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Preparing the Bait

Posted on 01 Jun 2014 @ 1:18am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Anastasia Lyons & Lieutenant Matt'ew al-Altaa & Lieutenant JG Telemachus Rahde

1,185 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Timeline: MD 3

[Ready Room]

The ship was in orbit of their first inspection site and per his orders his officers were in the surface evaluating the situation at the camps. Da`nal had spent a great deal of time doing some digging and calling in a few favors to either set aside or validate his reservations.

With everything settled he paged his new intel chief to have him join him; he hated repeating himself so he would bring the two officers into his confidence at the same time. =^= Lt. al-Altaa, meet me in transporter room 2. =^=

[Intelligence Center]

Matt'ew heard the Admiral's voice over his comm badge. He tapped his badge and replied. "On my way, Admiral." He then handed the current assignments off to Reva and told her where he could be reached. He then grabbed his type two phaser from the weapons locker in his office, plus his tricorder, and left to make it to his rendezvous in the transporter room.


Stepping out onto the bridge Da`nal looked out at the bridge crew going about their duties and nodded to his new 'number one'. "Commander, Lt. al=Altaa and I will be heading down to the surface."

Ana stood up and addressed him at her full height, even though he still made her look tiny. She made strong eye contact with her CO and spoke clearly, "As a Flag Officer, I'm sure you are very aware of Starfleet's rules and regulations regarding Commanding Officers?" she challenged.

Her objection stopped him in his tracks. She had been clever selective enough in her choice of words as to not challenge him directly and his eyes narrowed slightly. "You are correct. I DO know the regulations. I also know that a commanding officer cannot remain hidden behind bulkheads and shield. And...unlike other flag officers, I am more than capable of handling myself. Besides, if Klingons are actually raiding these camps and outposts they must see one here to help them."

The blonde XO shrugged even though his intentions were good, "I'll still have to make a note in my log, rules are rules, you know that. But I can see you won't be swayed, so at least take a security detail with you." she said, seriously and unrelenting.

Da'nal opened his mouth to reply but stopped, she was doing her job and taking that duty seriously. "Very well I will take a Marine down with me as escort."

Ana nodded and figured that was as good as she was going to get, "And I'm keeping a constant transporter lock on you, no arguments..." she told him as she sat in his chair.

Raising a brow and a loud 'Hmmmm' could be heard rumbling from his throat as he turned toward the door.

[Transporter Room 2]

His arrival slightly delayed by his XO he saw that Lt. al-Altaa was present and ready so he too stepped onto the transporter pad and looked back down to the operator. "Locate Lt. Rahde and transport us to his location."

"Admiral." Matt'ew nodded as he acknowledged Da'nal's entrance. He then saw the Marine come in behind him, clearly a bodyguard. The Betelgeusian silently wondered if the Admiral doubted that he could prove to be an excellent protector or if it was simply the standard protocol on the Achilles. He would have to find out...later.

It only took a moment to find the Lieutenant and after she did she looked up to the Admiral and his small party. "Ready for transport sir."


[Perimeter of refugee camp]

Telemachus Rahde stood on an outcrop near the refugee camp where he and his security crew had set up a temporary field post

Telemachus heard the transporter whine as he finished his calibrations for the posts com-system, he stood up at attention when he saw who was beaming down, "Admiral".

SSgt Frey was happy to get something to do other than help babysit refugees. He kind of liked the idea of an Marine escort for the big guy...who knows what kind of perks might come with the job. Focusing on the task at hand he stayed close but gave the Admiral his distance.

Before he took the security chief from his duties Da`nal wanted to make sure all was well in hand. "Report."

"All systems on-line Admiral, we will have full scans of the camp within ten minutes" Telemachus said.

"Very good. Walk with us." Motioning to Matt'ew to join him as he spoke to the Staff Sergeant. "Wait here."

"Aye sir "Telemachus said picking up his phaser and tricorder

Once they where a good ways away from the settlement to ensure being out of earshot Da`nal turned. "As I have already begun to brief Lt. al-Altaa, there is possibility of an agent aboard the Achilles. This agent is not from a foreign power, but one of our own. A number of years ago I was bonded to a woman who's father was a former agent of Section 31.

For whatever reason they failed to cover his tracks and during a personal investigation I got a hold of his service record. After accessing his records I was contacted by an individual calling herself Reynolds. She warned me off pursuing my investigation and deleted all reference to my children's grandfather. However, before that order was given I managed to download that record to a padd and disable that pads network interface.

Now not so long ago I needed some information and began a open search through every database imaginable to get their attention. I not only got their attention but they learned of that I had information they wanted destroyed. It was not long after that my quarters were infiltrated."

Matt'ew listened intently to what the Admiral said. The fact that the ship had had a spy aboard, even before he joined the crew, angered him. He would do whatever it takes to ensure that no further breaches occur.

Continuing Da`nal wrapped up his impromptu briefing. "Whoever it was didn't find what they are looking for and I have created several duplicates for your use. Between the two of you devise a plan to trap this person. If they are still on board I want them exposed. Do not discuss this on the ship...use the awayteam opportunities to plan as well as to keep me informed. Understood?"

Matt'ew nodded as he replied. "Understood, Admiral. Between Rahde and myself, we will find your spy, Sir."

Telemachus immediately began formulating a plan, he grinned and said "We will find the culprit admiral"

Da`nal looked from one office to another nodding. "Good. I will leave you two to it then. Let me know if and when you need the duplicates." Turning he left them to their task and waved to the Staff Sergeant assigned to him as escort.

Seeing the Admiral wave him over the broke into a run and as he approached he asked. "Where to next sir?"

"Back to the ship."

"Roger that sir." Tapping his comlink on his wrist mounted equipment. "Achilles. Admiral's party ready to return. Two to beam up."


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