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A prison is still a prison Pt 2

Posted on 17 Nov 2013 @ 7:33pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,091 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Nahroo Dungeon


The guards had returned after the meal and taken away the plates, as before they did not speak or barely look at the prisoners.

Once they had left Lantiq shuffled over to the door way, or as close to it as he could get, pulling the chair on his shackles taut. The door was wooden, thick and heavy, banded with iron bars and had some kind of large heavy lock. There was no keyhole on the inside and no way to access the hinges either.

A further inspection of the cell discovered a foul-smelling grated hole in the floor, with a bucket of water, presumably the toilet facilites and another small hole in the ceiling, also grated and too small to climb up anyway. A gentle draft came from it, presumably from fresh air somewhere above.

He gave the walls a couple of kicks, they where mortared stone and sounded thick and strong. "Well, looks like we're not getting out anyway but through that door..." he concluded

Mallory had already noted the intake of fresh air from the ceiling grate, and the toilet "hole". The door hadn't concerned him just yet, though now it did. "Well, we can always wait till the next meal and try to overpower them. Timing would be tricky but manageable, and it'd shatter any chance of escaping peacefully. And we'd have to find a way to get out of these chains. Since none of them seem to want to talk though, we're about out of options." He commented to the other two prisoners, and thought about how to turn anything they had into weapons."

Lantiq raised his wrists to examine the shackles, they were snug fitting and secured with some kind of recessed bolt. The head was of an irregular shape and clearly needed a specially designed spanner to undo. He checked the chains links next. They were some sort of ferrous metal, hand-hammered and too thick to bend or twist apart. He followed his chain back to the wall where it was secured to a ring, set into one of the wall stones. Putting his foot against the wall he tugged on the chain, it seemed tight, but it was just one man traying. "Hmmm, maybe if we all worked on one chain at a time we could perhaps pull them free" he suggested

Da`nal nodded and moved to lend his hand to test the theory and they began to pull ate the chains.

Mallory also walked over, and timed his attempt with the other two to get it free. He was also watching the wall to see if there were signs it was reinforced in a way they couldn't see.

From the corridor Nersus watched as they prisoners pulled at their chains as a grin spread over his face. He would have enjoyed watching them waist there time but there were things that needed to be done. "Save your're going to need it..."

He stepped back as the keeper unlocked the door and he stepped in. "...The rods anchoring your chain are twice an arm length and bend in multiple directions around the stone that create the wall."

Lantiq looked sharply at the door as the warrior entered and then gave the chain another tug "Well glad to see you take security seriously" he said with a sarcastic grin and dropped the chain, giving it a kick on the way down.

The warrior's comment drew a mutter from Mallory, and he heartily wished for his phaser right about now. Which reminded him of another problem. They couldn't use any of their weapons in this time because of the temporal contamination problem. As soon as he thought of that, he groaned and listened as this person continued talking.

"I am First Sword Nersus of the Nahroo Sovereignty. I have come by order of my Sovereign to give you a choice. We face a massive force outside the city walls and you can either help us and earn your freedom. but know that if we lose this battle the Vershani will kill you in your chains."

Da`nal moved towards the man. "There were others with us. Where are they?"

Nersus looked at him questioningly. "Others? There was only one other found with you and her holiness is being tended to by Priestesses."

Da`nal turned to his XO then back to Nersus. "One of our party was a Priestess to the Goddess and there were two others. We are...gaurdians to her holiness."

Nersus's hand went to the hilt of his sword. "Do not mock me stranger!"

Da`nal stood his ground unflinching, his only option was to continue his bluff. "First Sword Nersus, ask her. Ask her if Da`nal is not her is not her protector. If I am wrong kill me, but do you want to risk offending her on the eve of battle?"

Nersus's hand fell slowly from his sword. "We shall see..." Turning to the other guards. "Bring them!"

Observing the conversation, the Intel training in Mallory was screaming, and this was a good a time as any to remind both of the problem they now faced. "Admiral, Commander. We're bound by the temporal prime directive here. We can't interfere in this unless we can prove we were already here, and I sure didn't have time to check records. As it is, we're going to have a LONG talk with DTI when we get back, and those guys make the Earth Spanish Inquisition look like party goers. We need to be extremely careful about temporal contamination." He spoke in a hurried, and soft tone that wouldn't carry forward beyond their small group.

"First things first Mr. Mallory. We would never find the others inside that cell."

Having been quiet throughout the morning Lord Father Bnor spoke up. "I'm no soldier..."

Da`nal looked back over his shoulder at him, "You are now."

"Well: Lantiq said with a smile as a guard undid their chains "I wonder what promotion is like in the Nahroo Military? Just so long as we don't get ourselves killed in the first skirmish that is!"

Once he was freed he shoved the Guard out of the way "Step aside oaf! We're in the army now!"

He waved Da'nal towards the door "Lead on Admiral" snapped off a salute, leered at the astonished guard and followed the rest out of the dingy cell.

Rear-Admiral Da`nal

LtCmdr Lantiq Ryal

CWO Mitchell Mallory

NPC's played by Da`nal


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