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Preparing for the fire

Posted on 20 Jan 2014 @ 8:40pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Hayley Lawson

1,658 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M11: Feet to the fire
Timeline: 0643

Da`nal's mood was now soured after the call from Starfleet Headquarters. The hearings weren't unexpected but there had been something about the Admiral's tone that bothered him; she seemed to almost relish the idea of grilling his crew. He had dressed and was head to the bridge only to meet his yeoman in the lift, the man ability to anticipate things was uncanny.

"I have already sent messages to the members of the away team as well as those that had been on the bridge during the key elements of the incident."

Cocking his head slightly, "Are you eaves dropping on my messages Chief?"

The doors closed and he grinned as the lift resumed it trek to the bridge. "No sir. But were on our way to Earth...when we are normal stationed on the borders. We got tossed around a planets history, and we get a call from Headquarters by one of the more...abrasive Admiral's in the Fleet at zero-dark-thirty. Doesn't take much to figure we are heading from the frying pan and into the fire."

"Agreed..." Stepping out of the lift, Da`nal didn't continue onto the bridge but turned towards the observation lounge to await the rest of those to be questioned.

The call to the lounge was totally expected for the Chief Warrant Officer, so he grabbed the PADD containing his version of the events and made his way up from the security office. Nodding politely to those poor saps still stuck on the bridge, Mallory stepped into the lounge, and grabbed an open seat near the middle. "Admiral. I take it since we're earth-bound, that DTI is eagerly awaiting their chance to put us before another inquisition?" He asked with a grin.

Lantiq was already sat at the table when Da'nal and Mallory arrived "You know I think I preferred it when we were in the army of the Nahroo! At least you didn't get screwed over by your own side. I take it we're heading to Starfleet HQ to get our wrists slapped?"

"It appears so. Most of us will simply be interviewed to confirm the log entries. but two of the crew could be facing serious charges."

Mallory grimaced when they confirmed the facts. He'd spent enough time around DTI to know this was not going to be easy. "Better revise that Admiral. Those of us that got stuck in the past are going to be put to an inquisition, and get ready for painstakingly thorough event-recall interviews. DTI's worse than a pack of Vulcans when it comes to events that could 'potentially alter the timeline in ways we can't even begin to fathom'." He used a slightly higher tone, clearly a mimicry. "Just tell me we didn't get Commander Joahanson's team for this." Mallory asked in a concerned tone, personal experience was not an asset in this case.

From his comments it was clear that Mallory had had some experience with dealing with the aftermath of temporal violations....something to look into. "No there will be a panel of the 3 flagged officers; Vice Admiral Rittenhouse, Rear Admiral Zedo, and Rear Admiral Konin"

Lucas walked into the lounge and walked towards his seat. The room had a distinctive coolness to it and he felt like he interrupted a conversation that he wasn't supposed to be a part of. He took his seat and started to review the PADD that he had brought with him.

Oz had managed not to embarrass himself too much on the lift ride up but he was sure Ensign Logan would let he friends know who he had tried...and failed to impress her. His suspicions were confirmed as he took a seat and she continued on to put a few chairs between them.

Now that everyone was here he got straight to the point. "Due to our recent trip into the history of Dandarand 4 we have all been summoned to answer some serious concerns the Starfleet has concerning the incident. I have been assured that for most it will be no more than a validation of events. However for Lt. Mason & Lt. Jas things are much more serious. For those of us that were on the surface; think hard over the events and review your duty logs and personal logs you may have recorded for any error you may inadvertently made and prepare for some very hard questions. Same goes for those of you that were on the bridge."

Da`nal glanced from face to face and his gaze came to rest on Lieutenant Lawson. She had stepped up to assume the post of Chief Engineer following Steven's death and had not only taken the reins but gotten the ships repairs well under way. "Lieutenant Lawson, you took over as this ships Chief Engineer without hesitation. You have brought honor to yourself, and this ship and I see no reason to change the status quo now so you will remain as the Chief Engineer."

