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Leaped without looking - Part 2

Posted on 11 Jan 2014 @ 5:56pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Civilian Capim Jothy
Edited on on 11 Jan 2014 @ 6:20pm

984 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Poisoned Arrow Lounge

Now that that had been dealt with it was Da`nal's turn to hand him a PADD. The PADD listed the supply of liquor, some of it in stasis that he had won from a Ferengi on Starbase 515, that were still secured in the cargo bay 3 (some in stasis) and known only to himself and a select few. "Just so you know what you have to work with, here is a list a few things I...relieved a Ferengi of just before I got the Achilles."

---------PADD Contents---------

Liquor Stores:

Acamarian Brandy
Aldebaran Whiskey
Altairian Brandy
Alvarian Brandy
Andorian Ale
Archers Schnapps (various flavors)
Baqghol (Bahgol)
Bajoran Ale
Bajoran Spring Wine
Beer/Ale (Dark, European)
Belgan Lager (keg)
Bloodwine (multi vintage)
Breshtanti Ale
Calaman Sherry
Cardassian Ale
Cardassian Sunrise
Chateau Picard (various vintages)
Château d'Yquem
Château Lafite Rothschild
Château Mouton Rothschild
Altairian Grand Premier
Chateau Cleon
Chateau Coeur
Dom Pérignon
Kandora champagne
Korris I
Saint Emilion
Talaxian champagne
Dom Perignon
Draylaxian Whiskey
Dresci (Denebian Gin)
Ennanian Ale
Enolian Spice Wine
Famous Grouse
Klingon Firewine
Gamzian Wine
Im gharghHiq (boiling worm wine)
Irish Whiskey
Jack Daniels
Jamaican Rum (black)
Kentucky Bourbon
Ktarian Merlot
Maraltian Seev-ale
Risan Wine
Romulan Ale
Various Rums (spiced and white)
Samarian Sunset ingredients
Sapphire Wine
Saurian Brandy
Scottish Pine Ale
Single Malt Whiskey
Synthehol (100+varieties)
Takarian Mead
Whelan Bitters
Vodka (Various)
Vodka (Russian)
Vulcan Port
Tennessee Whiskey
Terran Fireball Whiskey
Wild Turkey
Various Wines (Reds, Whites, Rose's, Sparkling, Sweet)
Yridian Ale
Yridian Brandy

Arran had been unloading crates, but apparently had finished as he appeared beside Capim for a split second, he was seething in anger and in the midst of raging before vanishing. Capim looked sheepish and a little embarrassed, not at all worried. "My apologies Admiral, he saw a Klingon and wanted to fight you so I had to put him away. Arran is my ego opposite you see, but he is just an extension of me so I there is nothing he can do without my consent. Won't be a problem, he is actually quite useful."

Having never seen a Halanan psychoprojection first hand he was sure how to react to the brief flash of aggression shown by the the second half of the man before him. "I see, well if your other half is in need of combat I'm a Klingon I'm not worried about a good fight", he said with a grin. Nodding at the PADD he had giver Capim, "Your thoughts?"

Capim looked it over; a very somber expression crossed his face as he read the list. "Well Admiral... this just makes my job easy, though I must admit a few of these aren’t 100%...allowed to be served in Federation Space. Though I understand there will be times when we leave Federation charted territory... I will apply equivalent credit from Starfleet for the turnover, which brings me to the last, though complicated issue. When the Dominion war was on, the Federation allowed for Credit conversions with Allied races for replicator functions, that program ended, as did my company, so I volunteered my services to Starfleet who offered compensation for my time. I can certainly accept a credit conversion, and my Contract is for 500 gigajoules per diem. So by absorbing this into my inventory this will fund my services for some time, I will set up a tracking system with the quartermaster if this arrangement is suitable?"

Da`nal didn't subscribe to the need to label a food item as legal or illegal after all it wasn't like it was bio-memetic gel. "I'm not concerned with the legalities of the liquor. Alcohol is alcohol....regardless of its point of original. As long as those on duty stick to synthahol and the real thing is consumed responsibly I don't care. I would rather it be consumed and be rid of it than keep it under lock and key and have someone try to take what they can't have.

Downing the last of his bloodwine he set the tankard aside. "Moving on to your rate. You will be residing on the Achilles, utilizing its resources, power supplies, facilities and you want to be compensated for your services. Now I don't mind those that seek profit in earning it. However, taking into consideration your 'room and board', I think 375 gigajoules is an adequate per diem. Or do you disagree?"

Capim laughed heartily, while saying to Danal at the same time "Admiral I am not sure what activities you feel I am engaging in my bedroom that consume 125 gigajoules." Realizing his laughter might be seen as disrespectful he reigned it in, the image of a hundred women operating sex tools simultaneously having come to him unbidden. He resumed with a more serious demeanor, “Though if Achilles has no need of some of my more advanced services on a regular basis I could reserve a special tab for functions and events; 375 standard daily rate and say 50 per hour on top of costs for special events requiring my more advanced services? Pending approval on those upgrades of course..."

The corner of Da`nal's mouth curled slightly as he nodded. "Agreed."

Capim had another flagon of blood wine in his hand, though where it had come from was a mystery, with a slight slam in the custom of flagon drinking Capim had another in front of the admiral and the moisture ring and predecessor wiped away in one motion. He smiled as he took his seat again, “The cup never runs dry with me Admiral."

Da`nal's empty tankard rang out with plunk as he set in down to be filled and once it was he lifted it in a toast. "Qapla’ Balth je’! (Honor & Success!)

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Capim Jothy
Manager, Poisoned Arrow Lounge


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