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Posted on 20 Jan 2014 @ 8:35pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan & Sascha Oakheart

677 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: Admiral's quarters
Timeline: 0432

Da`nal rose from their bed and looked down smiling as Ayren slept, breathing softly. After the away teams return she had shown up on the bridge almost immediately. She had looked a bit disheveled from the rough trip into the past and the resulting damage and casualties but that had only added to his reaction upon seeing her. He had wanted to cross the bridge and take her up in his arms but he was the captain of the Achilles and had to set the example. None the less she had blushed brightly as she had clearly sensed his thoughts.

Wrapping himself in a robe he padded to his desk to catch up on everything that had taken place on his ship while he had been stranded on his ship, but as he sat the comm sounded. =^= Bridge to Admiral Da`nal =^=.

"Da`nal here, what is it?"

=^= Sorry if I woke you sir, but there is a call for you from Starfleet Headquarters. =^=

"No need for apologize for doing your duty. Patch it through."

=^= Aye, sir. Patching it through now, bridge out. =^=

Da`nal watched patiently as the monitor rose from his desk.

A confusing dream dissipated and Ayren woke up, her senses instinctively probing for her beloved's presence followed by her arm reaching towards where Danal was supposed to be. Her senses told her that he was in the next room. ~Work..~ she thought as she slipped out of bed, in spite of the hour. They have such little time together that the treasured every moment and she didn't want to waste time sleeping when she could feel his presence, even if he was busy. On the way to the replicator, she tiptoed past him and planted a warm kiss in his neck, while the monitor appeared. "I'll bring you some coffee," she whispered in his ear, before she grinned and left him alone again.

Da`nal leaned into the kiss and growled playfully. "Don't start with something you can't finish...". Knowing full well that she could do just that, "...but coffee would be excellent."

The replicator effect shimmered off to his right as the monitor came to life and the Federation emblem was replaced by the face of Admiral Zedo. The usual good morning greeting was truncated due to the hour but he didn't notice or care as he spoke. "Morning Admiral. I assume you are contacting me concerning our pending hearing?"

"Unless you have some other matter more important?" Zedo countered sharply, not terribly pleased by the hour but more than used to the demands on her life as an Admiral in the Fleet. "What details do I need to be apprised of?" she pressed quickly.

Da`nal's jaw braced as he ignored tried to ignore the retort. "None. I read the order. Though this could all have been handled at a starbase or via subspace." Pausing slightly, "This feels more like a veqlargh hunt than this supposed inquiry. The logs and reports that were filed should have been clear as to what happened."

In agreement with Dan'al Ayren stiffened too. ~This is is like a witch hunt....~ she thought as she walked over to his desk quietly and placed the coffee next to the console discretely, without drawing attention to herself. With a supported wink, she disappeared back into their bedroom.

The rest of the conversation was short and curt as she had outlined what she was wanting and who she had directed charges against. Even though she held an administrative post, both of them were of equal rank so Da`nal, while respectful, let her know that an attack against his crew was an attack against him. That had caused her to hesitate but only slightly.

After the channel had closed he spent the rest of his morning digging through everything that had been filed. He would need to warn those to be called before the panel to prepare for a fight.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Lt Cmdr Ayren Kelan

Rear-Admiral Zedo
NPC played by Webhost


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