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CIS Debriefing-Suteyo-Part 2

Posted on 05 Jan 2014 @ 7:43pm by Lieutenant Elas Vonti & Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu
Edited on on 07 Jan 2014 @ 11:47pm

1,749 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Location: USS Achilles- Forward Lounge Poisoned Arrow
Timeline: Achilles-Earth Orbit

Most would assume this was an unwelcome act, but Suteyo found himself making decisions and thinking out of his usual context. It was as though the spaces between words spoken only in the mind had been expanded and he was now in them, watching his own thoughts. A universe swirled into being, not a white vista, rolling plains or his homeland desert, but an actual imaginary universe of thought that Suteyo felt his hand in creating. Concepts represented as planets, paradigms as solar systems, emotions were colorful exchanges of light between the vast point of the mental cosmos. He was being shown himself, and found it was beautiful.

He vaguely remembered the booth, Achilles and realized what was happening, a part of him (which he could now see forming as a thought became real) flared up in protests but the calmer aspects of himself added to the equation and he realized how rare and cathartic this experience would be. His counter-telepathy training kicked in at the realization however, a soldier couldn't turn it off and operating at the speed of thought meant his thoughts were only as fast as he was. He saw a comet and knew it to be his initiative to break the link, looking impossibly far away he saw the anomaly, a comforting presence but it didn't belong in his dreamscape.

Visualizing the comet hurtling towards this unwelcome invasion Suteyo tried to restrain it, but aspects of his own personality were just as hard to fight here as in the real world. His stubborn soldier self was determined to rid the system of the invader. Thinking sideways he realized he had another angle. He recreated it all, with no comet. In the blink between darkness and light it was destroyed and came back again. This time, things were the same but no comet... and no anomaly.

"Simply stunning. Suteyo this is by far the most imagination I have seen from any of my patients." Suteyo found himself suddenly aware of Elas observing him, his body floating non committal in the dreamspace. Without realizing he found himself tangible right by his side, the two of them tiny specks in the vast wide cosmos. Unconcerned at the intrusion, Suteyo turned to Elas and was startled to see Elas younger than he remembered, and also totally unclothed. Looking down the exact same could be said for him.

"Thought and reality are the same here by the way, you appear as your natural self, and it appears you think of yourself as young man just starting out in life." Elas knew the game, Suteyo would naturally only thought about himself and he saw the self-made image of what he wanted to be. It was rare for them to include Elas in the imagined world as well. "Suteyo, this is my therapy, I give people an opportunity to sift through the junk bins and forgotten corners of their own mind by visualizing their mental universe. That nebula over there is a confusion you have over something in your past, though it looks far away and not too impressive… see? You aren’t interested in dealing wih it, you have moved on… but the confusion remains. I have seen planetside vistas, underwater adventures, even flying in perpetual clouds over mountain tops. You can go anywhere you choose, and what you need… you will provide or discover. Its a first to be here with someone, people don't do the necessary work to create an interactive element for me, I am usually a 3rd person narrator to the whole affair. But... it still works."

Suteyo understood, his memories and life lay before him but he found he had closed the book on much of what came before. In fact as Elas helped show him he had achieved closure across a wide spectrum of issues, Capella, losses from war, losses to his person, his spirit. Stellar remnants, even Capella itself was at his beck and call. Elas found himself at a loss to explain, almost always the roots of a problem creating aberrations in performance were from past incidences, the hundreds of minds he guided through this process all followed a predictable path, a person would see their imaginations true extent, would relive a cherished memory or see a loved one, would then turn to their darkest moments, but have objectivity. Minor counseling and interference was necessary but this was almost always a self-guided process.

Suteyo had already closed the book on many issues, it wasn't his past affecting him... Suteyo knew the answer though, it was his confidence in himself, or that star cluster in a binary pattern they both suddenly saw. Elas "turned" his head to see Suteyo, "I see you dont live in the past, and you have dealt with your issues admirably. So what is it that has you broken, scrapping for substances to help you escape?"

