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Out of the Frying pan...Part 4

Posted on 08 Dec 2013 @ 5:33pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Lieutenant Naja Jas

1,313 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M10: Divine Intervention
Location: Various

[The combat pits]

On a flat plain to the east of the camp a series of pits had been dug. They were twenty feet in diameter and some four feet deep, the dirt for the pits had been piled around the edge to raise the rim to a rampart some seven feet high. The floor and walls were packed dirt, a little slippery after the nights rain.

The tribe's warriors trained in formations on the open plain but the pits were used for personal combat training; to fight duels and for sporting contests.

There were six pits in a line and in the middle, one extra, seventh, pit was set aside. This was the same size as the others, but the rampart was bigger, allowing more people to watch the combat and it was used for special matches. There was a small rasied wooden platform on the southern side, from here the High Lord and Chieftains could watch fighters in the pit below.

There was a large noisy group already assembled around the pit, when they saw the crew members approach they quietened down and observed the strangers with open curiosity as they were led over to the wooden platform.

Walking beside the crew Naja, who's mind was set back to Lodi, the first host of Jas, followed beside the others as they approached the pit. Jas memory, which was a vastness of collection of all the host it came in connect with, was trying to wrap it's mind around what Naja's eyes were seeing. She, he was wondering on several thoughts at once. Recalling any sort of fighting they had done over the course of Jas life time as they approach the pits.

'This is delightful' Lodi thought as he heard the gathered crowd quieted down as they approach.

Two more groups approached the combat pits, the first was Hahranhah and his retinue. the High Lord made his way to the wooden platform. he looked closely at Morag, the stranger appeared to have equipped himself well enough, the man even carried his sword like he knew what to do with it.

"Well stranger, we'll see if you can survive a dance in the pits!" Hahranhah said mirthlessly

Morag said nothing and waited for the battle to come.

The second group drew closer, led by Braegor, the people separated to allow them through, drawing back from the prophet and his fellow priests.

"When did we start to fear our priests?" Hahranhah wondered to himself, this was not the way of the Goddess...

Accompanying Braegor was Tarforth, the young warrior swaggered arrogantly as people saw him and cheered. "So unlike his father" Hahranhah thought sadly

Braegor arrived at the platform, holding up his hands dramatically he proclaimed "See the djinns! These evil beings whom the High Lord has welcomed into our camp!"

Hahranhah snorted and ignored the phrophet's grandstanding.

Braegor's acolytes booed and hissed, no doubt as they had been instructed to do. A couple of Hahranhah's guards started forward at this insult, but the High Lord waved them back. "Let him have his show, his words will not effect the outcome, that will be decided by steel"

He glanced again at Morag, wondering if this stranger knew that much more was at stake here than just his life and those of his companions. If the stranger was defeated Hahranhah's reputation would be seriously damaged.

Braegor was continuing his rant and now brought Tarforth foward "Behold! The brave warrior who will serve the Goddess by defeating the Djinn!"

Tarforth swagged up to the podium, drew close to Morag and glared at the Klingon "Prepare to bleed djinn! He sneered

Quoting the ancient saying of his people. "'Today is a good day to die'....but the day is not yet over."

"And when the djinn is defeated we shall burn the unreal beings! Braegor screamed and waved forward a wagon loaded with cut wood, hay and barrels of tar "Here in the sight of the Goddess that she shall see we will not tolerate djinns to walk among us!"

The Prophet's acolytes began unloading the wagon setting up three stakes and piles of tar soaked logs and hay.

Hahranhah stepped between Tarforth and Morag "Save it for the pit! Prepare yourselves, Tarforth will enter from the far side. You, stranger, will enter from here. You will touch steel in the center, then the match will commence. Neither may leave until one is cut and bleeds. If either tries to exit the pit before then my guards will cut them down! Go!"

Tarforth gave Morag a final glare and with Braegor leading the way made his way around the pit. On the far side Braegor made a great show of blessing the warrior in the name of the Goddess. Then Tarforth dropped into the pit, swinging his sword and limbering up.

"Enter the pit stranger" Hahranhah said quietly to Morag "Fight well and save yourself and your companions!"

Once the stranger was in the pit Tarforth walked slowly to the center and held out his sword at arms length, walking for Morag to approach. "Touch steel djinn, then I can kill you!" he leered

[Nahroo City gates]

The discussions had been brief and Hartar had played things perfectly, even Bnor had not fowled thing up. Da`nal, Lantiq, and Mallory were all clad in a blueish armor and rode around the howdah-like carriage on which Har'tar was riding. They were supposed to be a bit of a distraction to give the sovereign's armies time to strike.

They watched as the Sovereign led his group to their left. To their right, off in the distance, they could see the remnants of the other army disappear into the foothills. Once out of sight Da`nal cast his glance to the blue banner waving boldly in the wind. His heart ached for the battle to come but he knew the temporal prime directive was being broke. They had o find away to minimize their impact. The other soldiers with them were just as much their guards, their to ensure they follow through, as they were to protect Har'tar.

[USS Achilles]

Goodshire's head bolted from his station. "Lieutenant! Their seems to be some activity on the surface."

"I need more details that 'some activity,'" Lucas said rather curtly. His frustration about sitting up here helplessly boiling over.

"There are two extremely large groups heading off in what looks like a flanking maneuver on the encampment on the other side of the foothills from the city. Another smaller group has yet to move out but part of the away team is in this smaller force." He swallowed hard. " The rest of the away team is in the encampment."

"Damn," he replied under his breath. "Unless we take some form of action, we could lose every member of the away team." His mind began to race over the possibilities. Then an idea struck him, it was a long shot but it was probably their only chance of succeeding. "The phasers, Lieutenant," he said to Goodshire. "We need to get them operational, just one bank. I will need your assistance."

Oz looked to the others around him with equal puzzlement. ~What was he planning...~

[Vershanni Encampment]

Just as the contest was to begin a scout, riding hard, parted the crown as he came up fast near being thrown as he stopped hard. The clansmen had dropped from his mount and was running hard towards the High Lord Hahranhah. His chest heaving as he tried to report on what he had seen. Forcing his breath to slow. "My Lord....there is a delegation...riding from the city....under the banners of the High Priestess...and the Nahroo Sovereignty."

Hahranhah looked to his people, something just felt wrong. Stepping forward he bellowed his orders. "TO ARMS!"


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