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What, Where, When, & Why....Part 2

Posted on 27 Nov 2013 @ 9:28pm by Lieutenant JG Suteyo Alahanu & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Captain Rebecca Post
Edited on on 04 Dec 2013 @ 3:56pm

2,309 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: USS Achilles


Teresa was finishing up her notes on the last surgery she had done, when the beacon went off. Setting aside her PADD, Teresa stood and picked up her tricorder. She headed to the bed where the officer laid. "How's it going, Soldier?" She asked while she ran the tricorder over him.

“Thank you Lieutenant, I realize you have many pressing duties... I don’t know what has happened to me. My left arm and Thoracic region feel as though they are shattered."

"Do you remember anything that happened?"

Suteyo tried to sit up but grimaced in the attempt. "My battlestation is in Cargo Bay Two, I was at the door when something hit me hard enough to knock me out. I remember seeing lights and a keen pressure on my back… and then waking up here.

Laying down the tricorder, Teresa picked up his chart and noted his vitals and pain level on the padd, swiveling it into view. "I notice you're experiencing some pain. Would you like something for it?"

"Pain is just a messenger, what are my injuries?" Suteyo braced himself for the news, years of therapy would be the best case scenario he could expect. So much for the change in career, so much for adventure...Suteyo had no choice but to lay in silence while she made her scans. She had pulled the console around so he could see the damage for himself, he could decipher the icons on the screen with context, but she helped him understand it.

"Well they're not as severe as they first appeared. Your spleen was bruised and I was able to repair the tear in the liver. Your femur was crushed. You have nerve damage in your right hand. What did you try to do? Stop your fall or block the cargo from falling on you?"

"The nerve damage is old, a month old or so. My last training cruise saw a cadet decompress a Type- III Spiral coil while I was holding it. I am told it will be years before the nervous system can be regenerated."

Teresa nodded. "This is true. However, it does not mean that we can't work with it. When was the last time you've had pt with it?" She asked as she finished up the treatment. She removed the instrument and then did an exam without instruments. "Only way to really determine how you are receiving these treatments is a hands on approach."

Teresa picked up a regenerator to run over the liver. "You'll need a couple more treatments with this. We'll start PT once your leg has finished knitting. You're going to be here awhile, so you might as well make yourself comfortable."

Suteyo had heard these words, knew the agonizing course of PT that would come soon. He swallowed hard, the grit in him forcing him to deal with the news without reaction. Internally he screamed with the realization, ‘This is my seventh time crippled and broken in an ICU. Make myself comfortable?! There is no comfort in this life for me!’ Unknown even to himself his deep despair was over the perceived loss of his last chance for wonder and adventure.

“Teresa…” his voice was lower and his gaze was locked on hers, “I must remain aboard. If I am sent back or inactive for too long… I may face medical discharge, and I still have much to see and do. I can endure any task but I must remain aboard. With my other injuries, and at my age a convalescence means my career is over."

With deft skill borne of countless repetitions Teresa administered several busts of the regenerator, noting his heart rate wasn't increasing despite what had to a more aggressive and painful treatment. "Easy now, you seem to handle the treatments well enough I will talk to the CMO about onboard therapy options to get you back to light duty before too long."
The relief was immediately evident in his eyes and she stopped him with a quick warning, "But your other injuries are a factor here. Your record shows a certain reckless streak which has landed you here many times before, I am surprised you are on duty as is."

Suteyo replied coolly, "Investigations department has a different physical demand requirement, even with my leg I was able to pass, I have difficulty doing many things but am fit. I have passed my evaluations and will do so again." He spoke the last part in challenge to the unspoken question to his ability.

Teresa pressed the issue, he was going to repeat the patterns of his life, a soldier once, a a solider always for him it seemed. So he found a way to come back to active duty, but for what, more fighting? An injured veteran looking for his glorious end was the last thing a ships crew needed.
"I also know you didnt just get hit by some piece of falling cargo. I have to advise the CMO based on your case and present state whether you should return to duty. So tell me why you are here again?"

"You don't want to send a martyr to a post only to die in perceived glory." Suteyo had been here before, knew they were thinking he had a deathwish. It was so much the opposite. Suteyo knew she had pierced the veil, so much for his time in Starfleet Intelligence, she had seen right through him. "I do not have a deathwish, but you are right... I was actually investigating something odd, we had a discrepancy in manifest. I had notified Ensign Lema Rogers to meet me in Cargo Bay 2 for an explanation, we are carrying fissile material for dilithium regeneration there, but manifest was short of what was physically present. While I was performing a second count after contacting Rogers, a container was loosed, if it had struck the ground hard, it would have been a radioactive contamination for the whole deck to evacuate from. I should have notified Chief Radhe as well but it seemed trivial. I will have to brief him once I am done here surely."

Teresa relented in her scrutiny, she had thought him to be a simple brute, ready for action but this was different. "So thats why you need to stay aboard, you have no evidence but now clearly there is a problem. And you just had to throw yourself under a falling crate didnt you?" There was a bare hint of humor, and he would swear he saw a smile.

"Please leave this quiet for now Teresa, I feel there is something far greater at work, but cannot substantiate it, at best it sounds like conspiracy. I will inform Radhe of my findings, your report would be appreciated by that time. But there is more to it as well."

