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31 Jul 2014 @ 1:20am

Ensign Natia Nechayev

Name Natia Nechayev

Position Intelligence Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 18

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 150lbs
Physical Description Natia stands 5'8 which for her family is quite short. She has a fair skin complexion, her lower body seem fragile as she can be found hovering around in a chair most of the time. Due to his advanced incurable form of Brittle bone disease which she has contracted sense birth. She has a dragon tattoo on her upper left shoulder blade.


Father Nikolai Nechayev Sr (Dead)
Mother Alynna Nechayev (Admiral), (Dead)
Brother(s) John and Richter Nechayev
Sister(s) Candice and Natasha Nechayev

Personality & Traits

General Overview Natia can usually be found on her soul means of transportation which happens to be the gravity chair which has a dual purpose. Being born with a genetic deformity such as Brittle bone disease, she didn't go outside to play like the other siblings did, she didn't join sports or have many friends. She spent most of her time in front of the computer most of her younger life. She has a soft spoken voice as if shes afraid to speak, quiet most of the time too unless a question is directed her way. She doesn't have the strongest people skills or social skills either.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Photographic memory
+Too smart for her own good
+Quick thinker
+Advanced Computer skills
+Possesses strong piloting skills
+Meticulous when compiling data
+Insane Hacker of most computers

-Slow to Trust
-Tends to sometimes have outbursts of emotions every once in awhile
-Ghost pains in her legs (Or lack there of)
Ambitions To Walk Again
Hobbies & Interests Play computer games in her off time or sampling food she never had before at least once, and tinkers with how to make her life more efficient due to her disability.

Personal History Natia was born to Nikolai and Alynna Nechayev, She is by far the youngest of her four other siblings, but unlike her siblings she was born with a advanced form of Brittle bone disease. Her father trying his best to be around as much as possible despite his constant deployments, it left Natia with her mother who smothered and sheltered her for the majority of her younger years, while her siblings went out to play and go to school like everyone else, she stayed home, was tutored, smothered, and sheltered from the world. When her father came home, she was treated like a normal person, but when he left and her mother was in charge, her mother treated her like an invalid.

When she was 14 yrs of age, she managed to sneak out wanting so badly to join her brothers and sisters in night swimming, she managed to slowly get out of the house but she tripped, falling down hard, shattering what bones she had left in her legs. She screamed out in utter pain when her mother came out freaking out to the highest degree of the emotional state. A few passing marines heard the screams and came rushing over to assist, they marines realizing who they were, managed to quickly get Natia beamed to the medical facilities and before anyone could stop them, the marines managed to get Natia to the front of the line for care.

It took several days for Natia to wake up and when she did, she found out her mother went psycho and ended up having to be sedated, while her siblings remained home, her father sat by her bed. He informed the Natia who was too young to fully understand that her legs were completely shattered and for some reason no known medical care could fix her legs to the rarity of this particular strain of Brittle Bone Disease.

Natia was heart broken, she cried for several days, until she managed to calm down, but the doctors managed to fix some of the damage but her legs were still shattered but the pain Natia would be in would be lessened due to the miracle work the doctors performed on her. The Marines on the other hand took a active role in the hopes that it would even further lessen the pain she would be in. So between the Marine Corps, Natia's Father, some Borg technology and some luck, they managed to put together a gravity chair to permit Natia some maneuverability, but due to her father's pull. Her chair managed to have a few toys installed in it to permit easier use of chairs, computers, and if needed defense. Natia new she would never walk again but she also didn't want to stay home to be constantly smothered by her mother, so with her fathers permission, she accompanied him to the outpost he was stationed at and due to his rank he oversaw the entire facility.

Natia spent most of the next few years honing her own set skills, she knew she wasnt the greatest at anything but she did manage to hone her mind and it was her intelligence that would be her greatest asset in her life and she knew it. So with her fathers permission and her fathers stubbornness to exceed where others think she would fail, started to gain a more active role around the outpost, she didnt have any authorizations but she did help revamp the entire outposts computer systems to be more efficient. Her father wanted her to exceed so he allowed it.

When Natia was 18, she signed up for Starfleet. Despite the fact her brothers and sisters went into the marines, Natia thought Starfleet Navy would be more her speed rather than marching around in the muck on lord knows what planets. So Natia with her neural operated chair, she entered Starfleet and did her best despite her disadvantages, she found due to her knack with computers she excelled at Intelligence work and so she spent most of her time studying it to see how best she could help others, knowing full well one day she would have to offer support for her father.
Service Record Academy (Intelligence)
USS Talleyrand
USS Achilles