Panic shot through Suteyo for the moment he had been dreading had arrived. He saw lightning and supernovas for thousands of light years all around but calmed himself, he was in control of himself now, the feeling of his ego laid bare before him gave him the ability to alter it by conscious effort. He relaxed and let his mind go under the gentle instructions by Elas. His own mind would take him where he needed to go, he could identify his own problems! That was the point of this, he realized in a flash. The Ullian had given him the controls over his own dreams and imagination. Suteyo felt stronger than he had when first entering the dreamspace, and knew the path to go, and to his surprise he found himself towing Elas behind him, both of them now clad in simple desert robes of red and green.

Suteyo found himself in the Cargo bay, only he was "floating" above his remembered self. Elas wasn't there but he felt his presence slowing the event down allowing for maximum viewing time. He saw the Achilles… He saw himself inspecting cargo, heard the hail to Ensign Rogers... it would happen any second now. He wasn't able to recall in sickbay but now, he could recall the taste in his mouth, the dry rub of his uniform across his shoulders... every detail. Even the sound of two small clicks as the container above him had the restraints removed, and antigrav safety disabled. He had heard it at the time but it was beyond faint, and something he didn't remember consciously. He heard the grunt of effort now, though he couldn't see who pushed it, he could see that it was moved.

He had no memory of any of this, but he watched himself look up and see the container about to fall. He also watched his memory try to arrest the fall of the two ton container and get crushed under it. Elas felt the vindication from Suteyo, it wasnt something he imagined, it was real. Someone had tried to kill him, and he knew it for a fact now. Elas felt Suteyo release a burden… it was self-doubt, his age, his career, all of it feeding into a notion that he was done in Starfleet, of no further use after they had gotten their soldiering out of him.

The scene dissolved, and they were back in the dreamscape. His confidence restored to a happy elliptical orbit with planets and small comets now flying all about. "Suteyo..." Elas was behind him, "we cant stay much longer, this taxes me severely...why do you think I was laying on cushions?" His smile was genuine and Suteyo could feel the mans heart, his intentions. Elas was a friend, he cared about everyone and Suteyo found himself deeply grateful for the help he had given. "You know Suteyo, this mental universe of yours is so telling as to what your true hearts desire is... your burden was a notion that you had been used up by an uncaring monolithic government that didn't care about you, you felt like you were being given busy work after the war and ultimately achieved your personal goals but still had your professional goals lacking.”

Suteyo said nothing. His awe over the unlikely view of the cosmos spellbinding and the emobiment of his most soul felt desire. He wanted to explore, he wanted to see what was out there and he now knew he would.

“ Your professional goals are pretty amazing huh?" Elas spoke as the universe darkened and Suteyo became a central point of light in a vast dark void. Then there was nothing.

They stayed a moment, Suteyos imagination had created a cosmos of color and designs, and it was beautiful. Even if he never got to see it again he felt privileged for having seen it, and he knew himself better than he ever had. With a breath he was back in the lounge, Elas laying comfortably on the cushions only just beginning to stir awake. He smiled sleepily, "Cant fall lower than the floor, I passed out there for a second."

Suteyo saw the the drip on the glass had only barely begun to pool, it had been a moment at best. He found the memory slipping from him, of the spectacle he had seen, but the stillness and calm within remained. He was whole again, and the memory of the attempt on his life was now solid and tangible. He knew what came next, and he was confident in his theories. He stood, as the moment had gotten awkward, he found he was unsteady at first, but there was a lightness to his step he hadn't felt in years.

Elas had taken a seat and poured himself another sip of Tranya, he spoke with a gentle tone, "Suteyo, go rest before you act on anything you might be feeling. It's important you reflect on everything you learned. And I would recommend returning the hypospray, Lt. Wendsar is truly observant, she wont say anything if it comes back unused though."

Suteyo bowed slightly from the waist, "Thank you Lt. Vonti, I find myself optimistic again ready for a new chapter of my life. I don’t what else to say but…Thank you." He saluted arm over chest and turned away slowly, deep in thought.

Elas propped his legs up on the cushion, staring at the spinning planet beneath them and awaited the next patient, thoroughly enjoying his job at the moment.

Lt. Elas Vonti

Lt J.g. Suteyo Alahanu


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