He felt for the locker under the bed he knew was for effects the patient was wearing, feeling cold duranium and polished Kligat Oakwood, the so named weapon was in his grasp. He pulled the Kligat from the compartment; the inscription was the first thing he laid eyes on. 'We’ Kol! Olano Baro.'

"It means ‘No Fear! Go to the Farther Shore' a quote from our ancient frontier days. 'We’ Kol! Olano Baro'. For my people this was a challenge to conquer the unknown. Admiral Leonard Akaar had always insisted it would one day mean for Capella what it does for everyone else in the Federation: 'To Explore Brave New Worlds.' This is the career I always wanted but never had, and now I don't care what path brought me here, I am here and will not retreat."

Teresa was unsure of what to make of this strange case. It might have been a simple cargo mishap, or was it more? She would report the entire exchange without offering credence to his notions, it was a Tactical matter, not hers to decide. If there was a problem on board it needed to be dealt with immediately however. "I will make my report to Lieutenant Har'Tar and let her know what you have told me. rest for now... do you think there is a risk to you on-board, we can post security?"she asked subtly probing for indications of paranoia or hysteria.

Suteyo slightly shook his head, it was an impromptu move if even intentional that felled him. "No, but thank you. Just let me know what the CMO decides when a decision is made. Please waste no more time with me I know you must move on to the other patients.

With a nod Teresa bade a farewell and moved to the next call, Suteyo ran the incident over and over in his mind. He saw it tip, directly above him, two thousand kilos of highly radioactive material in an anti-grav suspension, dozens of fragile indicators and warnings for handling. Without thinking he had just tried to catch it, knowing he was dead either way...


"Sir," the officer at Operations reported, jolting Lucas from his thoughts about the situation. "There are reports of people trying to beam down to the planet, but apparently the transporters aren't working. Now it seems people are going to attempt to launch a shuttle."

"No one has been authorized to leave this ship," Lucas said. "I'm not going to charge head long into a situation without knowing what is going on. Sending people in blind could endanger more people and the ship." With communications out and now transporters, they were being left with fewer and fewer options. "Lock down the shuttle bays, no one is going to leave this ship without my authorization."

[En-Route to the Bridge]

Whilst en-route to the bridge with her two escorts Rebecca figured that it was probably about time she found out what the situation was after her people had 'encouraged' her to go down to sickbay in the first place. She tapped her commbadge.

=A= Post to Velez, SitRep =A=

His head lifted as the call came in and he tapped his badge to reply. =^= Good to hear from you Ma'am, things are calming down quite a bit. Emergency teams have secured key areas and others are still sweeping the ship to make sure any wounded get to the main sickbay or at least to one of the auxiliary med bays. Have you reached the bridge yet? =^=

=A= I'm on my way there now, still got those Marines you sent with me, going to try and find out what is going on. Keep our people in position or helping out until we know more. Post out. =A=

[Shuttle Bay]

After finding out the shuttles were grounded, Cammy tapped her commbadge.

=A= Ensign Valentine to Lt. Goodshire. It's rather hard to check up on the Away Team with no communications and no means of getting to Dandurand 4. Requesting permission to use a shuttle to check up on the crew."


Lt. Goodshire was at the tactical station and paused before responding. “Sir, Everything but the sensors are being blocked and I’m also picking up the same readings that were in orbit with us before we got thrown into the planets past. Launching a shuttle might be the only way to recover the Admiral.”

Lucas paused to consider all the ramifications. It was a risk, but it was looking more and more like they weren't going to get out of there doing what they were currently doing. "Permission granted, put together an away team and see if you can get to the surface to rescue the admiral and the rest of the crew."

Sure he was a bit of a kluts and with a rather embarrassing history, but he also had several deployments under his belt. Sometimes you had to take risks. “Understood, but no comms or not we can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

"I'll decide what we can and can't do, however we are in agreement. Proceed with your mission," Lucas replied more curtly than he intended.

Nodding sharply he replied to the call from the shuttle bay. “Shuttlebay you clear for departure. Avoid all contact with the inhabitants.”


The squad of Marines had arrived and were in the shuttle waiting. As usual it was a hurry up and wait situation. All their heads popped up when the call came down from the bridge and they looked to the Lieutenant.

=A="Yessir. I'll keep out of sight."=A= She stepped into the shuttle and strapped herself. in. "Here goes nothing..."

The shuttle bay door parted and the shuttle lifted off. Everything seemed normal, but as soon as the shuttle emerged from the shuttle bay that they all were blinded by a brilliant blue flash and when their vision cleared they were back in the shuttle bay.


Oz saw what had happened in the shuttlebay, both on the sensors and on the monitor he had opened and he slammed a hand on the tactical which sent a phaser blast into space. His hand shot back even as ever head on the bridge turned to him. “The shuttle was, umm, returned to the shuttlebay...” He forced a grin, “…but the phasers work.”

Rebecca and her two escorts had just been arriving on the bridge when they heard the distinctive sound of the phasers firing; unlike outside they made a distinctive sound as they left the ship. She frowned and quickened her step until they stepped onto the bridge.

"What the hell is going on?" Rebecca frowned again as she strode forward. "Who is in command?"


Ensign Cammy Valentine
Infiltration Specialist

Lieutenant Lucas Mason
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Suteyo Alahanu
Invetigations Officer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Teresa Wendsar
Medical Officer

Lieutenant Oswald Goodshire (NPC)
Science Officer

Captain Rebecca Post
Marine CO

Sgt Maj Arcenio Velez (NPC)
Marine SNCO


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