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Leaped without looking - Part 1

Posted on 11 Jan 2014 @ 5:54pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Civilian Capim Jothy

1,858 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: USS Achilles- Poisoned Arrow Lounge

Capim was on the transport for nearly an hour before they told him the Achilles was in view. He had seen a few dozen ships in the interim all of them looking so regal, but he had memorized the specs of the Achilles and yearned to see it in each passing shape. With a sudden revelation they were in sight. Capim had heard wondrous things about this once highly classified long range explorer. He had petitioned and paid handsomely for the rights to do it, but he was going to bring his companies finest treats to the final frontier.

Arran was behind him, the psychic projection took little energy to maintain just constant focus, like walking with hot soup, which Arran was doing at the moment. His psychic self lived to serve, but was the mirror to Capim in such a way that this reflection was brutish and mean. It had taken Capim years to make Arran socially cognizant but he hadn't worked a day in his life since then.

The ensign at the helm hailed Achilles on approach to dock, an unfamiliar voice informed him to report to the senior administrator once aboard. Capim asked who that was, but the name didn't register, it sounded Alien. With a slight tremor the craft settled into the sleek shuttle bay. The ensign asked for directions as regards to the cargo,

"Let Arran unload, just give him carts til he is finished." Capim followed his escort to his quarters, a summons sent to Rear Adm Da'Nal that he had arrived automatically. He had to get approval to install his devices, which devices, duration, compensations, it was a huge deal for Starfleet too as it meant real currency would be exchanged with Starfleet credits, something few businesses opted to do. Privatizing the entertainment sector of shipboard functions was profitable, something Capim's successful franchises proved. He sat in his quarters, his imagination racing at what he could accomplish next.

[Ready Room]

Da`nal had been informed by his ever resourceful yeoman that he had located a lounge manger of the ship and took the liberty of contacting him. As well as contracting him to operate the ships lounge facilities, of course final arrangements still needed his approval, but he was still on his way. It was no real surprise to him when the 'summons' cam in; he only smirked and thought; ~only a civilian would 'summon an Admiral.~

Rising from his chair he tapped his comm badge. =^= Mr. Jothy, meet me in the main lounge. Admiral Da`nal out. =^=

[Poisoned Arrow lounge]

Da`nal had arrived and sat at a table with a bloodwine while he awaited the new manager.

Capim hadn’t had specs or holo-images sent of the space. a wire frame model was his only real idea of what the ship even looked like. He had expected the usual Federation colors, carpets, wall panels but the Achilles was designed for sleek and efficient use of space. No panels or consoles adorned the walls, voice command was key it seemed, and holo emitters were redundant in every corner. He also noted the weapons locker at the base of each turbolift station, a ship ready for battle too it seemed.

Trying to identify where he has on the ship he was still surprised when they entered the Lounge, there was no music spilling out, or signs flashing above the entrance. Nothing to denote a special place for people to gather, or a name for memories to attach to. The corridor simply ended in a curve with a small bay window view of the stars, the double doors on the blank wall to his right opening to reveal the spacious room.

He hated it, it was textbook Starfleet and so boring it made Capim wish he had met the Admiral elsewhere first, his enthusiasm was waning at the moment. Rater than sneer at the drab decor and bland setting he tried to imagine a blank canvas for his machines and his programs to do their work. He noted the holo emitters in the lounge as well, he assumed they ranged throughout the ship. He hadn’t said much to his escort but the yeoman prompted him by a gentle ushering maneuver in Admiral Da'Nals direction.

Capim knew how to talk with Klingons, he had dealings with them and even made a few friends along the way. He knew not butcher their language by trying to speak it, he knew to be direct without disrespect or hesitation, and he knew above all else to praise Klingon beverage and cuisine whenever given a chance. He had taken an anti narcotic dose before coming to this meeting in preparation for the bloodwine. Putting on a charming smile and making his way over to Da'Nal he raised his hands on approach subconsciously indicating he approached as a friend, another Klingon trick he had learned. Give them a reason to think you were hiding a dagger and they would always assume you were.

"Admiral Da'Nal, a pleasure to meet you. I am glad you were able to see me we have much to discuss, it won’t be too long but may I get you a refill or anything else you might need before we begin? “He had approached from across the admiral’s view and stood waiting orders, he asked earnestly, knowing his every word was being measured.