Lantiq nodded his support, Lawson had done an exception job under the circumstances.

Hayley nodded gratefully, "thank yo sir, i'll try not to let you down"

"What I need from you is a detailed report on the ships systems and how they were affected not only by being thrown back in time but how they were unable to penetrate whatever it was that was holding the ship. Be prepared to present that at the hearing."

"From what I could tell sir, the majority of he ships systems weren't effected by the time jump. The sensors and shields seemed to be the only systems effected" Hayley reported, "and as for why they couldn't penetrate whatever was holding the ship, we've seen tractor beems powerful enough to throw a starship clear out of a star system so I'm not surprised there's technology even more powerful."

Da`nal nodded, thinking to himself. ~A good point...something that should be looked into.~


Upon hearing the word "serious" associated with his name, Lucas' feeling went from fear to shame. He hung his head and didn't look at anyone. The conversation was drowned out by his thoughts of how he had come to this point. He was feeling quite sorry for himself at the moment but he didn't want anyone to know.

"The main thing to remember is to be straight forward and completely honest in your responses to the panel's questions" Lantiq reminded the junior staff "They can criticize us for our actions, they can court martial us for lying. So be truthful and give the best answer you can to their questions."

As there were no question Da`nal spoke. "Everyone is dismissed but I need Commander Lantiq, & Lieutenants Mason and Jas to remain."

At the mention of his name, Lucas jerked back to reality. He just stared at Da'nal with an empty expression.

Da`nal waited as everyone filed out and once the four of them were alone he glanced to his XO and then back to his junior officers. "Lt. Jas, by your own admission you or I should say your symbiant told he Vershani warlord that you were from another planet as well as being from the future. Not only was this was a direct violation of the temporal prime directive but put the members of the away team, that were with you, in grave danger. Unfortunately there is no way to take action against the symbiant alone so you both will have to face the consequences. I am afraid there will be little I can do, but I will do what I can. I am assigning Commander Lantiq to you as council."

She looked to the XO and nodded solemnly, "Understood Sir."

Turning back to his XO, "Commander I know we took a hell of a jolt when we arrived. See if there is anything that could have accounted for any errors in judgment, perhaps an injury of some kind."

Lantiq nodded "Understood sir, I will be contacting the Trill Embassy for input"

Turning to Mason. "Lieutenant, your were in command of the Achilles when this all occurred. You had the ships phasers altered, the only one of the ships systems able to penetrate the entities hold on the ship other than the sensors, and fired on the surface. Correct?"

"Yes, sir, that is correct, and only after considerable effort."

"And given the situation did you have any other option; other than letting the armies attack each other and possibly losing the away team?"

"No, sir," he replied, wondering where Da'nal was going with his question. "My primary duty was to the ship and her crew. I did what I thought was best in order to save the crew on the planet while balancing the needs of the prime directive. Hence the action I took."

"Da`nal nodded at the acknowledgement. "Well I placed you in command, so your actions reflect on me as well as yourself. This is while I have chosen to stand with you in this. Not only will I serve as your council but I will be making myself subject to any charges that might be brought against you."

Relief began to wash over Lucas, "Thank you Admiral."

"Good." Looking to the two Lieutenants. "You're both dismissed to prepare."

After they had left he turned to Lantiq. "I don't like this at all. This feels more like some kind of witch hunt or....what's the phrase...a fishing....?"

"Safari?" Lantiq offered, not fully sure of all the metaphors the human dominated 'Fleet used. "Do you think this incident is going to be used as an excuse to cause trouble Admiral?"

"I was contacted by Admiral Zedo; and she has a reputation for ruining careers...or at least trying to. Fortunately she is not the senior member of the panel but if she wants a fight, she'll have it."

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LtCmdr Lantiq Ryal

Lieutenant Hayley Lawson

Lieutenant Lucas Mason


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