent already broken myself. After all it will take more then an accidental run in for you to destroy this grav chair." Natia said smiling. "I wasnt expecting anyone to meet me." Natia expressed a bit surprised.

Tilting her head to the side slightly, "Now what kind of welcome would that be? Especially for someone like yourself, fresh out of the academy and all...Congratulations by the way. What do you say we get you settled, take you by sick bay for the normal 'check in', and then we can take you to see the big boss?"

"Well, my last posting just expected me to do data retrieval. So as a Cadet then, they didnt show much interest in welcoming parties. Although, a friend of mine went through boot camp, then left the marines to join SCE and she told me that her time in boot camp and her time with the Academy, she says she wished she went academy people were alot nicer and no early wake up calls." Natia snickered. "Anyways, I heard the Captain is a 3/4th Klingon, does that mean he has the 'easily insulted, honor insulted' thing that most Klingons have after a simple 'Hello'?. I just ask incase I need to have some decorum which I kinda lack." Natia said as she rambles on as she tended to do when nervous, the more she rambled the more nervous she became.

Stepping into the lift, Reva made sure to give her chair room to maneuver then announced their destination before replying. "Deck Seven. The Admiral is typically Klingon in the matter of protecting his honor. However he is, from what I've heard, pretty understanding and patient. According to his record he did the vast majority of his career in Starfleet, even though he was raised within the Empire. Although I do have to tell you, he has a particular distrust of us intel types."

"Well, anyone sane should. Particularly if they had run ins with Section 31 which isn't intelligence. Intelligence is gathering information and giving it to a superior so they can do their job better not used to extort or otherwise gain an upper hand over another. Me, I hack computer systems, and use anothers computer against the computers creator while at the same time remote downloading any and all information I can to be used for later if I need it. One of the reasons Starfleet accepted my application but dont tell anyone, as you said some people are spooked by what we do." Natia said confiding in the Orion.

Stopping as they approached sickbay. "Well I'm not privy to the Admiral's reason's but I think he finds some of our methods a bit dishonorable. I haven't been aboard that long myself but I think if we do our duty to the best we can that will change his perception more than anything else."

"May be dishonorable but we all have our gifts which makes us a team. I crack security systems, he fights, hes physically strong while im mentally strong so I think we compliment each other great. I will leave physical confrontations on away teams up to people like him. Ill just sit here and enjoy being underestimated until I gas an entire facility because I sneaked in my chair and pull the 'I cant walk or move so if you want to kidnap me, youll have to carry me all over the place, do you really want to do that?' card and enjoy their stupidity. Its quite fun pulling that sometimes." Natia said snickering. "Ewww, medical. Do we really have to do a medical check up, sir?, their so impersonal more robot than doctor." Natia said groaning.

Reva grinned, "Always the lesser of two evils...Better to get it done and out of the way than to have the doc hunt you down." Stepping closer, the doors opened and the pair entered.

"Thats what this things for." Natia said as she activated her chairs phaser which popped up from a secret compartment. It was the size of a type two hand phaser but was built into the chair. "Has stun settings too. No one expects that!" Natia said as she made a mental note to tweak her chair again, then deactivated the phaser as it dropped back into the chair.

The Chief Medical Officer was not in a the time the two entered but the other physicians had stepped up to fill her shoes. "Hello there, You must be Natia, or do you prefer Ensign Nechayev?"

"Yes, sir and you can call me either. I prefer Natia, only superiors can call me Nechayev." Natia said as she pulled up next to the Doctor.

Pulling out his tricorder he prepared to scan his latest victim. "Natia, it is. The Talleyrand transferred over your medical records following your graduation and transfer. I looked over your record and to be honest I was surprised."

"Why?" Natia asked a bit confused.

Taking a knee he scanned both the person and the chair to make sure both were operating properly. "Well I was surprised at two things. The first being that someone in your condition would join Starfleet. Two that the Doctors at the Academy didn't try to come up with something more...creative...than a hover chair."

"Well, sir. They did try to come up with something more. But honestly, the chair is more for me than anyone else. For my job I have to become to have my computer with me, so they put in a computer I could use along with a holographic HUD and controls. I can do my job with more efficiency compared to anyone else. You see, the chair has a neural interface to my brain which takes medical readings along with giving me the ability to control the chair. The medical readings are then downloaded into this computer here." Natia said revealing the side panel and a interface port. "So you see the chair protects me, acts as a medical stasis if I need it, along with allowing me to do my job. I have everything I need within the chair. A medical port, Neural interface, a medical stasis if the chair reads im in too much pain due to a job hazard. Provides a shield to deflect enemy fire, as well as phasers of my own. Its like a mix of medical, A Tank, and a Intelligence chair. Besides, who do you think will expect the cripple and her hover chair to be carrying sensitive data?. Anyways, the chair permits me to do my job and makes your job alot easier in my care. Besides, due to my disease if I am on the bridge and things explode and such, I can use my anti grav lock system to lock onto the floor plating, activate a helmet to allow me to breathe and not be worried while I try to help the crew without me being thrown every which way." Natia said as she explained the versatility of the chair. "Besides, they didnt have a choice. Starfleet didnt want a potential asset like myself to be a waste sense I hacked their systems and it was just for fun. So they did everything they could to keep me in starfleet as being sent to a prison wasnt an option and I was too dangerous to be around people without a leash or constant surveillance." Natia said grinning.

His scans complete he stood, the information downloading and updating her records. "Well bells and whistles aside, there comes a time when technology falls short or fails completely. There have been some medical advances that, while not a cure in the strictest sense, could help your condition. I will do some further research of your records but for now I'm done with you.

"Although..." he added. " should definitely stop by engineering so they are aware of your chairs and so its systems can be properly maintained."

"I just checked the personnel manifest, the ship doesnt have an Engineer but I will check in with the Operations officer. Also anything you can do to make my life less confined to this chair will be a great help no matter how small." Natia said smiling.

He smirked and arched his eyebrow. "Must have looked at the manifest prior to your arrival, actually our new chief engineer beamed over the same time you did. But it's nothing critical at this point anyway. Oh that reminds me, your new boss was supposed to have come over as well...." Waving his hand to dismiss the debate before it started. "Well I'm done here and you are free to go."

Reva smiled and tapped her Nati on the shoulder. "Come on...I still need to introduce you to the rest of the team. "


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