His brow raised slightly has the man approached. It was rare that someone took the time to adhere to the old customs. The corner of his mouth curled slightly at the offer and wondered whether the offer was simply habit or an attempt to win him over. Waving off the offer and indicating the seat opposite him. "No need Mr. Jothy, have a seat. So have you ever been aboard a Prometheus class ship before?"

Capim took his seat without ceremony, various data padds and chips emerged from a pocket and he set them on the table before him. “I am familiar with Prometheus but have never had the pleasure.” He presented a summary plan for the basic changes he would need to systems for his equipment, along with item requests, tools and needs. He had worked with Starfleet exclusively so his requests would be suitable for them.

"Well before we get started you should know what you have to work with or might be requested to do. Obviously I would want to oversee the operation of the various lounges on the Achilles. There are three lounges, the Poisoned Arrow being the main lounge, 3 mess facilities. You should know that the aft lounge on deck 14 has been....appropriate by the ships Marines so check with them before making any alterations.

"From time to time you may be called on to prepare for various functions as needed. There is also the annual Marine Birthday celebration and you can get the details from them. You should also know that I have a small supply of live food items in the bio lab being overseen by Lt. Goodshire. As I'm sure you know most dishes can be replicated, but for a Klingon some things just have to be live and fresh. How is your cooking skills when it comes to Klingon dishes?"

Capim smiled, his culinary abilities were considerable, and the preparation of live dishes something he strived to perfect. “Gagh of course is something I had to be sure I prepared correctly during the war. Torqud Gagh is my personal favorite, they struggle the whole way down and spasm for minutes before succumbing. I have crates of them feasting on targ meat as we speak. And in case you don’t finish the meal, my Chob’a stew is worth killing over. I take the dead gagh, and where most would repack it with blood and boil it down, I mix it with live gagh and stew it all together.” Capim found himself hungered at his recollection of the spicy dishes. “I can do Bregit Lung with Grapok sauce if you give me two weeks to let the blood ferment, Prakal II mixed drinks are a favorite of mine, but the fresh targ blood is hard to get this far from Q’onos, Rokeg Pie, zilm'kach, O'mat Gri T'M pffiots with original praxus crystal stemware…” Capim listed off a few of his other famous dishes, being certain to pronounce each guttural, click on each glottal, just as his friend Toloth had taught him.

Jotting notes on his PADD, he also added dates and events. "I can also take care of cultivating livestock for the foods; I have some business with Lt. Goodshire afterwards with the installations as well." He continued to modify his Padd speaking as he did so.

“The events like the Marine party are no problem, standard fare for the services I offer. I will contact the Senior officer to get their wishes and arrangements. I have a personal replicator suite with specialized functions, so I can create a wide range of decorations, pins, uniforms etc.... I also have holo programs of a staggering variety, and multipurpose Rec room equipment that can be used for sports. I will include an appendix here with a list of recreational outlets I can offer. As far as the separate lounges I can use Arran to supervise from afar so I am not worried about dislocation, I have the contract with Starfleet to provide raw materials so I can get all three to be virtually identical in services and options. There may need to be tweaking done to various systems to accommodate the level of detail in these programs and machinery, I will consult with your sciences and engineering to submit their recommendations for the updates to you for approval.”

Passing the Admiral a PADD , Capim waited for his reaction.

Before looking at the PADD Da`nal commented. "I look forward to sampling your cooking. Except for the gagh I have had to deal with replicated dished." Shaking his head, "...Just isn't the same." Swallowing the extra saliva from his mouth watering he glanced at the PADD.

---------PADD Contents---------

---Equipment installation requests:

Specialized Replicator suite in Main lounge.

Holo-emitter in triplicate stack at Rec decks for holographic players and stadiums.

Additional holo-core in Computer matrix to accommodate data load and detailed subroutines.

Conversion Workshop- will need a workspace for the equipment, processes raw materials to be converted to matter for replicator suite.


Da`nal looked over the equipment request and pulled at his beard slightly. "The Achilles already has holo-emitters the ship. These emitters are designed to give full access to the ship by its EMH or ECH programs. These programs are far more complex than any entertainment holo program so the current emitter arrays should be sufficient for your needs. Plus the Achilles has limited space, the ships current waste handling and recycling systems should suffice as well. Specialized replicator...?" He stopped himself and gave the man some leeway.

"Tell you what; present your requests to the XO, Chief Engineer, and Chief of Operations. Give them the particulars and I will make my decision from their recommendations."



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